Asao Sano

Asao Sano

출생 : 1925-08-13, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2022-06-28


Asao Sano was a Japanese actor. He is famous for playing the role of Tokugawa Mitsukuni on the television jidaigeki series Mito Kōmon.

프로필 사진

Asao Sano

참여 작품

The Aesthetic Salon Murders 2
Detective Kato
Iwatsuki Reiko, a writer for a weekly magazine goes on a trip to Amakusa, Kyushu with Yukitake Asami, the president of a company. Yukitake informs Iwatsuki that she has many enemies.
Shadow Hunters
In the middle of the Edo period, when the finances of the shogunate were in a desperate situation, the shogunate sent its shadow spies to each clan, who secretly planned the abolition of the clans and the seizure of their territories. The Inami clan has mastered the essence of making weapons, thus breaking the law. To protect the clan, its elders hire three "Shadow Hunters"... TV movie based on the popular manga by Takao Saito.
Family without a Dinner Table
This gripping docudrama is a fictionalized account of what could happen to a Japanese family when one of their sons shames them in front of the entire nation.
Meiso chizu
Kenzo Nabeya
The Blazing Valiant
Wahei Sakamoto
Jo has just come back to Japan for the funeral of his parents, who were killed in tribal warfare in Africa where the family had been living throughout most of Jo's life. Once the funeral was over, he missed the boat that was going to take him back home, and, because of an altered itinerary, he ends up stopping in a town for awhile -- striking up an acquaintance with a teenager and her grandfather when he captures their runaway horse. He would have been glad to leave after the proper amenities were completed, but the girl's journalist brother is murdered -- he was getting too close to wrapping a major news story. At that point, Jo and a friend cannot easily drop the matter as though nothing had occurred, and the two start to track down the source of the trouble -- a factory that makes poison gas for Third World buyers. Now their task is to dismantle the operation, prevent one train shipment from arriving at a transfer point, and find the journalist's killer.
Head of a Hospital
1920년대 다이쇼 시대의 일본. 극작가인 마쓰사키는 우연히 신비로운 미녀 시나코를 만난다. 그녀와의 만남이 몇 차례 반복될수록 꿈과 현실 사이의 구분이 점점 모호해진다. 이즈미 교카의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 두 번째 작품이다.
Ootake Shinobu no Reikan Shoujo
The biography of Mifune Chizuko a woman clairvoyant.
May Love Be Restored
Sanzaemon Katagiri
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
아츠기 시에서 스낵바를 운영하던 23세의 하츠코가 어느 날 산림에서 시체로 발견된다. 며칠 후 경찰은 19세의 히로시라는 소년을 체포하는데, 그는 하츠코의 여동생 요시코와 몰래 집을 나와 요코하마에서 동거하던 중이었다. 재판이 시작되고 소환된 증인들로부터 잇달아 의외의 사실들이 밝혀지는데...
Permanent Blue
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he soon discovers than she is an extremist on the run from the police.
Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset
Tora-san arrives in Shibamata on Mitsuo's first day of school only to find that on his account, Mitsuo was embarrassed. After a fight with his family, he goes to a bar to drink, then brings home a surly old man with a sad story, whose identity will surprise everyone. Later, Tora meets Botan, a geisha.
캅스 vs. 터그스
When a lucrative waterfront development becomes available, the Kawade gang quickly use their political connections to secure the land. However, the acting boss of the Ohara gang also has his eyes on the property and recruits crooked detective Tokumatsu Kuno to help him hijack the deal. With relations between the rival gangs at breaking point, it's not long before all-out war breaks out as the gangsters, police and local politicians battle for control of the city.
The Last Samurai
The film follows the story of Sugi Toranosuke, a ronin, who returns to his home town of Edo many years after his attempted suicide as a sickly child. Rescued and adopted by a master swordsman, he has grown into a master swordsman and a very kind gentleman. The time is around 1868 the year that the nails were finally put into the coffin containing the feudal system that nurtured and sustained the samurai. Sugi is confused and unsure about what is happening but his teacher wants him out of the chaos of the multiple power struggles between the various clans.
Deeper Than Blue
Shuzo Murakami
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.
A Narcotics Agent's Ballad
Undercover cop Kikuchi teams up with the Okinawa local police to clean up the narcotics and prostitution underworld.
High-School Outcasts
Vice-principal Sugiyama
Tsutomu (Kensaku Morita), an orphan who once stabbed a man, is released from a reformatory and goes to Tottori, on the Japan Sea coast, to enter a high school. On the beach, he meets a young fisherman, Yusuke (Norihiko Yamamoto) also a student of the same school. They become friends and Tsutomu is offered free board at Yusuke's home.
Apart from Life
A film set in Nagasaki examining prejudice against atom bomb victims.
Blood End
BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
Gambler's Dilemma
Kawada Shigekichi
The love story between a traveling guest and a geisha who inadvertently becomes the leader of her father's yakuza clan, after his death.
The Girl I Abandoned
Tsutomu Yoshioka, a Tokyo office worker, is enaged to Mariko, the niece of his company's president. But Yoshioka has a crisis of consence when he remembers his former love Mitsu, a rural girl whom he met and later left while in college. Shimako, a former friend, persuades Yoshioka to meet with Mitsu while she plots to blackmail Yoshioka by photographing the meeting to break up Mariko and Yoshioka.
A Warm Misty Night
Miyatake, detective
When Toru Sagara (Yujiro Ishihara) returns home from a foreign cargo route, he proposes to his beloved girlfriend Akiko (Ruriko Asaoka). She joyously agrees, promising a life together. On the day they were to be joined in matrimony, Akiko suddenly goes missing. Toru waits hours for her to show, but he is only greeted by the darkness of night. Four years later, his fiancée turns up at a night club in Yokohama with another man.
겡카 엘레지
1935년, 고등학생 기로쿠는 가톨릭계인 하숙집의 딸 미치코에게 푹 빠져있다. 그는 사내다움에 대한 콤플렉스를 극복하려고 동네건달에게 싸움을 배우고, 학내의 폭력서클에 가입하여 싸움연습에 전념한다. 태평양전쟁 직전의 일본사회를 사로잡은 파시즘의 문제를 코믹하게 다루는 작품.
I'll Never Cry!
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
The Heart of Hiroshima
One morning, Kazue is nearly knocked over by a motorbike in front of an instrument store, breaking all the records that she was carrying. The two connect instantly and begin seeing each other every day. However, Iwai, Yukio’s foster parent, is concerned - Yukio had been exposed to the atomic bomb when he was four years old and had been showing symptoms of atomic radiation, hospitalizing him in the Genbaku Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Hospital. Unfortunately, nobody knows when the symptoms may return. When Yukio passes out from anemia during work, he decides to part with Kazue. A couple of days later, Yukio tells her of his destiny at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, but Kazue passionately encourages him.
Carmen from Kawachi
Like a girl runaway, Tsuyu moves to Osaka to work as a bar hostess. She meets the owner of a model school, Yoko, and seriously thinks about becoming a fashion model. Yoko tells her that she can move in to Yoko’s house to take lessons, while making a living at the same time.
The Dragon of Macao
Ryu (Akira Kobayashi) sets foot on the Yokohama port with a suitcase filled with 300 thousand dollars. He was sent by a jewelry company in Hong Kong to retrieve a certain diamond that was stolen from them. The "Himalayan Star" is worth couple hundred million yen and unbeknown to Ryu, it now lays in the hands of Aizu (Jo Shishido), the infamous ”Pirate of the Tokyo Bay."
Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otoko
A Chain of Islands
When a US army sergeant is found drowned in Tokyo Bay, an investigation is launched to determine how and why he lost his life. The investigation uncovers a black market scheme involving counterfeit money, murder, and conspiracy.
A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge
Sixth part in the Enblem of Man series.
The Long Death
On January 26, 1948, a robbery of the Teigin bank took place in Tokyo - the criminal poisoned the bank employees and fled the scene with a large amount of money. In parallel with the investigation conducted by the Japanese police, journalists are also trying to find the culprit. Based on a true incident.
The School Cap
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
행실불량으로 학교에서 퇴학당한 도고는 다른 학교로 전학을 가고 그곳 교장 선생님의 집에 강제로 머문다. 이곳에서도 말썽을 피우며 악명을 떨치던 중 도고는 문학을 사랑하는 소녀 에미코를 만나 뜨거운 사랑에 빠진다.
Gone in the Rain
Ayako (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is a free-willed college girl who shares a room with Takako and Kimie. They each have a clear vision of what they want from their career and love life. Soon, their room share takes a turn, when ideals begin to clash with reality.
탐정사무소 23, 죽어라 악당들
Father Tajima
살인사건을 해결하기 위해 야쿠자 조직에 잠입한 탐정 타지마, 정체를 들킨 그는 집단 린치를 당하지만, 악당에게 맞아도 절대로 스타일을 구기는 일도 없으며 냉소적인 미소도 잃지 않는다.
The Guys Who Put Money on Me
An unofficial sequel to Million Dollar Match (1961) which also starred Koji Wada as a young energetic boxer. This story deals more with betting action surrounding a boxing match, concentrating mostly on the high-powered Yakuza gambling dens.
치사한 놈
인기 만점의 연예인 다이사쿠는 매니저이자 연인인 노리코와 함께 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다. 기계 같은 생활에 염증을 느끼고 있던 다이사쿠는 “휴머니즘을 이해할 수 있는 드라이버를 구함. 중고 지프를 규슈까지 배송해줄 것. 단 무보수”라는 세 줄 광고에 마음을 뺏겨 일은 내팽개친 채 노리코와 이색적인 여행을 떠난다.
하이틴 야쿠자
Noodle Shop Owner
쾌활한 성격의 고등학생 지로는 불의를 참지 못하는 성격이다. 지로는 야쿠자들이 동네 상인들을 괴롭히는 것을 보고 친구인 요시오와 함께 싸워 야쿠자를 쫓아낸다. 하지만 요시오가 야쿠자의 꼬임에 빠져들고, 동네 상인들은 지로에게 야쿠자와 계속 싸워줄 것을 부탁하자 지로는 곤란한 입장에 처한다.
Quick Draw Sanshiro
Koji Wada, who is good at shooting, karate, judo and boxing, has a tough fight with the sea gangsters!
Drunkard's Paradise
A father and son are both heavy drinkers. However, the son dies in an accident at a bar, leaving behind a fiance…. A unique social satire that focuses on why people drink alcohol.
Dawn of a Canvas
The Man with a Shotgun
Ryoji, a wanderer, arrives in a remote mountain town, carrying a shotgun and claiming to be a hunter. He quickly becomes embroiled in a web of trouble surrounding the town's mill.
Hana to musume to shiroi michi
One of Sayuri Yoshinaga's first leading roles.
Women of Tokyo
Isseki Nicho
피가 마른다
회사의 집단 해고에 반대해 공개적으로 권총 자살을 시도한 기구치는 사회의 뜨거운 관심을 받는다. 이에 편승해 광고 기획자 노나카는 기구치를 생명보험 광고의 모델로 기용하려 하고, 이를 위해 평소 알고 지내던 파파라치에게 협조를 구하지만 자살을 팔 수 없다는 이유로 거부당한다. 하지만 노나카는 결국 광고를 밀어붙이고, 결국 기구치의 얼굴이 빌딩에 내걸린다.
Jungle Block
A young doctor falls into a despair of developments. He plans to revenge the disgrace inflicted upon his sister, whose engagement was broken as a result.
청춘 잔혹 이야기
학생운동에 절망한 청년 기요시는 어느 날 중년남성에게 겁탈당할 위기에 처한 여학생 마코토를 구해주고, 둘은 사랑에 빠진다. 가출한 마코토는 기요시의 아파트에서 동거하며 그의 아이를 임신하고, 돈이 궁한 기요시는 그녀를 거리의 여자로 이용, 중년남자들을 유혹한 뒤 그들을 협박해 돈을 뜯어낸다.
1945년 패전 말기의 필리핀 레이테 섬. 타무라 일등병은 부대와 병원에서 쫓겨나 소속 없는 군인이 되어 버린다. 밀림을 헤매던 그는 집결지를 향해 가는 병사의 무리를 만나지만, 이들은 살인을 하고 인육을 먹는 극한 상황에 빠지게 된다. 전쟁의 참혹함과 기아에 몰린 군인을 그린 이 영화는 스산한 공기와 신체의 움직임마저 느끼게 하는 아쿠타가와 야스시의 음악이 적막함을 실감나게 전하고 있다.
The Ghost of Iwojima
The monologue and mysterious death of a man who survived and returned from Iwo Jima. A newspaper reporter writes an article about "The Man from Iwo Jima" asking the people who were close to him about his character and the painful memories off all those involved.
Break Down that Wall
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
The Song of the Cart
A lifetime story of a woman who stubbornly lives in a poor mountain village in post-war Japan.
Immoral Lecture
I Want to Be a Shellfish
Television production of I Want to Be a Shellfish. On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder. According to the accusation by GHQ, Toyomatsu "attemped to kill a US prisoner", which was nothing but an order by his superior and failed after all with hurting the prisoner by weak Toyomatsu. Also, Toyomatsu was driven to corner at the trial by the fact that he fed the US prisoner some burdock roots to nourish him. Toyomatsu believes nothing but being not guilty, but he is sentenced to death by hanging. Prior to the execution, Toyomatsu writes a long farewell letter to his family, the wife and the only son: "If I ever incarnate, I hate to be a human being any more.... Oh yes, I would like to be...a shellfish living on the rock-bottom of the sea."
검은 강
허름한 연립주택에 살고 있는 다양한 인간군상들의 모습을 특유의 날카로운 필치로 그려내고 있다.
A sophisticated comedy about love games between men and women that arise from an intentionally dropped train ticket.
두꺼운 벽의 방
2차 대전 당시 범죄를 저지른 군인들을 수감 중인 감옥. 이곳에는 다양한 사연을 가진 죄수들이 미군들의 감시 속에서 끔찍한 하루를 보내고 있다. 이들의 꿈은 언젠가 이곳을 나가는 것뿐이다.
Flesh Smuggling
A true semi-documentary drama depicting a record of a sheriff's challenge to the vivid evil of a sailor who embarked on a single underworld to uncover the crime of an inhumane international prostitution organization called "Japanese women's smuggling."
How Sorrowful
The story of a novelist whose wife is confined in a mental hospital. His love for her drives him to write about her, though he runs into trouble when her parents accuse him of cashing in on her misfortune.
Season of the Sun
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.
Funny Friend: The Baby and Express
East-West Transportation, headquartered in Tokyo, operates daily scheduled cargo flights on the Tokaido Road from Tokyo to Osaka and back, as the name suggests. Daikichi was a driver working for the East-West transportation company, and Rokuheita served as his assistant. The Daikichi truck, which was packed with luggage today, has left for its destination. And soon after Daikichi's truck left, Rokuheita heard a cat meowing from behind, so Daikichi stopped the car and turned to check the cargo, and there in a large basket he saw a crying baby...
버마의 하프
1943년 8월, 일본 군대는 진군 중이다. 버마에 파견된 한 소대는 사기 진작을 위해 노래를 부른다. 하프 연주의 달인인 병사 미즈시마가 반주를 하고 음악학교 출신의 소대장이 지휘를 하면서 이 소대는 합창단 소대라는 별칭을 얻는다. 일본이 패전하자 그들은 영국군이 관리하는 무동의 포로 수용소에서 송환을 기다린다. 그러던 어느 날 미즈시마는 항복하지 않는 일본군 중대를 설득하기 위해 산 위에 있는 진지로 보내지는데…
Passion and Rifle Bullets
Private Detective Ippei Shizuno faces off against a serial killer and a wealthy woman's society who runs an illegal gun trade.
Tales of Ginza
Jeep no Masa
In the thriving Tokyo neighborhood of Ginza, a woman in the process of selling her estranged husband’s art collection attempts to identify the man who painted her own portrait fifteen years prior.
Ginko, a poor cobbler's daughter, becomes a geisha to support her family. She passes from one geisha house to the next, trying to find love and hope in the process. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't escape her sad fate.
Listen to the Voices of the Sea
This film is strongly anti-war film. The film is based on the collection of writings by Japanese student soldiers who died during World War II. The film is located to Burma. It shows the everyday problems of soldiers in contrast of their ideas and the cynicism of their commanders. Soldiers are also victims of military bullying by their commanders.