Clare Coulter

Clare Coulter

프로필 사진

Clare Coulter

참여 작품

The Hottest August
Brett Story's visionary look at New York City as it braces for an uncertain future.
Torching the Dusties
Protesters have appeared outside the gates of Ambrosia Manor. From behind strange baby-faced masks, they issue a chilling simple demand: it's time for the residents of this posh retirement home to give up their space on earth.
We Are Gold
Ten years after the tragic death of her parents in a mining disaster, Marianne returns to her hometown. She returns to GOLD, the rock band formed by her childhood friends, Kristoff and Kevin, who is the only survivor of the mining collapse. For GOLD's short-lived trio, commemorative week will slowly drag them into shocking and confusing areas.
An iPhone obsessed gym-rat overdoses on a muscle relaxant and makes an unlikely connection with a stranger.
Cross My Heart
La grand-mère
12-years-old Manon promises her younger brother, Mimi, that they will stay together, despite their difficult family circumstances and the ominous signs of being put into foster care. During the height of Quebec's FLQ Crisis in 1970, they stage their own rebellion by kidnapping an elderly woman and hiding her in the country, aided by their two cousins.
When Sam, a woman mired in regret, goes to visit her aged parents, the disappearance of her mother's pet bird threatens to unravel her tenuous hold on life.
The Argument (with annotations)
What begins as an enquiry on things that mean other things itself becomes a thing that means other things, too. And whatever exactly that thing is, the latest by one of Canada’s most ingenious auteurs is another astounding feat of cerebral and cinephilic dexterity.
Coast to Coast
Barnaby and Maxine Pierce, an embattled married couple in Connecticut, are on the verge of divorce. Their son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way, as they visit family and friends, they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement.
Saint Monica
Saint Monica centers on a young girl named Monica, whose fervent desire is to return to the Toronto church with which she grew up. Determined to play an angel in its annual Christmas procession, Monica steals a pair of wings and prepares to join the rest of the cast. Complications arise when an eccentric old woman steals them back.
촉각, 미각, 청각, 후각, 시각의 오감과 다양한 등장인물의 삶을 중심으로 심오하고 친밀한 인간관계를 찾아가는 신랄한 드라마. 이 영화는 언론과 사람들의 관심을 불러일으키며 사라진 한 아이의 실종기간인 사흘 동안 긴박하게 전개된다. 이러한 극적인 배경 뒤로 아이가 사라졌던 공원 건너편의 빌딩에 살고 있거나 그곳에서 근무하는 등장인물들의 개인적인 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 러스, 레이첼, 로버트, 로나, 리차드, 이 다섯 명은 각각 자신의 진정한 욕망을 푸는 매듭을 찾아나간다. 그들은 모두 특별한 경험을 통해 진실한 의미의 오감을 하나씩 알아간다. 사라진 여자 아이에 대한 이야기가 끝나갈 무렵 다섯 명 등장인물들의 이야기도 끝나간다. 이 영화는 인간 관계를 통해서만 세상과 연결될 수 있는 우리 자신의 모습을 비춰준다. 사랑과 삶에 있어서의 믿음에 대해 이야기하는 영화. '99 깐느 영화제 감독주간, 99 부산국제영화제 초청작
요술쟁이 아나벨
Ms. Bramble
공원 꽃마차 마부이자, 무명 오페라 가수인 아빠, 오빠 찰리(Charlie Greening: 프란시스 카프라 분)와 셋이 살아가고 있는 귀엽고 깜찍한 소녀 아나벨(Anabel: 마라 윌슨 분). 모든 게 다 행복하지만 아나벨에게는 엄마처럼 자신을 감싸주고 지켜주는 수호 요정을 갖는 꿈이 있다. 수호요정이 있었으면 좋겠다고 소원을 빌며 잠이 들려는 아나벨 앞에 마치 꿈처럼 벽장에서 요정이 나타난다. 하지만 이 수호요정은 마음씨 좋게 생긴 할머니가 아니라 조금 모자라 보이는 머레이(Murray: 마틴 쇼트 분)란 남자다. 더군다나 머레이는 초보요정인지라 아나벨 앞에서 보여주는 요술도 실수 연발이다. 아나벨은 머레이에게 아버지를 유명한 오페라 가수로 만들어 달라고 부탁한다. 머레이는 흔쾌히 아나벨의 소원을 들어주겠다고 한다. 임무수행을 시작한 첫날, 찰리의 장난으로 요술봉이 부러지고, 아빠 주위를 서성이며 호시탐탐 기회를 노리지만 초보 요정 머레이는 말썽과 소동만 부린다. 그리고 급기야 머레이가 요술을 잘못 부리는 바람에 아나벨의 아빠가 동상으로 변해버리고 만다. 이제 아빠를 다시 되돌아오게 할 수 있는 유일한 방법은 자정 전까지 요술봉을 고쳐 다시 요술을 부리는 것뿐이다. 요정들의 사무실에 가까스로 도착한 아나벨과 찰리, 그리고 머레이는 가까스로 요술봉을 고친다. 그러나, 요정들의 사무실은 이미 사악한 마녀 클로디아(Claudia: 캐서린 터너 분)가 요정들의 요술봉을 모두 빼앗아버린 상태다. 머레이와 아나벨은 어렵게 요술봉을 고치지만 클로디아에게 다시 요술봉을 빼앗기고 만다. 이때 요정 사무실 한 쪽에 숨어있던 찰리의 기지로 클로디아를 따돌린 아나벨 일행은 동상으로 변해버린 아빠에게로 달려온다. 하지만 간발의 차이로 시각은 이미 자정을 넘어버린 상태. 이렇게 시간이 넘어버린 상태에서는 머레이의 요술도 통하지 않는데.
The Shamrock Conspiracy
Mae Dillon
A retired Scotland Yard detective gets involved in a serial killer investigation whilst in New York.
When Night Is Falling
A prudish woman working on tenure as a literacy professor at a large urban university finds herself attracted to a free-spirited, liberal woman who works at a local carnival.
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
Alice Curtis
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
The Marriage Bed
Margaret Neilson
Linda Griffiths stars as very pregnant Annie Graham, who's about to give birth to her third child in seven years. Annie looks back via flashbacks at how her own plans for a career got sidetracked and how her marriage suddenly went off the rails on a crazy train. At the same time she's trying to cope with a Christmas season full of inlaws, family and neighbours.. and a husband who's gone awol in order to 'find himself'.
Terminal Choice
Nurse Barton
A patient in an hospital dies under mysterious circumstances. The attending doctor Frank Holt gets under suspect - he'd been fired already from his last position due to malpractice. For his defense he investigates with help of doctor Anna Lang. Soon they find out that half of their colleagues were betting on the patient's diagnosis - was someone trying to increase his chances? But when Frank's friend, dissector Mary Connor, becomes deadly sick, he suspects there's even more to it.
The Wars
Robert Ross (Brent Carver) lives a protected adolescence in a well-off Toronto suburb. Secretive and withdrawn, he shares his thoughts only with his sister Rowena (Anne-Marie MacDonald) who is mentally disabled. He feels compassion for his weak and conventional father. He avoids any confrontation with his mother (Martha Henry), a dominating woman whose despondency at having given birth to a handicapped child has turned to bitterness. Rowena occupies a central position in Robert's existence of daydreams and make-believe. When she dies, Robert clashes openly with his family, and decides to take himself in hand. It's 1914. He enrolls in the Canadian army, and, after training in Alberta and Montreal, he finds himself in England and France. The war becomes another way for him to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions--his wars.