Doron Tsabari

출생 : 1964-03-08, Haifa, Israel

참여 작품

이스라엘 정보국 모사드의 요원 ‘레이철’. ‘레이철’은 이란의 수도 테헤란에서 외국어 교사로 일하며 타깃인 ‘파르하르’ 에게 접근해 정보를 빼돌리는데 성공하지만. 이방인이라는 이유로 작전에서 제외 당한다. “내 아버지가 또 돌아가셨어요” 의문의 전화 한 통을 남기고 흔적 없이 사라진 ‘레이철’. 전화의 수신인은 ‘레이철’의 전 상관 ‘토머스’ 이다. 모사드는 ‘토머스’와 함께 ‘레이철’의 행방을 쫓기 시작하는데…
Hanadon: Uri Avnery
Doron Tsabari has accompanied Dudu Topaz over the past five years, during which the latter realized his dream of becoming the most popular man in Israel. We see him behind the set of his show, through the ups and downs of his relationship with his wife, friends, with his children, and during his rare moments alone with his personal struggles. With Topaz, one is never certain if it is all just part of a big show that he enjoys not only starring in and directing, but also viewing from the sidelines. This is a penetrating, funny and sad film about a TV star with no limits, whose love for himself depends entirely upon the audience’s love for him, a man who has succeeded in bursting open the spirit of the times and has crowned himself a post-modern king. King of the ratings.
Shuly's Fiance
A family is waiting for Shuli's fiancé to come and propose to her. But instead of him they're getting a very different guest.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.
Underdogs: a War Story
Soccer mania hits Beit She'an, a small working-class Israeli town near the Jordanian border, when the local team prepares for their last crucial game of the season, against the rich, national champions from Haifa, exacerbating conflicts between rich and poor, small town and big city, and minorities and the ruling class.
Driks' Brother
Adventures of an Israeli soldier who is mistakenly identified as the brother of one of Israel's leading soccer players.