Brian Martin
대학 입학을 앞두고 가족과 함께 한여름 바닷가의 별장을 찾은 순진한 소년 더그는 옆 집의 치명적인 매력을 지닌 여인에게 시선을 빼앗겨버린다. 폭우가 쏟아지던 밤, 도움을 청하는 그녀의 유혹에 빠져 위험한 밀회를 시작한다. 아슬아슬한 만남을 이어가던 중 그녀는 자신에게 집착하는 남편과 몸싸움 끝에 우발적인 살인을 하게 되고, 이 사실을 더그에게 알리는데…
Beliar (as Dave Sherrill)
The Watchers, a group of fallen angels, walk among the earth disguised as humans, torturing their vessels. In the hunt for prophetic truth, three strangers are put on trial for their past sins, and are forced to fight for survival in the face of an ancient evil. But in the war between heaven and hell, how do you kill what is already dead?
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Ray Vanowen
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Widowed mother Mildred must suddenly redefine herself and find an outlet for her nurturing side when her adult daughter moves out of the family home. Though Mildred thinks she's found her purpose when her neighbor, overworked single mother Monica, asks her to look after her little boy, she has great difficulty learning to strike a healthy balance between giving selflessly to others and remembering to take care of herself.
Lance (uncredited)
외계 생명체가 보낸 신호를 찾는 천문학자인 제인 지민스키는 어느날 전파 망원경으로 45초에 걸친 이상한 신호를 포착하고 외계인의 신호라고 보고하지만, 상부에서는 철저하게 무시한다. 지구에서 보낸듯한 또다른 신호를 따라 멕시코로 간 그는 지구 식민지를 세우려는 외계인들의 기지를 발견한다. 하지만 그는 혼자이며 주변의 어느 누구도 믿을수 없는 상황에 놓이고 마는데...
A young woman who inherits her late father's estate and business finds others are conspiring against her.
아름다운 금발에 빼어난 몸매로 고교 치어리더들 중에서도 돋보이는 킹카인 버피는 자신이 운명적으로, '흡혈귀 제거자'로 낙인 찍혀 있음을 알고 있지만 이러한 사실을 원하지 않는다. 현실의 학교 생활을 너무도 좋아하는 버피는 태어날 때 어께에 찍혀 있던 흡혈귀 제거자의 표시를 없앤 지 이미 오래다. 그러나 세상일이야 어떻게 돌아가든 관심이 없던 버피는 뱀파이어들이 사람들을 계속 공격하자 마음이 흔들리기 시작한다. 결국 버피는 뱀파이어 해결사 스승을 모시고 지도 받으며 체력을 연마하게 된다. 이때부터 흡혈귀를 없앨 궁리만 하던 버피는 계속 뱀파이어를 물리치며 승승장구 하게된다. 그러던 어느날...
A man who is immortal can bring his wife back from the dead temporarily by killing young women. But his latest would-be victim may be a problem.
Randy Barton
A police deputy in a small town grows more and more disgusted with the rampant corruption and brutality practiced by the sheriff and his fellow officers.
Ellie DeWitt and Janis Zuckermann are admitted to the very strict FBI Training Academy. They get a hard course, in which they learn to deal with guns and to recognise crimes. They also get a physical training. It appears that Ellie is a real fighting- machine, in contrast with Janis, the great student. They have to help each other, all the way to graduation.
Helicopter Pilot
소련군의 아프가니스탄 침공 시, 아프간 바나란군인 무자하딘 게릴라들과 전투와중에 소련 탱크 한 대가 행로를 이탈하여 고립되게 된다. 이 소련 탱크는 아프간 사막을 가로질러 부대로 복귀하려고 하지만 너무도 잔혹한 기갑 장교의 만행으로 남편과 가족을 잃은 아프간 반군의 끈질긴 추격이 계속되면서 피 터지는 싸움이 계속된다. 한편, 소련 탱크 내에는 철학도인 코버첸코라는 청년이 타고 있었고, 그는 광폭하고 잔인한 탱크 지휘관 다스칼이라는 인물과 항상 의견 다툼 끝에 사막에 버려지게 된다. 허허로운 사막의 뙤약볕 아래의 바위에 묶어 놓고 가버린다. 그것은 둘 중 하나 야생동물의 밥이 되거나 복수심에 불타 좇아오고 있는 적, 아프간 민병대의 손에 처참한 죽음을 맞거나 하는 경우 밖엔 없는 가혹한 형벌이었다. 그러나 아프간 반군 지도자인 타이는 버려진 고버첸코를 죽이지 않고 전쟁 중에 획득한 소련 탱크 포를 주며 자신들의 편에 서서 싸우게 만든다. 이제 코바첸코는 자신을 버리고 비인간적인 살상행위를 일삼는 맹목전인 살인마인 자신의 조국, 상관을 죽이기 위해 적군과 동행하며 사력을 향해 그를 뒤쫓는다. 전쟁은 국가도 이념도 없이 단지 인간 존재의 기본 이념만으로 목숨을 걸고 싸우는 아비규환만이 남았을 뿐이다.
Danny Boy
돈과 명예에 약한 속물 미녀를 데리고 바람둥이 윈스턴이 졸업축하 파티에 간다. 가는 길에 빈민구역에서 길을 잃고 온갖 지저분한 사건들에 휘말리는 그들. 뒷 골목에서 술이 깬 다음에야 돈과 여자와 아버지의 스포츠카까지 잃어버린 것을 깨닫는 윈스턴. 지루하지는 않은 전형적인 10대용 코미디.
Three spoiled college girls are held responsible for a handicapped boys death.
아리조나주의 시골인 브룩스에 바가트가 이끄는 일당이 검은 가스텀차를 타고 나타나 행패를 부린다. 같은 시간, 신비의 힘을 가진 라이더 제이크가 이 마을로 들어와 길을 묻다가 아름다운 소녀 캐리를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 제이크는 곧 캐리가 바가트의 애인이라는 것을 알게 된다.
Craig Divine
A group of middle-aged men want out of their marriages, so they hire an ex-mercenary to do the dirty work. Before long, everyone wants in on the action, and the wives of a sleepy coastal town find themselves on the endangered gender list.