The film follows Jack Hopkins (played by Michael Craig), an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss (played by Cecil Parker) is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher (Alan Hale, Jr.). The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy (Anne Helm) damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
Dr. Bonner plans to live forever through periodic gland transplants from younger, healthier human victims. Bonner looks about 40; he's really 104 years old. But people are starting to get suspicious, and he may not make 200.
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
어려서부터 똑똑했던 빅터 프랑켄슈타인은, 폴 크렘프를 가정교사로 맞아 그에게서 배우며 성장한다. 조사와 연구에 몰두하던 그는 급기야 사람을 창조하겠다는 야심을 품고, 결과를 우려하며 말리는 폴과의 사이에 깊은 골이 패이게 된다. 우수한 지능을 가진 인간을 만들겠다는 야망에 눈먼 프랑켄슈타인은 시체를 훔치거나 부위 별로 잘라내는 등 온갖 끔찍한 일을 저지르고, 자신의 실험에 대해 알고 있는 하녀 저스틴까지 죽이는 지경에 이른다.
Scripted by poet Dylan Thomas, this affecting docu-drama recalls the incendiary bombing of Coventry on 14 November 1940. The film focusses on reconstruction and morale: we see the city's rebirth through the eyes of a young local couple planning for their future, and an engineer interested in the new housing drive. This is one of several 1940s films introducing cinemagoers to the good old 'prefab'.