After twenty years in Buenos Aires, Clara returns with her husband and daughter to Tierra del Fuego, where she meets her father, with whom she is at odds. Shortly after arriving, she realizes that a pack of dogs is sowing terror.
Padre de Felipe
"마법". 마누엘은 펠리페가 나오는 꿈을 꾸기 시작하고, 꿈결에 항상 같은 단어를 중얼거린다. 해변가의 작은 마을에 사는 마누엘은 그의 친구들과 결성한 밴드에서 베이시스트를 맡고 있다. 어렸을 때부터 가장 각별한 사이였던 펠리페와 함께 곡을 써 내려가면서, 마누엘은 자신이 펠리페와 어떤 관계를 원하고 있는 것인지 고민한다. 두 소년들의 의미 모를 질문들과 노랫말 사이에 흘러들어오는 긴장감이 아르헨티나의 바닷가 위에 펼쳐진다. 주목받는 대신 조용히 무대 구석을 지키는 베이시스트처럼, '퀴어'하기엔 너무 내성적이었던 당신에게 바칩니다. 2022 시애틀국제영화제 이베로 아메리칸 경쟁부문 심사위원대상 수상.
Production Design
Martín goes jogging, but an unknown woman trips him up. The unknown woman’s husband doesn’t understand his wife’s behavior. Marín has a date but gets hurt. The woman who tripped him has a dream in which her poodle is butchered. No one understands what goes on in the mind of the other.
Following a bust-up with her girlfriend, Emilia returns from the city to her mother's village, somewhere in Patagonia. Her mother isn't overjoyed about Emilia's return, as this disrupts her peaceful existence. Emilia tries to decide how she wants to carry on with her life, but is confronted with people and feelings from her past. Bored and frustrated, or just looking for intimacy, she seduces a number of men, including her childhood sweetheart, but also falls in love with a girl at the school where she teaches gym – an obsession that distracts her from her broken heart and musings about the future. In his first feature, director César Sodero contrasts Emilia's inner restlessness with the immutability of Patagonia. He does this using images of impressive landscapes, natural dialogue and telling non-verbal communication. Surrounded by the peace and beauty of nature, inner chaos gradually gives way to acceptance and self-awareness.
Laura is spending a few days at her beach house to supervise the construction of a barbecue shed. One afternoon, she seduces the chief builder, who never returns. Over the following days, the builders continually invade her home – until Laura grows ferocious.
Chango Benavidez
A veteran boxer loses his hearing after an arranged fight. The desperate effort to continue training, the loneliness and the silence drags him to a constant fight outside the ring.
Set in the late ‘90s, in the height of the privatizations and the increase in poverty, Postman closely follows Hernán, a young man full of illusions that gets a job at the Central Post Office. There, a colleague teaches him the codes of the trade, but the harsh reality will force him to break them.
A man and a woman set out to cross the desert of Argentina on foot.
A man and a woman set out to cross the desert of Argentina on foot.
A man and a woman set out to cross the desert of Argentina on foot.
Julia works as a waitress on the night shift of the Comodoro Rivadavia casino. There, she meets Gwynfor, a customer who offers an interesting work opportunity in the oil industry. And so, what starts out as a morning appointment, résumé in hand, becomes a nightmarish journey in the middle of the arid landscape of Patagonia, a space Ulises Rosell uses with the cinematic power of a western, with the inclemency of the sun and the darkness of night ravaging the protagonists. Inspired by the stories of captive women from the 19th century,
During the War of the Falklands, an officer, a corporal and two sailors have the mission to control the strategic entrance of the Beagle Channel, dealing with a constant threat of English invasion.
El Albino
Escape from Patagonia is a gaucho-western film set in the tumultuous Patagonia of late nineteenth century. It's a story of survival, based on real facts from the personal diary of the Argentinian pioneer Francisco P. Moreno.
Kaí is a mysterious shaman who emerges from the Rio Paraná to help a poor farmer and his daughter, who are threatened by a band of cold-blooded mercenaries hired to force them to sell their land.
Juan is a 35 year old man whose hobby is bodybuilding. He works in a factory, where despite its huge and muscled physique, is mistreated by his bosses and colleagues. His biggest dream is to leave that life gray and a better life, especially owning your own gym, but has yet to collect some money. And that is, when, in the evening of another of his routine days, attends a terrible episode before which makes a decision that suddenly puts a moral crossroads.
A teenager goes to the foothills of the Andes to deal with his phobias.
Once (voice)
Checo and Once are two difficult teenagers who live and survive in Buenos Aires after a nuclear explosion with which the film begins. It turns the world to ashes, bringing incomprehensible social changes. But for Checo and Once, who are used to an uncertain existence, not much changes in this post-apocalyptic world.
Based on a real event, this is the spectacular escape of seven prisoners in 1991 from the Villa Devoto prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the process of digging a tunnel to escape, they make a bizarre and frightening discovery just as they are about to break through to freedom. One escapee promises to report their findings when they are all free and once out, he pays his debt to "the tunnel of bones,"sharing their macabre story with a local journalist, and ultimately the world.
Property Master
25년 전, 잊을 수 없는 살인사건과 말할 수 없는 사랑이 동시에 시작되었다! 벤야민 에스포지토는25년 전 목격한 젊고 아름다운 여성에 대한 강간살인 사건이 가슴깊이 새겨져 지워지지 않고, 결국 이 사건에 대해 소설을 쓰기로 결심한다. 그 기억의 편린을 쫓아 사건 당시 1970년대로 거슬러 올라가자, 자신의 상사이자 사랑했던 여린 이레네가 떠오르고, 기억 속 사건은 또 다른 비극의 시작을 예고하는데….
The path of a man to restart his life after a personal tragedy that leads him to leave the city and move to an inhospitable place that allows him to be reborn.
Franco kills a tango singer, and the weight of his guilt pushes him to search for information about his victim. His quest leads him into an unknown and fascinating world, a true and deep place where the tango is still alive, habitat of the last real and authentic bohemian artists in Buenos Aires.
A couple of friends work for a taxi driver to rob his passengers, but they feel like they're getting ripped off. They decide to plan their own robberies, but they are amateurs and things don't go too well. One of the youths, Cordoba, whose girlfriend Sandra is pregnant, just wants to get enough cash so they can leave Argentina and get to Uruguay to start a new life. He and his friends plan one last robbery, but things don't go as planned.
Production Executive
During a chess game, you will experience a rather peculiar and tense situation due to a bet.
Jugador Arrepentido
During a chess game, you will experience a rather peculiar and tense situation due to a bet.
During a chess game, you will experience a rather peculiar and tense situation due to a bet.
During a chess game, you will experience a rather peculiar and tense situation due to a bet.
Tina sings while cooking. Cooks for her daughter. But tonight Tina is left alone and that catches her off guard. She goes out to tour the city in a taxi. What is Tina looking for and what will Tina find?