Francis, now 17, is still in love with Moondoggy. She can persuade her parents to allow them a journey to Rome, together with two of her and two of his friends. However they have to take an adult with them, so they choose Peter's eccentric aunt. In Rome they get the beautiful guide Daniela, who's fascinating the guys and making especially Gidget jealous. She starts looking elsewhere herself.
A naive teenager gets pregnant and is forced to face the realities of life.
This is a story based on fact that follows a husband and wife who emigrate from Scotland to Wisconsin in the 1850s. They work very hard and become welcome citizens of their new town, Eureka. They have six children. They prosper in the husband's boat-building business. But when their eldest is 12, tragedy strikes the family, and the 12-year-old is burdened with a terrible task which he handles as well as any adult could.
Theatre Play
모델인 샤츠이와 폴라, 로코은 백만장자를 남편으로 맞이하기 위해 의기투합하고, 맨하탄의 호화스런 펜트하우스를 빌린다. 그러던 어느 날 쇼핑을 하러 나갔던 로코가 그녀의 짐을 들어주며 도와준 톰을 데리고 집으로 오고, 톰은 샤츠이를 보고는 한 눈에 반하게 된다. 그러나 샤츠이는 톰이 가난뱅이라는 이유로 퇴짜를 놓고, 톰은 가슴앓이를 하게 된다. 그들이 마련한 돈이 거의 바닥날 때 쯤, 로코가 석유업계의 거물 J.D를 발굴해내지만 안타깝게도 J.D는 샤츠이에게 관심을 기울인다. 결국 로코는 결혼한 유부남이긴 하지만 부유한 왈도와 메인 리조트로 여행을 가기로 한다. 그곳에서 로코는 홍역을 앓게 되고, 우연히 삼림 경비원 이븐을 만나 서로에게 호감을 갖게 된다. 한편, 근시인 폴라는 안경을 쓰면 남자들이 싫어할까봐 안경을 쓰지 않고 다니는 바람에 타려던 비행기를 놓치고 엉뚱한 비행기를 타게 되고, 이것이 인연이 되어 자신이 살고 있는 펜트하우스의 주인인 프레디와 인연을 맺게 된다. 마침내 샤츠이와 J.D는 결혼하기로 결심하고, 결혼식이 거행되는 날 로코는 이븐과, 폴라는 프레디와 함께 참석한다. 그러나 결혼식 도중 샤츠이는 결혼식장에 나타난 톰을 보고 자신이 정말 사랑하는 것이 누구인가를 깨닫게 되고...
The story of jet pilots flying over Korea by day, from their Itazuke Air Base in Japan, and of their wives, on station with them, who have dinner ready when they return. Jane Carter (Coleen Gray), a reporter for a large newspaper syndicate arrives... she's also the estranged wife of the assistant squadron commander, Colonel Gil Manton (Robert Stack.) At first, she goes at her assignment of getting a story on the pilots wives with the same ruthlessness and persistence that broke up her marriage - but a mirror isn't needed to peek around the corner to where this one is headed.
A washed-up movie queen finds romance, but continues to desire a comeback.
After years of living in her selfish parents' (Melvyn Douglas and Lynn Bari) egotistical shadows, desperate teenager Jill Bradley (Joan Evans) makes a last-ditch play for attention by attempting suicide. Jill's guilt-ridden father tries at last to help her and to cheer her up but new problems
Original Story
Evelyn, an emotionally vulnerable and unstable woman, stays at the home of her doctor Dan Proctor. There she meets and falls in love with his brother, Douglas, who is happily married to Ann. Evelyn then sets forth to break up the happy marriage and win the love of Douglas.
Young Nellie Jarvis, daughter of a wandering couple, witnesses the murder of a woman by a man and his wife. Years later, "Little Miss Yes'm", as Nellie is known, returns to the area as an orphan. Locals Mr. and Mrs. Hilton, though poverty stricken, take her into their family. Fully integrated with the loving Hiltons, she wishes to relieve them of their financial strain. Nellie travels to a nearby farmhouse to gain employment from depraved Martin Cain and his paranoid wife.