Christina Orow

참여 작품

쥴리의 육지 대모험
Mertle the Turtle (voice)
귀요미 상어 ‘쥴리’(이영아)와 엉뚱 먹보상어 ‘빅’(김병만)은 둘도 없는 절친! 어느 날 사람들이 나타나 ‘쥴리’의 어린 동생들을 잡아가 버린다. 우연히 자신이 육지에서도 숨쉴 수 있는 특별한 능력이 있다는 사실을 알게 된 ‘쥴리’! ‘쥴리’는 바다 친구들의 걱정을 뿌리치고 동생들을 구하러 육지로 떠난다! 이 소식을 들은 먹보상어 ‘빅’은 ‘옥토 아저씨’(류담)가 발명한 로봇을 타고 ‘쥴리’를 돕기 위해 육지로 향하는데… 과연 ‘쥴리’와 ‘빅’은 동생들을 구출하고 무사히 바다로 돌아올 수 있을까?!
Los dan Faun
Executive Producer
Los and Faun are close friends who comes from a very poor family in Melaka. Carlos Rodrigo and Ahmad Faun Bin Sulaiman made a decision to find their true life’s destiny in Kuala Lumpur. As soon as the reach there they start searching for their ideal job but due to Faun’s honesty they normally get into trouble and fired at the end of the day. On one particular as the owner of the shop was about to fire them the owner was complaining about how he has misplaced his wallet. All of a sudden Faun had this very strange headache and elaborated in detail where the wallet was located and surprisingly it was true. Los had a brilliant idea out of this new talent Faun has and plans to start a new business service that he will market.