Five characters in three interwoven stories confront childhood traumas in pursuit of self-redemption. They all experience a moment of grace; perhaps a turning point in each of their lives, that until now has been a constant struggle to survive. Yossi and Chris fight for love. Anna and Asaf fight for financial survival, and Elias, a Christian Palestinian who was forced to collaborate with "Shin Bet”, fights for life
An entertaining and good-hearted romantic comedy that gives a light Orthodox twist to "Romeo and Juliet".
17세기 동유럽의 독실한 유대인 공동체 마을. 전염병으로 혼란스러운 시기에 이들이 자신들에게 저주를 걸었다고 믿는 외국 침략자들의 공격이 시작된다. 침략자 우두머리는 전염병으로 죽어가는 자신의 딸을 살려 놓지 않으면 마을 전체를 쑥대밭으로 만들겠다고 협박한다. 아이를 잃고 남편에게 버림받을 지도 모른다는 불안감에 쌓인 한나는 침략자들로부터 남편을 지키기 위해 죽은 아들의 육신을 빌어 죽음의 신 골렘을 불러내게 된다. 골렘은 점점 포악해지고 급기야 침략자뿐만 아니라 주변이 모든 인간들을 학살하기 시작한다.
루시와 마사 자매는 사형제도의 폐지를 주장하며 미국 중서부의 사형집행소를 방문하고는 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 루시는 어느 경찰관의 애인을 살해한 남자가 독살 형을 당하기 직전에, 해당 경찰관의 딸인 머시를 만나게 된다. 정의가 구현되는 순간을 지켜보기 위해 그곳을 찾은 머시에게 루시는 적이나 다름없음에도, 두 사람은 서로에게 끌리고 만다. 그렇게 적대적인 마음이 호기심으로, 또, 열정적인 신체적 접촉으로 이어진다. 루시는 언젠가 자신이 이러한 활동에 뛰어든 이유를 머시에게 털어놔야 한다고 다짐한다. 살인을 저지르고 사형집행일을 기다리는 아버지를 두었기 때문이라는 것을 말이다.
Police officer Kobi Amar and his Region Commander Yehuda Neumann have been partners at the Haifa police force for years, but now, they face a critical turning point in their relationship and those of their families when one is forced to turn against the other. Furthermore, the tumultuous events of the night, following a brutal terror attack, place Kobi and Neumann's moral and professional values at stake, as well as their long dedicated friendship.
A group of friends at a Jerusalem retirement home build a machine for self-euthanasia in order to help their terminally ill friend. When rumors of the machine begin to spread, more and more people ask for their help, and the friends are faced with an emotional dilemma
평생 탈무드를 연구했지만 누구도 알아주지 않는 노교수 슈콜닉. 그럼에도 자신의 뜻을 굽히지 않고 성실히 연구에 매진한다. 반면 아버지를 뒤따라 탈무드를 연구하는 아들 슈콜닉은 학계의 전폭적인 지지를 받고 있는 유능한 학자로, 부자 간에는 늘 숨길 수 없는 미묘한 긴장이 흐른다. 그러던 어느 날, 아버지 슈콜닉에게 걸려온 한 통의 전화. 그것은 바로 학계 최고의 권위상을 수상하게 되었다는 놀라운 뉴스! 예기치 못한 소식에 아버지는 기쁨을 감추지 못한다. 아버지가 평생의 노력을 인정 받게 되었다는 사실에 누구보다 기쁜 아들 슈콜닉. 하지만 축하할 새도 잠시, 아버지의 수상을 둘러싸고 엄청난 비밀이 숨어있다는 걸 알게 되는데…! 슈콜닉 교수만 모르는 엄청난 비밀은 과연 무엇?
The year is 1964. Rachel Brener is one of 3 young Mossad agents teem who caught "THE SURGEON OF BIRKENAU" - a Nazi monster who was never brought to trial in Israel. The official reason was that he was shot to death while trying to escape from Israeli captivity in a safe house somewhere in Europe. 30 years after, the well communicated death story of the monster could be questionable, a small article appears in a local unimportant paper in a small town in Ukraine. Surprisingly the Surgeon is ALIVE and is willing to admit his crimes against the human race and especially the Jews. The 3 older x Mossad agents who are in their late 60th became aware to this unfortunate threatening knowledge. The fact was that the "Surgeon" managed to escape from his guards 30 years ago.
Aviva, a hard-working hotel cook in the small northern Israeli town of Tiberias, is on the brink of finally fulfilling her lifelong dream. For years she kept her remarkable writing abilities under wraps, until her sister, Anita, introduces her to Oded, an accomplished novelist. Immediately recognizing Aviva's talent, Oded takes her under his wing, promising to help her achieve greatness. But the journey to greatness effects her life and the lives of her family - her unemployed husband, her trouble children, her unstable mother, and primarily her sister, a funny and sensitive woman who have her own dreams. When Aviva discovered that Oded has other plans for her work, her world collapses.
Drama - Twelve-year-old Itamar has a deep passion for ice skating. However, he is slowly losing his hearing, which forces him away from his singular passion. Itamar refuses to accept his doctor`s orders and his parents` wish that he stay away from the ice rink. Enter Natalie, his new partner, who is a wild and disobedient girl. Together they struggle and grow within a complicated world of adolescence. -
The story of one woman's personal battle for acceptance, but also a portrait of a political movement that has forever affected millions of lives in the Middle East.
Daphne and her four children try to cope with the abrupt death of husband/father. As the family seems to fall apart, a sudden incident gives them a chance to heal their 'broken wings'.
On the day he is released from prison, Yisarael appears on the doorstep of the woman whose life he had changed. A weird relationship develops between the two.
On the evening of Passover dinner holiday ,a family gathering reveals the delicate relationships between parents, brothers,sisters, husbands and wives. Secrets and lies force them to understand how fragile everything is.
A brother and sister arrive alone in the new country of Israel after World War II where they hope to find their lost mother. The complexities of life with colorful characters in the refugee transit camp and nearby kibbutz makes it hard to reconcile their real lives with their deeper dream of still finding the Newland.
A drama about two families, each with a gay son. Jonathan is splitting from Miki because the more experienced Miki is playing around. Then Jonathan sees Thomas, the son and grandson of his neighbors, who is back in Israel after failing to make it as a musician in New York: Thomas is ill, detached, in search of hard drugs. Jonathan tries to connect with him. Meanwhile, Thomas's grandmother, facing old age, has become bitter, particularly toward her hard-working daughter. They worry about Thomas. A few blocks away, Jonathan's mother, brother and sister maintain their sometimes bickering relationships, watching Jonathan brave adulthood.