Joseph Antaki

Joseph Antaki


Joseph has been writing, directing and producing since 1989. His work has been shown on television and in film festivals.

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Joseph Antaki

참여 작품

The Sticky Side of Baklava
The uneventful middle-class life of Lebanese sisters Houwayda and Joëlle spirals into turmoil after Houwayda announces that she is accompanying Pierre, her Québecker husband, on a sabbatical year in France.
My Very Own Circus
Monsieur Stiff
A girl who comes from a long line of circus performers tries to fulfill her dream of going to private school.
The Great Traveller
Edgar, an acclaimed travel writer, convinces his old friend and colleague, Bill, to join him on a final trip to a mysterious institute, to write the sequel to the bestseller they co-wrote 20 years ago. Weak, quiet and beaten down by time, Bill suffers a perilous stay under the control of the institute’s executive committee.
Head chef
A Lebanese immigrant living in Montreal is haunted by his sister's death.
My Guys
My Guys is a light-hearted comedy revolving around the trials and tribulations of Georgette and her entourage of gay men. This twenty-nine year old, full figured waitress is rather content with her lot until an unwelcomed guest blows her little world to pieces. Enter Janine Theresa Douglas directly from the pages of a fashion magazine. She is tall, skinny and loves to drink...the ideal woman! And she wants Georgette's guys, but Georgette doesn't take the challenge lying down. She hatches a plan to rid herself of this interloper, but the outcome is not necessarily the one Georgette had anticipated.
My Guys
My Guys is a light-hearted comedy revolving around the trials and tribulations of Georgette and her entourage of gay men. This twenty-nine year old, full figured waitress is rather content with her lot until an unwelcomed guest blows her little world to pieces. Enter Janine Theresa Douglas directly from the pages of a fashion magazine. She is tall, skinny and loves to drink...the ideal woman! And she wants Georgette's guys, but Georgette doesn't take the challenge lying down. She hatches a plan to rid herself of this interloper, but the outcome is not necessarily the one Georgette had anticipated.
My Guys
My Guys is a light-hearted comedy revolving around the trials and tribulations of Georgette and her entourage of gay men. This twenty-nine year old, full figured waitress is rather content with her lot until an unwelcomed guest blows her little world to pieces. Enter Janine Theresa Douglas directly from the pages of a fashion magazine. She is tall, skinny and loves to drink...the ideal woman! And she wants Georgette's guys, but Georgette doesn't take the challenge lying down. She hatches a plan to rid herself of this interloper, but the outcome is not necessarily the one Georgette had anticipated.
Confessions of a Fag Hag
Georgette, the resident fag hag, hatches a plan to get rid of a rival, but the outcome is not what she had anticipated…
The Valley of Tears
Marie, a Canadian editor specialized in testimonies of Genocide survivors, starts to receive anonymous large envelopes with the narrative of Ali, a young Palestinian who grew up in a refugee camp in Lebanon. Intrigued, Marie investigates the origin of these envelopes and finds out who is the anonymous writer. This is how she establishes a connection with Joseph, a Lebanese worker hired to paint the offices. A strange relation develops between these two persons who come from very different worlds. But after a while, Joseph abruptly disappears and Marie, overwhelmed by the mission fallen on her, starts a journey into the past, through a small village in Lebanon, in the heart of a bloodthirsty culture were lies the key of all the enigmas.
The Terrorist Next Door
A dramatization inspired by the real-life events surrounding the recruitment and capture of Ahmed Ressam - aka the "Millennium Bomber". Ressam was convicted of smuggling a bomb into the United States as part of an Al Qaeda plot to blow up Los Angeles International Airport on New Year's Eve, 1999.
Cairo Calling
Ahmed is in for the shock of his life when his mother calls from Cairo to announce her imminent visit to Montreal . He has to clean up his act to get ready for her arrival. He convinces his entourage to play along for the duration of her stay, telling them that the visit is a short one. But Mother has other plans... She is a woman on a mission and is ready to stay for as long as it takes for her to see it through. In fact, she has an open ticket! Ahmed's patience as well as his friends' will be severely tested as his mother tries to bring her old world values into their lives. But she too will get tested when she realizes the true meaning of the old saying : be careful what you wish for, it may just come true...
머나먼 사랑
이디오피아의 공산군 점령지역에서 기아 난민 구호사업을 하는 영국인 의사 닉 칼라한 (클라이브 오웬 분)은 영국 기아 돕기 재단의 자선 파티장에 나타나 자선 사업가들의 위선을 질타하며 그들의 자각과 반성을 촉구한다. 재단 이사장의 며느리인 사라 조르단 (안젤리나 졸리 분)은 닉이 파티장에 데려온 이디오피아 소년의 참혹한 몰골에 충격을 받고는 자신의 저금을 털어 구호 물자를 구입하여 닉이 활동하는 이디오피아 캠프를 찾아간다. 그리곤 영국으로 돌아온 사라는 UN 산하 국제 난민 고등 판문 위원회 (UNHCR)에서 일하게 된다. 남편 헨리와 불화에 시달리던 사라는 닉의 동료로부터 연락을 받는다. 닉이 크메르 루즈 치하의 캄보디아에 난민 캠프를 열었는데 UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) 의 명의를 이용, 구호물자 수송을 도와 달라는 것이었다. 그러자 그녀는 직접 물자를 수송하면서 캄보디아에 있는 닉을 다시 만나게 되고 마침내 둘은 운명적인 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 닉은 그와 함께 하면 사라마저 위험하다며 그녀를 영국으로 다시 돌려 보낸다. 그러던 중, 닉이 체첸에서 활동하다가 반군에게 납치됐다는 소식을 듣고는 다시 죽음을 무릅 쓴 채 체첸으로 향하는데...
How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause
썸 오브 올 피어스
Arab Doctor
1973년 4차 중동전쟁 당시 핵미사일을 싣고 골란 고원을 날던 이스라엘 전투기가 격추되고 미사일은 흙먼지 속에 파묻힌다. 30년 뒤 러시아에선 알렉산더 네메로프가 새로운 대통령으로 취임한다. 이 사실을 예견했던 CIA 정책연구원 잭 라이언은 윌리엄 캐봇 국장과 함께 핵사찰 차 러시아에 갔다가 세 명의 핵물리학자가 실종됐음을 발견한다. 중동에선 우크라이나를 향해 미지의 화물이 배에 실린다. CIA는 사라진 세 과학자가 우크라이나에 있다는 정보를 입수한다. 얼마 뒤 로버트 파울러 미 대통령이 슈퍼볼을 관전하고 있던 볼티모어 경기장에서 핵폭탄이 터진다. 미국은 러시아의 공격으로 단정 짓고 반격을 준비하지만 네메로프는 극구 부인한다. 세계 곳곳에서 벌어진 정신없는 사건들 사이엔 무슨 관련이 있고 핵 테러의 주범은 누구인가?