Midi Z
출생 : 1982-12-18, Lashio, Shan State, Myanmar
Chao Te-yin (Chinese: 趙德胤; pinyin: Zhào Déyìn; born 18 December 1982), also known as Midi Z, is a Myanmar-born Taiwanese film director. His 2014 film Ice Poison was selected as the Taiwanese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 87th Academy Awards.
On November 7, 2016, his work The Road to Mandalay (2016) was screened in his home country for the first time, which he called a "historical moment".
On the night of their high school graduation, three juvenile delinquents get drunk at their regular hangout. But for these boys about to enter a new chapter of life, they decide to share their darkest secrets with one another. The first secret is shocking. The second secret is terrifying. The third secret is... Wait! Unless you want us to kill you, you must do something terrible enough! Right now! Tonight!
미얀마 화교 감독 미디 지가 새로운 스타일로 도전한 심리 스릴러. 작은 시골 마을에서 극단 생활을 하던 소녀 니나 우는 스타의 꿈을 이루기 위해 대도시로 떠난다. 8년간의 별 볼 일 없던 무명시절에서 벗어나 드디어 영화의 주연으로 캐스팅된다. 영화는 1960년대의 스파이 영화로 그녀에게는 일생일대의 기회다. 하지만 언론이나 영화업계가 이 영화가 대박 날 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있는 상황이 부담스럽다. 게다가 전라로 찍는 배드 신이 포함되어 있는 데다, 영화감독은 그녀를 종종 한계상황으로 몰아가는 상황이다. 성공의 찰나에 이르렀을 때 그녀의 정신은 붕괴되기 시작한다. 아버지의 사업실패에 따른 파산과 어머니의 악화되는 심장병이라는 가족의 위기를 맞닥뜨린 그녀는 서둘러 시골집으로 내려간다. 오랜시간 가깝게 지내온 어린 시절 친구 키키와의 관계를 회복하려 하지만 정체를 알 수 없는 여자가 자신을 스토킹하며 해치려 한다는 망상에 사로잡힌다. 지금껏 스스로 잊으려고 억압해온 치명적인 기억이 점차 수면위로 떠오르는데…
미얀마 화교 감독 미디 지가 새로운 스타일로 도전한 심리 스릴러. 작은 시골 마을에서 극단 생활을 하던 소녀 니나 우는 스타의 꿈을 이루기 위해 대도시로 떠난다. 8년간의 별 볼 일 없던 무명시절에서 벗어나 드디어 영화의 주연으로 캐스팅된다. 영화는 1960년대의 스파이 영화로 그녀에게는 일생일대의 기회다. 하지만 언론이나 영화업계가 이 영화가 대박 날 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있는 상황이 부담스럽다. 게다가 전라로 찍는 배드 신이 포함되어 있는 데다, 영화감독은 그녀를 종종 한계상황으로 몰아가는 상황이다. 성공의 찰나에 이르렀을 때 그녀의 정신은 붕괴되기 시작한다. 아버지의 사업실패에 따른 파산과 어머니의 악화되는 심장병이라는 가족의 위기를 맞닥뜨린 그녀는 서둘러 시골집으로 내려간다. 오랜시간 가깝게 지내온 어린 시절 친구 키키와의 관계를 회복하려 하지만 정체를 알 수 없는 여자가 자신을 스토킹하며 해치려 한다는 망상에 사로잡힌다. 지금껏 스스로 잊으려고 억압해온 치명적인 기억이 점차 수면위로 떠오르는데…
미얀마 화교 감독 미디 지가 새로운 스타일로 도전한 심리 스릴러. 작은 시골 마을에서 극단 생활을 하던 소녀 니나 우는 스타의 꿈을 이루기 위해 대도시로 떠난다. 8년간의 별 볼 일 없던 무명시절에서 벗어나 드디어 영화의 주연으로 캐스팅된다. 영화는 1960년대의 스파이 영화로 그녀에게는 일생일대의 기회다. 하지만 언론이나 영화업계가 이 영화가 대박 날 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있는 상황이 부담스럽다. 게다가 전라로 찍는 배드 신이 포함되어 있는 데다, 영화감독은 그녀를 종종 한계상황으로 몰아가는 상황이다. 성공의 찰나에 이르렀을 때 그녀의 정신은 붕괴되기 시작한다. 아버지의 사업실패에 따른 파산과 어머니의 악화되는 심장병이라는 가족의 위기를 맞닥뜨린 그녀는 서둘러 시골집으로 내려간다. 오랜시간 가깝게 지내온 어린 시절 친구 키키와의 관계를 회복하려 하지만 정체를 알 수 없는 여자가 자신을 스토킹하며 해치려 한다는 망상에 사로잡힌다. 지금껏 스스로 잊으려고 억압해온 치명적인 기억이 점차 수면위로 떠오르는데…
Executive Producer
In Quan Ma He village, deep in the mountains of Northern Myanmar, a young couple welcomes their newborn child. Should they follow the other villagers by travelling to southern China to make their fortune, or should they simply stay and inherit the family farm?
Wang Shin-hong is suffering from insomnia. A fortune teller advises the Mandalay businessman, whose car and bulging wallet suggest that business is going pretty well, to spend 14 days in a monastery, living life as a monk and eating an apple a day. Such a thing is possible in Burma today. Wang Shin-hong arrives at the rural monastery, has his head shaved and dons a red robe, in which he instantly becomes an authority. During the welcome procession, the village women, their poverty clear from their clothing and the huts in the background, put more than they have in his alms bowl. During his fleeting role as their advisor, Wang Shin-hong soon learns of the villagers’ attempts to survive and make a living as legal or illegal migrants in China, Thailand or Malaysia. He also finds out how the other monks try to generate profit and additional income.
Wang Shin-hong is suffering from insomnia. A fortune teller advises the Mandalay businessman, whose car and bulging wallet suggest that business is going pretty well, to spend 14 days in a monastery, living life as a monk and eating an apple a day. Such a thing is possible in Burma today. Wang Shin-hong arrives at the rural monastery, has his head shaved and dons a red robe, in which he instantly becomes an authority. During the welcome procession, the village women, their poverty clear from their clothing and the huts in the background, put more than they have in his alms bowl. During his fleeting role as their advisor, Wang Shin-hong soon learns of the villagers’ attempts to survive and make a living as legal or illegal migrants in China, Thailand or Malaysia. He also finds out how the other monks try to generate profit and additional income.
Wang Shin-hong is suffering from insomnia. A fortune teller advises the Mandalay businessman, whose car and bulging wallet suggest that business is going pretty well, to spend 14 days in a monastery, living life as a monk and eating an apple a day. Such a thing is possible in Burma today. Wang Shin-hong arrives at the rural monastery, has his head shaved and dons a red robe, in which he instantly becomes an authority. During the welcome procession, the village women, their poverty clear from their clothing and the huts in the background, put more than they have in his alms bowl. During his fleeting role as their advisor, Wang Shin-hong soon learns of the villagers’ attempts to survive and make a living as legal or illegal migrants in China, Thailand or Malaysia. He also finds out how the other monks try to generate profit and additional income.
Director of Photography
Wang Shin-hong is suffering from insomnia. A fortune teller advises the Mandalay businessman, whose car and bulging wallet suggest that business is going pretty well, to spend 14 days in a monastery, living life as a monk and eating an apple a day. Such a thing is possible in Burma today. Wang Shin-hong arrives at the rural monastery, has his head shaved and dons a red robe, in which he instantly becomes an authority. During the welcome procession, the village women, their poverty clear from their clothing and the huts in the background, put more than they have in his alms bowl. During his fleeting role as their advisor, Wang Shin-hong soon learns of the villagers’ attempts to survive and make a living as legal or illegal migrants in China, Thailand or Malaysia. He also finds out how the other monks try to generate profit and additional income.
Wang Shin-hong is suffering from insomnia. A fortune teller advises the Mandalay businessman, whose car and bulging wallet suggest that business is going pretty well, to spend 14 days in a monastery, living life as a monk and eating an apple a day. Such a thing is possible in Burma today. Wang Shin-hong arrives at the rural monastery, has his head shaved and dons a red robe, in which he instantly becomes an authority. During the welcome procession, the village women, their poverty clear from their clothing and the huts in the background, put more than they have in his alms bowl. During his fleeting role as their advisor, Wang Shin-hong soon learns of the villagers’ attempts to survive and make a living as legal or illegal migrants in China, Thailand or Malaysia. He also finds out how the other monks try to generate profit and additional income.
리엔칭은 23살 미얀마 여성이다. 그녀는 메콩 강의 은밀한 경로를 따라 여러 명의 미얀마인들과 함께 태국으로 밀입국하였다. 합법적인 주민증이 없는 리엔칭은 허름한 식당의 저임금 접시닦이로 일을 시작한다. 리엔칭과 같이 밀입국한 남자 구오는 리엔칭에게 호감을 갖고 그녀를 임금이 더 높은 방직공장으로 안내한다. 리엔칭과 구오는 방직공장에서 같이 일하지만, 리엔칭은 장차 주민증을 얻어 방콕과 타이완으로 가서 더 좋은 일자리를 갖는 것을 꿈꾼다. 리엔칭은 번번이 사기를 당하면서도 주민증을 얻기 위해 시골 변두리 사무소를 찾고, 구오는 그런 그녀를 이해하지 못한다. 주민증에 집착하는 리엔칭은 더 많은 돈을 모으기 위해 매춘에 나서고, 이 사실을 아는 구오의 분노는 폭발 직전에 이른다. 드디어, 천신만고 끝에 주민증을 받게 된 리엔칭 앞에 구오가 칼을 들고 나타난다.
리엔칭은 23살 미얀마 여성이다. 그녀는 메콩 강의 은밀한 경로를 따라 여러 명의 미얀마인들과 함께 태국으로 밀입국하였다. 합법적인 주민증이 없는 리엔칭은 허름한 식당의 저임금 접시닦이로 일을 시작한다. 리엔칭과 같이 밀입국한 남자 구오는 리엔칭에게 호감을 갖고 그녀를 임금이 더 높은 방직공장으로 안내한다. 리엔칭과 구오는 방직공장에서 같이 일하지만, 리엔칭은 장차 주민증을 얻어 방콕과 타이완으로 가서 더 좋은 일자리를 갖는 것을 꿈꾼다. 리엔칭은 번번이 사기를 당하면서도 주민증을 얻기 위해 시골 변두리 사무소를 찾고, 구오는 그런 그녀를 이해하지 못한다. 주민증에 집착하는 리엔칭은 더 많은 돈을 모으기 위해 매춘에 나서고, 이 사실을 아는 구오의 분노는 폭발 직전에 이른다. 드디어, 천신만고 끝에 주민증을 받게 된 리엔칭 앞에 구오가 칼을 들고 나타난다.
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
Director of Photography
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
A fascinating documentary, shot in the mountainous north of Burma. No filmmaker is welcome there, because, against the background of a civil war, the jade miners enter the deserted mines illegally. With the aid of filming locals, however, Midi Z was able to compile this portrait. Getting rich quick turns out to be hard and risky work Jade has always been a valuable commodity in Asia. In the mountains in the north of Burma there are valuable deposits of jade. The area forms part of Kachin State, inhabited by many ethnic groups which found themselves embroiled in the Civil War in 2010 with the Burmese government. Jade mining was halted because of the conflict. Thousands of workers, however, went to the war zone in order to dig for illegal jade. It turned the region into a no-go area and the filmmaker Midi Z, who had so far made feature films in Burma, saw no opportunity to go and film there. It was far too dangerous. © iffr.com
A fascinating documentary, shot in the mountainous north of Burma. No filmmaker is welcome there, because, against the background of a civil war, the jade miners enter the deserted mines illegally. With the aid of filming locals, however, Midi Z was able to compile this portrait. Getting rich quick turns out to be hard and risky work Jade has always been a valuable commodity in Asia. In the mountains in the north of Burma there are valuable deposits of jade. The area forms part of Kachin State, inhabited by many ethnic groups which found themselves embroiled in the Civil War in 2010 with the Burmese government. Jade mining was halted because of the conflict. Thousands of workers, however, went to the war zone in order to dig for illegal jade. It turned the region into a no-go area and the filmmaker Midi Z, who had so far made feature films in Burma, saw no opportunity to go and film there. It was far too dangerous. © iffr.com
A fascinating documentary, shot in the mountainous north of Burma. No filmmaker is welcome there, because, against the background of a civil war, the jade miners enter the deserted mines illegally. With the aid of filming locals, however, Midi Z was able to compile this portrait. Getting rich quick turns out to be hard and risky work Jade has always been a valuable commodity in Asia. In the mountains in the north of Burma there are valuable deposits of jade. The area forms part of Kachin State, inhabited by many ethnic groups which found themselves embroiled in the Civil War in 2010 with the Burmese government. Jade mining was halted because of the conflict. Thousands of workers, however, went to the war zone in order to dig for illegal jade. It turned the region into a no-go area and the filmmaker Midi Z, who had so far made feature films in Burma, saw no opportunity to go and film there. It was far too dangerous. © iffr.com
A fascinating documentary, shot in the mountainous north of Burma. No filmmaker is welcome there, because, against the background of a civil war, the jade miners enter the deserted mines illegally. With the aid of filming locals, however, Midi Z was able to compile this portrait. Getting rich quick turns out to be hard and risky work Jade has always been a valuable commodity in Asia. In the mountains in the north of Burma there are valuable deposits of jade. The area forms part of Kachin State, inhabited by many ethnic groups which found themselves embroiled in the Civil War in 2010 with the Burmese government. Jade mining was halted because of the conflict. Thousands of workers, however, went to the war zone in order to dig for illegal jade. It turned the region into a no-go area and the filmmaker Midi Z, who had so far made feature films in Burma, saw no opportunity to go and film there. It was far too dangerous. © iffr.com
Everyday there are many people traveling long distances from Burma to China. They buy motorcycles and resell them in Burma to earn money. Lashio is the traffic center of middle Burma. Jay, who graduated from high school, having no jobs and staying at home, plans to earn money from motorcycle selling after his mum suggested him to do so. Jay then borrows money from his elder brother and sets off his journey to China. Successfully buying motorcycles, will Jay be lucky enough to stay away from robbery while he is driving back home with hopes? Midi left his hometown for a decade and this time he came back and spent two days in underground risky shooting.
산에서 옥수수 농사로 근근히 먹고 사는 젊은 농부와 그의 아버지. 생활고에 시달리던 그들은 옥 광산과 아편농장에서 일하는 친척에게 돈을 빌리기 위해 마을로 내려간다. 하지만 문서분실과 사기, 부패에 시달리며 항상 가난에 시달려야 했다. 수소문 끝에 아버지는 아들을 위해 소를 담보로 오토바이 살 돈을 빌린다. 아들의 오토바이의 첫 손님은 산메이다. 그녀는 할아버지가 사망하여 급히 미얀마로 돌아 온 참이다. 고향인 미얀마에 정착하기 위해 국제결혼으로부터 벗어 날 결심을 하는 그녀. 마약 운반책 일을 맡게 된 산메이는 오토바이 주인인 젊은 농부에게 자신의 기사가 되어 주길 설득한다.
산에서 옥수수 농사로 근근히 먹고 사는 젊은 농부와 그의 아버지. 생활고에 시달리던 그들은 옥 광산과 아편농장에서 일하는 친척에게 돈을 빌리기 위해 마을로 내려간다. 하지만 문서분실과 사기, 부패에 시달리며 항상 가난에 시달려야 했다. 수소문 끝에 아버지는 아들을 위해 소를 담보로 오토바이 살 돈을 빌린다. 아들의 오토바이의 첫 손님은 산메이다. 그녀는 할아버지가 사망하여 급히 미얀마로 돌아 온 참이다. 고향인 미얀마에 정착하기 위해 국제결혼으로부터 벗어 날 결심을 하는 그녀. 마약 운반책 일을 맡게 된 산메이는 오토바이 주인인 젊은 농부에게 자신의 기사가 되어 주길 설득한다.
산에서 옥수수 농사로 근근히 먹고 사는 젊은 농부와 그의 아버지. 생활고에 시달리던 그들은 옥 광산과 아편농장에서 일하는 친척에게 돈을 빌리기 위해 마을로 내려간다. 하지만 문서분실과 사기, 부패에 시달리며 항상 가난에 시달려야 했다. 수소문 끝에 아버지는 아들을 위해 소를 담보로 오토바이 살 돈을 빌린다. 아들의 오토바이의 첫 손님은 산메이다. 그녀는 할아버지가 사망하여 급히 미얀마로 돌아 온 참이다. 고향인 미얀마에 정착하기 위해 국제결혼으로부터 벗어 날 결심을 하는 그녀. 마약 운반책 일을 맡게 된 산메이는 오토바이 주인인 젊은 농부에게 자신의 기사가 되어 주길 설득한다.
산에서 옥수수 농사로 근근히 먹고 사는 젊은 농부와 그의 아버지. 생활고에 시달리던 그들은 옥 광산과 아편농장에서 일하는 친척에게 돈을 빌리기 위해 마을로 내려간다. 하지만 문서분실과 사기, 부패에 시달리며 항상 가난에 시달려야 했다. 수소문 끝에 아버지는 아들을 위해 소를 담보로 오토바이 살 돈을 빌린다. 아들의 오토바이의 첫 손님은 산메이다. 그녀는 할아버지가 사망하여 급히 미얀마로 돌아 온 참이다. 고향인 미얀마에 정착하기 위해 국제결혼으로부터 벗어 날 결심을 하는 그녀. 마약 운반책 일을 맡게 된 산메이는 오토바이 주인인 젊은 농부에게 자신의 기사가 되어 주길 설득한다.
Simple, yet complex. A man (favourite actor Wang Shin-hong) meets a woman (standard actor Wu Ke-xi) on a moored ship, a sort of floating palace decorated like a Buddhist temple. The woman or her spirit struggles with her memories and the man takes on the form of a Buddhist monk in his next life. Complex and yet simple. The man, the woman and the camera move gracefully 'dancing' through the space. Only the thought of escape.
Simple, yet complex. A man (favourite actor Wang Shin-hong) meets a woman (standard actor Wu Ke-xi) on a moored ship, a sort of floating palace decorated like a Buddhist temple. The woman or her spirit struggles with her memories and the man takes on the form of a Buddhist monk in his next life. Complex and yet simple. The man, the woman and the camera move gracefully 'dancing' through the space. Only the thought of escape.
Six filmmakers present six short films about the experiences of Chinese immigrants. Shot across Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Myanmar, the anthology depicts the crisis of identity that accompanies international migration.
Six filmmakers present six short films about the experiences of Chinese immigrants. Shot across Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Myanmar, the anthology depicts the crisis of identity that accompanies international migration.
Arranged by a smuggling syndicate, A-Hong and his young teen sister along with a group of Burmese youngsters sneak across the Myanmar/Thailand border and arrive in a remote town called Dagudi in Northern Thailand. A-Hong's sister is taken away by the gangs as her mother has sold her to them. A-Hong goes to Bangkok and works under a tour guide, a wildcatter from Myanmar who has lived in Thailand illegally for years.
After decades of military rule, Burma has finally held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that peace and prosperity will soon soon follow, including Wang Xing-Hong who is living as an immigrant laborer in Taiwan and saves his money so he can return home. When Xing-hong arrives, he feels like a stranger in a foreign land but is determined to stay and make his life in Burma.
After decades of military rule, Burma has finally held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that peace and prosperity will soon soon follow, including Wang Xing-Hong who is living as an immigrant laborer in Taiwan and saves his money so he can return home. When Xing-hong arrives, he feels like a stranger in a foreign land but is determined to stay and make his life in Burma.
After decades of military rule, Burma has finally held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that peace and prosperity will soon soon follow, including Wang Xing-Hong who is living as an immigrant laborer in Taiwan and saves his money so he can return home. When Xing-hong arrives, he feels like a stranger in a foreign land but is determined to stay and make his life in Burma.
Director of Photography
After decades of military rule, Burma has finally held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that peace and prosperity will soon soon follow, including Wang Xing-Hong who is living as an immigrant laborer in Taiwan and saves his money so he can return home. When Xing-hong arrives, he feels like a stranger in a foreign land but is determined to stay and make his life in Burma.
After decades of military rule, Burma has finally held its first presidential election. Many Burmese living abroad believe that peace and prosperity will soon soon follow, including Wang Xing-Hong who is living as an immigrant laborer in Taiwan and saves his money so he can return home. When Xing-hong arrives, he feels like a stranger in a foreign land but is determined to stay and make his life in Burma.