Gabriel Carrer

참여 작품

악의를 위해서
싱글맘인 로미나는 과중한 업무에 시달리는 간호사다. 핼러윈 날 밤 야간 근무를 마치고 돌아온 집에는 절망에 빠진 미치광이 크리스가 인질인 앨런을 붙잡고 숨어 있다. 예상치 못했던 난폭한 침입자들이 동네로 몰려와 로미나의 집을 포위한다. 집에 갇힌 세 사람은 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있는 유일한 방법은 다른 사람들처럼 난폭해지는 것이라는 것을 깨닫는다.
악의를 위해서
Production Design
싱글맘인 로미나는 과중한 업무에 시달리는 간호사다. 핼러윈 날 밤 야간 근무를 마치고 돌아온 집에는 절망에 빠진 미치광이 크리스가 인질인 앨런을 붙잡고 숨어 있다. 예상치 못했던 난폭한 침입자들이 동네로 몰려와 로미나의 집을 포위한다. 집에 갇힌 세 사람은 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있는 유일한 방법은 다른 사람들처럼 난폭해지는 것이라는 것을 깨닫는다.
악의를 위해서
싱글맘인 로미나는 과중한 업무에 시달리는 간호사다. 핼러윈 날 밤 야간 근무를 마치고 돌아온 집에는 절망에 빠진 미치광이 크리스가 인질인 앨런을 붙잡고 숨어 있다. 예상치 못했던 난폭한 침입자들이 동네로 몰려와 로미나의 집을 포위한다. 집에 갇힌 세 사람은 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있는 유일한 방법은 다른 사람들처럼 난폭해지는 것이라는 것을 깨닫는다.
악의를 위해서
싱글맘인 로미나는 과중한 업무에 시달리는 간호사다. 핼러윈 날 밤 야간 근무를 마치고 돌아온 집에는 절망에 빠진 미치광이 크리스가 인질인 앨런을 붙잡고 숨어 있다. 예상치 못했던 난폭한 침입자들이 동네로 몰려와 로미나의 집을 포위한다. 집에 갇힌 세 사람은 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있는 유일한 방법은 다른 사람들처럼 난폭해지는 것이라는 것을 깨닫는다.
악의를 위해서
싱글맘인 로미나는 과중한 업무에 시달리는 간호사다. 핼러윈 날 밤 야간 근무를 마치고 돌아온 집에는 절망에 빠진 미치광이 크리스가 인질인 앨런을 붙잡고 숨어 있다. 예상치 못했던 난폭한 침입자들이 동네로 몰려와 로미나의 집을 포위한다. 집에 갇힌 세 사람은 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있는 유일한 방법은 다른 사람들처럼 난폭해지는 것이라는 것을 깨닫는다.
Death on Scenic Drive
A young woman named Larissa, encounters an entity that transforms her into death itself, and reins a violent storm against Dallas Henson and the family that resides there.
Death on Scenic Drive
A young woman named Larissa, encounters an entity that transforms her into death itself, and reins a violent storm against Dallas Henson and the family that resides there.
더 디몰리셔
Bruce is a repairman tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife Samantha, an ex-policewoman. Bruce’s increasing hypersensitivity to the injustice suffered by his wife steers him down a dark path of vigilantism. His disintegrating mental health, paranoia and overwhelming sense of doom causes Bruce to channel his rage towards a young woman.
더 디몰리셔
Bruce is a repairman tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife Samantha, an ex-policewoman. Bruce’s increasing hypersensitivity to the injustice suffered by his wife steers him down a dark path of vigilantism. His disintegrating mental health, paranoia and overwhelming sense of doom causes Bruce to channel his rage towards a young woman.
In The House of Flies
June 1988…Summer Was Never The Same. In the House of Flies tells the story of young lovers whose lives are inadvertently changed forever. An innocent couple, Heather (Lindsay Smith) and Steve (Ryan Kotack) suddenly find themselves abducted. By whom? For what purpose? Alone, isolated and locked in an undisclosed, suburban basement, Heather and Steve find themselves pawns in a psychological, mind-game with their diabolical hosts. Surrounded by several mysterious and locked suitcases – each containing valuable clues to their very own survival - Heather and Steve must exploit what remains of their bruised intellect and depleting sanity, to escape the authority of their unidentified and brutal abductors (Henry Rollins, Ryan Barrett). From this day forward, summer was never the same
In The House of Flies
June 1988…Summer Was Never The Same. In the House of Flies tells the story of young lovers whose lives are inadvertently changed forever. An innocent couple, Heather (Lindsay Smith) and Steve (Ryan Kotack) suddenly find themselves abducted. By whom? For what purpose? Alone, isolated and locked in an undisclosed, suburban basement, Heather and Steve find themselves pawns in a psychological, mind-game with their diabolical hosts. Surrounded by several mysterious and locked suitcases – each containing valuable clues to their very own survival - Heather and Steve must exploit what remains of their bruised intellect and depleting sanity, to escape the authority of their unidentified and brutal abductors (Henry Rollins, Ryan Barrett). From this day forward, summer was never the same
Six strangers awake to find themselves the new tenants of a mysterious old house. Terrorized by insane Tiki-men in masks and taunted by their deranged captors,it soon becomes clear that only one singular action will save them: Kill.
Six strangers awake to find themselves the new tenants of a mysterious old house. Terrorized by insane Tiki-men in masks and taunted by their deranged captors,it soon becomes clear that only one singular action will save them: Kill.
If A Tree Falls
Siblings, Brad and Lisa Carpenter, along with two lifelong family friends, Will and Vanessa, set out road-tripping to an annual family reunion. They make the decision to find a place to stop and camp for the night. What ensues is a violent disturbance by six masked assailants, without motive or reason. The group find themselves living a night of psychological games and physical terror, and as morning dawns; the reality of what will come is more terrifying than anything the group could have ever imagined.