Nikolai Kulikov

Nikolai Kulikov

출생 : 1979-07-11, Reutov, USSR (Russia)

프로필 사진

Nikolai Kulikov

참여 작품

Family Budget
пьяный крикун
A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.
Family Budget
A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.
Family Budget
A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.
브레이브 언더 파이어
과거 화재 현장에서 사고로 동료 대원을 잃은 소방 팀장 ‘안드레이’. 아픈 상처가 아물기도 전, 사상 최악의 화재가 발생한다. 모든 것이 불타고 있는 시베리아의 화재 현장 속, ‘안드레이’를 필두로 한 팀이 된 6명의 소방 진압 대원들이 불길로 출동한다. 최악의 산불을 진압하고 화마로부터 살아남을 수 있을 것인가?
브레이브 언더 파이어
과거 화재 현장에서 사고로 동료 대원을 잃은 소방 팀장 ‘안드레이’. 아픈 상처가 아물기도 전, 사상 최악의 화재가 발생한다. 모든 것이 불타고 있는 시베리아의 화재 현장 속, ‘안드레이’를 필두로 한 팀이 된 6명의 소방 진압 대원들이 불길로 출동한다. 최악의 산불을 진압하고 화마로부터 살아남을 수 있을 것인가?
더 히어로
15년 전, 안드레이는 청소년들을 특수 요원으로 훈련시키는 비밀 경호학교를 졸업한다. 학교가 폐교된 뒤, 유럽에 정착해 러시아와의 인연을 끊고 살아가던 어느 날, 죽은 줄로만 알고 있던 아버지가 그에게 전화해 비밀 조직이 그를 쫓고 있으니 몸을 숨기라고 말한다. 안드레이는 살기 위해서만이 아니라 죽은 줄 알았던 아버지의 흔적을 찾기 위해 움직이기 시작한다. 그의 첫사랑 마샤가 이 일에 연루되면서 안드레이는 점점 더 복잡하고도 교묘한 스파이 게임의 덫에 빠지게 되고 마침내 거대한 비밀 조직의 음모가 드러나는데…
I'm Losing It
There's two great loves in Anya's life, her athlete boyfriend Zhenya and food. Zhenya is not happy how Anya has been gaining weight due to her eating habits and decides to dump her. But Anya doesn't want to give up and decides to get rid of excess weight with the help of Nikolai, an overweight man obsessed with the healthy living.
I'm Losing It
There's two great loves in Anya's life, her athlete boyfriend Zhenya and food. Zhenya is not happy how Anya has been gaining weight due to her eating habits and decides to dump her. But Anya doesn't want to give up and decides to get rid of excess weight with the help of Nikolai, an overweight man obsessed with the healthy living.
쓰리 세컨즈
미국과 소련의 냉전이 극에 달했던 1972년, 뮌헨올림픽에선 양국의 자존심을 건 희대의 대결이 펼쳐진다. 구소련 농구 대표팀은 30년간 우승국으로 '난공불락'으로 불리던 농구 세계 최강 미국을 상대로 결승전에서 3초를 남기고 극적인 승리를 따내며 금메달을 건다.
파이널 크루: 칸우 탈출작전
정의감 넘치는 공군 파일럿 알렉스 맥코이는 불합리한 상사의 명령에 불복종한 이유로 군에서 퇴출 당하고 민간 여객기 파일럿에 지원한다. 까다롭기로 소문난 기장 레오 피츠제럴드의 교육생이 된 알렉스.그의 대담한 행동은 레오의 심기를 건드린다. 그러던 어느 날 중동 아시아 지역을 비행하던 레오와 알렉스는 화산섬 칸우에서 지진이 발생해 민간인들의 발이 묶였다는 소식을 듣고 그곳으로 향한다. 화염에 휩싸인 재난 현장에 투입된 그들은 부상자들을 싣고 비행기에 오르지만 불타버린 활주로 때문에 이륙마저 힘들어지는데...
The Rooster
After the death of Anya's lover she has no reason to live. Suddenly she comes across a rooster who is a spitting image of her late lover. She decides to build a proper romantic relationship with this rooster in spite of that everything and everyone are against it.
Progressive and talented Natasha and Roma dream of a European wedding by the sea - but Natasha's stepfather procured a different scenario. Rough official of the city administration considers the celebration as a springboard for their careers, and seeks to arrange all the «how to». Young awaits an unforgettable evening in the restaurant «Golden» with a complete set of the tedious rites. Not fight, the guys decide to spend their dream wedding in secret from conservative relatives. But by accident both celebration come together.
Legend No. 17
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
Legend No. 17
patient with bandaged head
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
The Spy
Spring 1941. Center of Moscow. Duel of the two intelligence services turns more and more tense.
Insignificant Details of the Accidental Episode
On a deserted railway line two trains have stopped because of repair works. Opposite each other. Time goes by, and movement is still not restored. Among the passengers some strange relations begin to develop...
A young photographer, Julia, makes a disastrous set of photos. She comes to a meeting with a client and he blows her up with his friend, a professional skilled photographer. The dispirited girl steals an expensive photo-album from the photographer. After while some strange distressing events start to happen with her. And one of her best friends suggests her to return the book to it's owner. So, Julia decides to overcome her injury and to go to the photographer's house.
Executive Producer
A young photographer, Julia, makes a disastrous set of photos. She comes to a meeting with a client and he blows her up with his friend, a professional skilled photographer. The dispirited girl steals an expensive photo-album from the photographer. After while some strange distressing events start to happen with her. And one of her best friends suggests her to return the book to it's owner. So, Julia decides to overcome her injury and to go to the photographer's house.
Две супружеские пары собираются провести вечер за ужином. Однако в назначенный час в квартире оказываются лишь трое из них. Наконец, приходит и та, которую все заждались. Очень странной походкой. В очень странной шапочке. С нечеловеческим аппетитом и совершенно человеческой жаждой любви. Что могут скрывать друг от друга верные мужья и жены? На что готовы пойти ради вашего семейного счастья ваши закадычные друзья? И чем может обернуться тихий дружеский ужин, приготовленный из обид и подозрений, опасности и страха, нежности и настоящей любви?
Vitali Beovulf-Bobrov
Две супружеские пары собираются провести вечер за ужином. Однако в назначенный час в квартире оказываются лишь трое из них. Наконец, приходит и та, которую все заждались. Очень странной походкой. В очень странной шапочке. С нечеловеческим аппетитом и совершенно человеческой жаждой любви. Что могут скрывать друг от друга верные мужья и жены? На что готовы пойти ради вашего семейного счастья ваши закадычные друзья? И чем может обернуться тихий дружеский ужин, приготовленный из обид и подозрений, опасности и страха, нежности и настоящей любви?
The Last Day of Bulkin I.S.
The last day of Ivan Bulkin’s life has come. Death is at his front door and wants him to confirm with his signature that he was satisfied with his life. But Bulkin thinks he can trick the grim reaper and cheat death.
Axes in Bread-loafs
Report on the nightmarish finds in our bread.
The Musketeer's Visit
Lisa and the Magic Layout
Lisa and the Magic Layout