Dreamland Bartender
The CIA sends playboy Mike Trent to Alaska with agent Vee Langley, posing as his "nurse," to investigate flying saucer sightings. At first, installed in a hunting lodge, the two play in the wilderness. But then they sight a saucer. Investigating, our heroes clash with an inept gang of Soviet spies, also after the saucer secret.
Train Conductor (uncredited)
Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, who's actually a comparison shopper sent by another store. Steve lets her go, which gets him fired. They spend the afternoon together, which doesn't sit well with Connie's steady suitor, Carl, when he finds out, but delights her young son Timmy, who quickly takes to Steve.
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Homer Ross (uncredited)
It's 1873 and the disbanded Texas Rangers have been replaced by the corrupt Texas State Police. Steve Lanning arrives posing as a wanted outlaw to get in with them in his attempt to have them replaced. His inside work helps the Durango Kid break up the State Police raids but he is in trouble when his secret identity as Durango becomes known to them.
Port Steward / Officer Peters (uncredited)
1940년대 뉴욕. 매력적이고, 냉소적인 언어의 소유자인 선원 마이클 오하라는 우연히 미국 최고의 변호사이자 부호인 아서 베니스터의 부인 엘사를 만난다. 강도로부터 엘사를 구한 마이클은 첫눈에 엘사에게 반하고, 엘사 또한 돈 때문에 결혼한 남편과는 달리 젊은 선원 마이클을 사랑하게 된다. 베니스터가 부인을 구해준 고마움으로 자신의 지중해 항해에 마이클을 선원으로 채용하면서 세 사람의 오묘한 관계는 시작된다. 시종일관 마이클로부터 눈을 떼지 못하는 엘사와 엘사를 거부하지 못하는 마 이클앞에 두 사람의 관계를 눈치챈 베니스터의 동료 조지 그리스비가 접근한다. 그는 현재의 삶에서 도망치고 싶으니, 마이클에게 자신을 죽여달라는 부탁을 하고, 그 대신 5천 달러를 주겠다는 거래를 한다. 그리고 자신은 소리 소문 없이 사라져 주겠다는 것. 평소 이성적이던 마이클도 엘사와의 사랑에 눈이 멀어 그의 거래를 받아들 이기로 하는데... 그러나 사라지기로 한 그리스비가 시체로 발견되고, 마이클은 살인혐의로 기소된다. 베니스터는 자청하여 마이클의 변론을 맡게 되는데...
The Porter (uncredited)
피터 보그다노비치가 “가장 묘하게 시적인 범죄스릴러 가운데 하나”라고 말한 는 자크 투르뇌르의 대표작일 뿐만 아니라 필름 누아르의 역사를 통틀어 최고작 가운데 하나로 꼽힐 만하다. 어느 한적한 마을에서 주유소 일을 하고 있는 제프에게 한 남자가 찾아온다. 그 남자는 과거에 사립탐정이었던 제프를 고용했던 휘트의 하수인이다. 예전에 제프는 휘트로부터, 자신에게 총을 쏘고 4만달러를 가지고 달아난 아내 캐시를 찾아서 자기한테 되돌려달라는 제안을 받았지만 그 여자와 위험한 사랑에 빠진 적이 있었다. 그렇게 지나갔던 과거가 이제 제프의 삶에 다시 어두운 그림자를 드리우기 시작한다. 제목에서 드러난 대로 는 결코 달아날 수 없는 과거에 발목 잡힌 사람들, 그러면서도 영속적인 도주의 상태를 꿈꾸는 사람들의 운명을 복잡한 내러티브와 빼어난 비주얼로 포착해낸다. 아마도 위험한 것에 대한 매혹과 그로 인한 운명의 길을 이처럼 매혹적으로 그린 영화는 영화사상 그리 많지 않을 것이다.
Guard Checking Cake
A beautician and her crooked boyfriend attempt to rob the bookie operation located in the back room, but when the plan goes wrong, they frame an innocent man.
Broadway star, Sheila Page, shoots Barney, her murderous husband on New Year's Eve. She flees her apartment and goes to her producer, John Friday. When she arrives, it is New Year's day, a year earlier. She has been given the chance to live life over and correct the errors of the past only to find that the end will be the same although the path will be different.
Webster (uncredited)
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
Building & Loan Customer (uncredited)
조지 베일리는 베드폴드 마을 사람들을 위해 평생을 봉사하며 살아온 인물. 그는 항상 여행을 원했지만 마을 전체를 인수하려는 구두쇠 포터의 계략을 막기 위해서 그 기회를 버릴 수 밖에 없었다. 그를 저지하기 위해 그와 그의 아버지가 만든 대출회사는 애를 쓰지만, 크리스마스 이브에 빌리 삼촌이 사업비 8000달러를 은행에 예금하려던 중 돈을 잃어버린다. 포터는 돈의 위치를 알아내고 이를 숨긴다. 조지는 책임을 떠안고 감옥에 구속되고, 회사는 파산한다. 마침내 포터는 도시를 인수한 것이다. 사랑하는 아내, 자식 그리고 마을 사람들을 생각하며 조지는 자살을 생각하지만, 그의 앞에 수호천사 클라란스가 나타나는데...
Mystery writer Marian Carstairs is hard at work trying to finish her latest novel. Her three children meanwhile are entertaining themselves by trying to solve a murder in their own neighborhood. In between gathering clues, the kids play matchmaker by trying to fix up their widowed mom with the handsome detective investigating the case.
Cop (Uncredited)
Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?
Deputy Allen (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
Policeman (uncredited)
A young Navy sailor has one night to find out why a woman was killed and he ended up with a bag of money after a drinking blackout.
Train Conductor (uncredited)
While on vacation, the Falcon is arrested for kidnapping after striking up a friendship with a girl who's nurse has been recently murdered.
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Policeman (uncredited)
귀족 가문에서 자란 조지 앰버슨은 오만하고 자부심이 강한 청년이며, 유진은 자동차 업계에서 성공하여 딸 루시와 함께 살고 있는 홀아비다. 조지의 어머니 이사벨은 남편이 죽자 옛 연인 유진과 다시 사랑에 빠진다.
Detective Taking in Hixby (Uncredited)
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Policeman Passenger (uncredited)
Joe Smith is an ordinary American family man who works in an aircraft factory. Shortly after being a promoted to a much higher position, Joe is kidnapped by enemy agents who are determined to get military secrets out of him by any means possible. Will Joe keep quiet or betray his country...
Number 10 in the Blondie series, Blondie Goes to College is predicated on the notion that Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) must receive a college diploma or lose his job with the Dithers Construction Company. Not wishing to be separated from her husband, Blondie (Penny Singleton) enrolls in college as well. But Leighton College rules stipulate "No Married Couples", forcing Blondie and Dagwood to pretend that they're not married. This causes quite a dilemma when coed Laura Wadsworth (Janet Blair) begins flirting with Dagwood and Rusty Bryant (Larry Parks) does same with Blondie. And Blondie's discovery of a very pleasant secret threatens to expose her and Dagwood's marital status too. The student body at this particular seat of learning is comprised of quite a few familiar faces, including Lloyd Bridges, Sid Melton, and Adele Mara.
Detective (uncredited)
A young promoter is accused of the murder of Vicky Lynn, a young actress he "discovered" as a waitress while out with ex-actor Robin Ray and gossip columnist Larry Evans.
Man on Train
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Truck Driver (Uncredited)
1920년대, 유명한 쇼 제작자 지그펠드의 무대에 서는 것은 브로드웨이 드림을 안고 뉴욕으로 온 수많은 젊은이들의 꿈이다. 그 무대에 서는 세 명의 코러스 걸들의 운명을 따라간다.
Politician (uncredited)
1940년 뉴욕 인콰이어러지를 비롯, 수 많은 신문들의 발행인이었던 찰스 포스터 케인이 죽는다. 그는 당시 70세로 세계에서 손꼽히는 부자였으며, 죽음 직전에는 플로리다의 대저택에서 은둔 생활을 하고 있었다. 생전에 많은 정치인과도 친분을 맺고 있었고, 미국 정책에 막강한 영향력을 발휘하기도 했던 그는 자신에 대한 여러 얘기들에 대해 "나는 현재 미국인이고 과거에도 미국인이었으며 앞으로도 항상 미국인일 것이다"라고 일축하곤 했다. 잡지 편집장 록스톤은 그의 죽음을 취재하고자 기자 톰슨에게 케인이 죽기 전에 말했다는 장미꽃 봉오리가 무슨 뜻인지 알아오라고 한다. 톰슨은 케인의 주변 인물을 샅샅이 취재하기 시작하는데...
Fourth Motorcycle Policeman
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
Mob Member
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
Policeman (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien is an aspiring ballerina in a dance troupe. Also in the company is Bubbles, a brash mantrap who leaves the struggling troupe for a career in burlesque. When the company disbands, Bubbles gives Judy a thankless job as her stooge. The two eventually clash when both fall for the same man.
Oil Man (uncredited)
McMasters and Sand come to oil towns to get rich. Betsy comes West intending to marry Sand but marries McMasters instead. Getting rich and losing it all teaches McMasters and Sand the value of personal ties.
Detective (uncredited)
In the American oilfields, a fugitive from justice's destiny is intertwined with the fortunes and the misfortunes of a small oil company that hires him as a roughneck.
Bailiff (uncredited)
Wall Street broker Robert Cain, Sr., is jailed for embezzling. His college graduate son Bob then turns to crime to raise money for his father's release. As assistant to mobster Mickey Dwyer, then falls for Dwyer's girl Lucky. He winds up in the same prison as his father.
Confederate Sentry (uncredited)
Union officer Kerry Bradford escapes from a Confederate prison and races to intercept $5 million in gold destined for Confederate coffers. A Confederate sympathizer and a Mexican bandit, each with their own stake in the loot, stand in his way.
Guard (uncredited)
톰 조드는 감옥에서 막 출소하여 어머니와 가족이 있는 곳으로 돌아온다. 어쩌다 싸움에 휘말렸다가 실수로 사람을 죽여 4년을 복역한 뒤 가석방된 것이다. 하지만 돌아온 현실은 어둡기만 하다. 지독한 가뭄 그리고 거대 회사와 은행 빚에 쪼들리다 못해 가족은 쫓겨나기 직전이다. 마침내 톰 조드의 가족은 일자리가 넘친다는 낙원의 땅 캘리포니아로 이주를 결정한다. 고물 트럭에 삼대가 모두 타고 길을 떠난다. 한때는 마을의 존경받는 목사였으나 지금은 걸인이 된 케이시도 그들과 함께 간다. 하지만 우여곡절 끝에 도착한 그곳은 듣던 것과 다르다. 여기도 악독한 농장주들이 폭력과 술수를 동원해 배고픈 하층민들을 갈취하고 있다. 톰 조드는 이 모든 과정을 겪으며 사회를 보는 새로운 눈, 사회 개혁 의지를 갖게 된다.
Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.
Joe - Detective with Ragan in New York (uncredited)
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
Baggage Man (uncredited)
Not even the joys of parenthood can stop married sleuths Nick and Nora Charles from investigating a murder on a Long Island estate.
Policeman (uncredited)
프랑스에서 정전협정이 조인된 후, 미국 병사 세 명이 그들의 미래에 대해 고심한다. 에디 바틀렛은 예전의 직업인 차 수리공을 할 수 있을 거라고 굳게 믿고 있으며, 한때 술집 지배인을 했던 죠지 할리는 최근에 제정된 금주령 같은 건 안중에도 없다. 또한 법대생이었던 로이트 하트는 법 공부를 계속할 계획을 갖고 있다. 하지만 그들이 돌아왔을 때 미국은 많이 변해있다. 에디는 실업자들이 넘쳐나는 통에 차 수리공 자리는 얻지도 못하고 할 수 없이 택시를 운전하게 된다. 어느 날 에디는 나이트클럽 여주인인 파나마 스미스 앞으로 가는 밀주를 배달하다가 경찰에 체포되지만 파나마에게 불리한 증언을 하지 않는다. 파나마는 고마움의 표시로 에디가 밀주업에 참여할 수 있게 도와준다.
Fisherman (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
State Trooper (uncredited)
A fugitive from a chain gang becomes an oil-well firefighter and meets the man who framed him.
Policeman on Train (uncredited)
Detective Guy Johnson's client, Willie Heywood, is framed for murder. While Guy hides him so he can catch the real killer, both of them are nabbed by the police, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail: Guy for a year with Willie to be executed. On the way to jail, Guy comes across a clue and escapes from the police.
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Detective (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Motorcycle Cop
Heiress Nancy Crocker Fleming will only receive her inheritance if she marries a "plain American." Her late father was afraid a foreign gigolo would steal her heart and money. So Nancy pays Tony Anthony, working on a WPA road project, to marry, then divorce her. When Nancy inadvertently drives off with Tony's dog, Tony seemingly kidnaps her to retrieve the pooch, which leads to a cross-country race between the two to reach Reno and the divorce court since neither one wants to be the second to file papers.
Small Boat Captain (uncredited)
An heiress takes a job as a department store clerk.
A faded star is suspected of killing a studio executive.
Bart - Express Driver
In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
A movie actor playing a detective gets carried away with his role and starts trying to solve real-life crimes.
Peasant (Uncredited)
In the face of rebellion in Russia, Czar Alexander II sends soldier Michael Strogoff 2,000 miles away, with a critical message for Grand Duke Vladimir. On the train journey, Michael befriends a traveler and comes into contact with a mysterious spy, who both unexpectedly aid him in his quest. Once behind enemy lines, Michael is near his hometown and his mother, whom he must avoid in order to fulfill his mission.
Guard Escorting Kwong to Gallows (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
Agent Stevens (uncredited)
Investigators set out to capture a gang of thieves transporting stolen cash through the U.S. mail.
A conscientious attorney who is a member of the State Parole Board, finds his own son, using an alias, up for parole and makes the decision to cast the approving vote.
Patrolman (uncredited)
A California Highway Patrolman gets involved with a smuggling ring.
Bit Role
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
Second Deputy (uncredited)
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
Government Agent (uncredited)
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
Studio Workman (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
Detective (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
Death Row Guard (uncredited)
Brash hoodlum Tom Connors enters Sing Sing cocksure of himself and disrespectful toward authority, but his tough but compassionate warden changes him.