Ernest Anderson
출생 : 1915-08-25, Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
사망 : 2011-03-05
Ernest Anderson was born in Lynn MA and earned his high school diploma in Washington D.C. at Dunbar High School, formerly named The Preparatory High School for Colored Youth. Founded in 1891, it was America's first public high school for black students. He earned his bachelor's degree at Northwestern University's School of Drama and Speech. He moved to Hollywood and was working in the service department when Bette Davis arranged for him to interview for the role of Perry Clay in the film "In This Our Life" (1942). Mr. Anderson persuaded the director, John Huston, to change the racist dialog of his character typical of Hollywood in that era, to one of dignified intelligence and emotion. After serving his country in WWII, he returned to Warner Brothers where he continued to humanize the roles of America's black performers. He remained active in film until the late 1960's. He died in DeLand, Florida, on March 5, 2011.
Uncle Stan
A young cop starts an elaborate con game to ensure that the family of his dead buddy gets a pension.
Racial tensions threaten to explode when a black man is elected sheriff of a small, racially divided town in the Deep South.
Ernie, Ice Cream Vendor at Beach (uncredited)
베이비 제인 허드슨은 어린 시절 보드빌 쇼의 유명한 스타였지만 성장한 후에는 배우로서 재능을 인정받지 못한다. 대배우로 성공한 언니 블랜치의 그늘 아래서 술과 향락으로 매일을 보내고 있을 뿐이다. 그러던 어느 날 술 취한 제인과 블랜치가 함께 자동차에 타고 있다 사고가 난다. 블랜치는 다리를 다쳐 반신불수가 되고, 제인은 불만과 질시 속에서도 어쩔 수 없이 언니를 돌보며 살게 된다. 세월이 흐른 후, 블랜치는 알콜중독으로 편집증 상태가 된 제인을 병원으로 보내려 하는데, 이 사실을 안 제인은 온갖 수단으로 블랜치를 학대한다. 제인은 헌신적인 가정부 엘비라를 우발적으로 죽이게 되자 어찌할 바를 모르고 혼란에 빠진다.
Train Porter
Accused of killing a woman on a train, Sharon Carlin runs home to find another corpse there too!
Porter on Twentieth Century Ltd. (uncredited)
뉴욕의 광고업자 손힐은 어느 날 정부 요원 조지 캐플란으로 오인 받고 괴한에게 납치된다. 어느 저택에서 술을 강제로 마신 뒤 버려져 음주운전으로 체포된 다음 날 홀어머니와 함께 현장으로 찾아간다. 저택 주인이 UN 외교관이란 이야기를 듣고 UN 본부 로비에서 그에게 면회를 신청하지만, 엉뚱한 사람이 나왔다가 현장에서 등에 칼을 맞고 쓰러진다. 삽시간에 살인범 누명까지 뒤집어쓴 손힐은 자신의 결백을 입증해 줄 수 있는 단 하나의 인물인 캐플란을 찾으러 시카고행 열차에 몸을 싣고, 그 곳에서 우연히 만난 금발의 미녀 이브 켄들과 사랑을 속삭이는데...
Riverboat Cabin Boy
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
Fred Johnson
After beginning their train trip to California, a famous film actress and her daughter discover their compartment has also been assigned to a handsome biology professor. Comedy.
Ralph Crawford
In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
School Teacher (uncredited)
Robbers Ray Biddle and his brother are shot and taken to the local hospital. There, the two are treated by Dr. Brooks, the hospital's only black doctor. The brothers assault Brooks with racist slurs. And, when his brother ends up dying on the operating table, Ray accuses the doctor of murdering him. Blind with rage, Ray works to turn the white community of the city against Brooks, who finds an unlikely ally in the dead man's widow, Edie.
프레데릭 드 코르도바가 감독하고 이본느 드 카를로, 필립 프렌드, 로버트 더글라스가 출연한 1950년 미국의 로맨틱 어드벤처 영화. 뉴올리언스의 한 가수가 해적왕과 엮이게 되며 벌어지는 이야기.
Wong - Houseboy (uncredited)
A private detective foils the plans of villains attempting to take over Panamanian oilfields when he hides a valuable map in plain sight.
Two brothers from the North try to gain favor in the South after they inherit a horse farm in Kentucky.
Dining Car Waiter (uncredited)
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
Messenger (uncredited)
A down-to-earth pilot charms a European princess on vacation in the United States.
Parry Clay
An unhappy, self-centered woman runs off with her sister's husband, wreaking havoc and ruining the lives of those around her.
Jan Kruga and his daughter Meta live on a farm in the Transvaal. The nearest neighbor, Sir John Morgan, lives 20 miles away, and it is only on rare intervals that she ever goes even that far away from her isolated home. Toddles, a work elephant on her father's farm, is her only pet and in the first part of our story we see her befriend him from a cruel keeper. Hans, a neighboring Boer farmer calls and asks for Meta's hand in marriage. The girl is ordered by her father to accept Hans' attentions. She has been taught to obey and when Hans gives her a love offering, a huge necklace of beads, she meekly offers her cheek for the betrothal kiss. Sir John's nephew, Hirshal, comes for a visit from England and Sir John brings him for a friendly call on the Krugas. Meta's heart awakens at the sight of the handsome, young Englishman, and she returns Hans's necklace. The father, however, orders her to marry Hans, or never darken his door again.