Zita Hanrot
출생 : 1989-12-07, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Zita Hanrot (born 1 January 1990) is a French actress. She won the César Award for Most Promising Actress in 2016 for her role in the film Fatima.
Gretchen travels to the German Alps with her father and stepmother. In the resort town where they are staying, she comes across some dark secrets. She hears strange noises and is plagued by frightening visions of a woman chasing her. Gretchen is drawn into a conspiracy involving bizarre experiments by the resort’s owner that echoes back generations…
Suzanne Césaire
An actress, three months post-partum, reads through fragments of the archive of Suzanne Césaire as she prepares to perform excerpts of the writer's work.
Ady Fidelin
The story of photographer Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War II.
You have never been to a strip-club. But you have been willing to... at least once...You didn’t dare, that’s all. This film tells the story of someone who dared.
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.
When their plan to spend COVID-19 quarantine together unravels, the friends grapple with the challenge of being cut off from each other—and the world.
Nour Hamadi
간호사 누르는 아버지가 일하는 화학 공장으로 이직하게 된다. 회사는 노동자의 건강과 지역 사회의 안전을 무릅쓰고 독성 폐기물을 방출해 왔는데, 그녀는 진실 앞에서 갈등한다. 영화는 진실과 사회 시스템이 충돌할 때 미디어로서 영화가 어떻게 반응해야 하는지 보여주는 예다. 환경 보호는 자명한 명제지만, 가족이라는 끈과 직장이 제공하는 생존의 조건을 무시하기란 힘들다. 거기에 고용 안정과 지역경제, 정치적 이해관계까지 개입하면 더욱 복잡해진다. 병원에서 근무할 당시, 누르는 의료 사고의 피해자 앞에서 “최선을 다했다”고 답했다.
On the day of their grandmother's funeral, Sacha gathers his cousins to write a tribute to her but nothing will happen as planned.
On the day of their grandmother's funeral, Sacha gathers his cousins to write a tribute to her but nothing will happen as planned.
Zunaira (voice)
1998년 여름 – 탈레반 치하 카불. 주나이라와 모흐센은 젊고 사랑에 빠져 있다. 매일 반복되는 폭력과 불행 속에서도 이들은 더 나은 미래를 꿈꾼다. 그러던 어느 날, 바보 같은 행동 한 번으로 인생이 돌이킬 수 없는 방향으로 바뀌게 된다. 칸국제영화제 주목할 만한 시선 선정작. (2019년 제21회 부천국제애니메이션페스티벌)
Samia Zibra
모두가 의심하고 외면하기 바빴던 '특수반'의 문제아들. 이 아이들은 진정 구제 불능인 걸까, 아니면 편견 없이 자신을 바라봐줄 누군가가 필요했던 것일까. 새로 부임한 선생님은 이 아이들에게 새로운 길을 제시할 수 있을까?
Simon is an experienced doctor who rubs shoulders with death on a daily basis as part of his job in an intensive care unit. Like any good professional, he has learnt to shield himself from it. But when his mother is hospitalised in a nearby unit, and is in a critical condition, his private life and professional life clash spectacularly. Simon’s whole world, and all his certainties and beliefs, are shaken to the core – even to the extent of re-evaluating his career...
폴 상셰즈는 행방이 묘연한 인물로, 10년 전 부인과 아이들을 잔혹하게 살해한 뒤 종적을 감췄다. 그랬던 그가 어느 날 프로방스 레자르크 역에 나타났다는 신고가 접수되었다. 처음 접수를 받은 경찰서에서는 아무도 이를 진지하게 믿지 않았으나, 얼마 지나지 않아 그를 목격했다는 제보가 세계 각지에서 쏟아졌다. 정말 그는 돌아온 것일까? 왔다면 무엇 때문일까?
Samia Barni
At the dawn of her thirties, Mona tries relentlessly to take off as an actress. Time passes and proposals do not arrive. Short of resources, she is forced to move to Sam, her younger sister.
'파티는 끝났다'는 셀레스트와 시엠이 헤로인중독에서 벗어나려는 과정을 따라간다. 약물중독재활센터에 같은 날 입소한 두 사람은 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 관계로 발전한다. 센터에서 쫓겨나 마주하게 된 현실은 수많은 유혹과 고난으로 가득 차 있지만, 바로 그 현실을 동력 삼아 스스로 싸워나가야 한다. 약물의 유혹을 떨치고 자유를 되찾아 앞으로의 인생을 제대로 살아가기 위한 이들의 싸움은 바로 지금부터 시작될 것이다.
방송국의 거만한 CEO 앙투안은 평소 주변 사람들을 우습게 알며, 독단적인 성격으로 일을 처리한다. 사생활 역시 복잡해서 주변 사람들에게 쉽게 상처를 입힌다. 그러던 어느 날, 앙투안은 주변의 앙심을 품은 인물에 의해 총을 맞아 혼수 상태에 빠지게 되고 깨어난 뒤에 세상이 갑자기 180도 달라져 있는 것을 알게 된다. 자신이 방송국에서 일하는 것은 그대로이지만 기상 캐스터가 되어 있었고 주변 사람들 역시 조금씩 달라져 있었다. 앙투안은 이 모든 게 자신의 환각인지, 아니면 누군가의 고약한 복수인지 혼란스러워 하는데...
Every month, women go to a prison on the outskirts of Paris to visit their loved ones: sons, fathers, brothers, partners. They wait in the summer heat. As they move through security checks, relationships are made and broken, tongues loosen, tension mounts… until finally a riot erupts behind bars.
Joachim comes back in his family after a heartache. In spite of the excessive tenderness of his parents and his sensation of strangeness, he learns to desire to live again thanks to his friend Allan, his potential new love Esther, and all the pretty girls randomly crossed.
알제리에서 온 프랑스 이민자 '파티마'는 서툰 프랑스어 때문에 프랑스에서 태어난 딸들과의 소통이 어렵지만, 자식이 자신보다 더 나은 삶을 살길 원하는 세상 모든 엄마처럼 '파티마'도 딸들의 미래를 위해 팍팍한 이민생활을 이겨나간다.
In Paris, 25-year-old Damien has sex with men who pay him. He also has a life in his housing estate, and tries to keep these two lives as separate as possible. But problems start to arise and Damien feels he must make a choice.
Martinique, 1942. Rose, a young teacher, is fired from her job by the Vichy regime of Admiral Robert. Rose seeks to leave the island by boat with a group of fellow dissidents. Her plans are thwarted by the landing on the island of a German officer, and her meeting with Jacques Meyer, the captain of the local navy. A strange confrontation between the German officer, Captain Meyer and rebellious Rose then begins.
Dje has come to Paris for the weekend, no one's expecting him. He discreetly slips through the shadows, walking the streets in an attempt to remedy his boredom. A chameleon and outsider, he spends his time socializing, drinking or just wandering.
Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music.
Serveuse restaurant
클레어는 어렸을 때부터 모든 것을 공유하며 자랐던 절친 로라가 죽은 후 깊은 상심에 빠져 있다. 로라의 아이와 그녀의 남편을 돌보며 슬픔에서 벗어나려 하지만 그마저도 쉽지 않다. 그러던 어느 날, 클레어는 낯선 여자에게서 죽은 친구를 느끼게 되는데…
Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.