Muppets TV is a French television series featuring the Muppets, which first broadcast over TF1 on October 29, 2006 and aired its last episode on December 31 of the same year.
The disappearance of a young woman puts two forensic police officers on the trail of a serial killer. Their fears are confirmed by the discovery of several corpses, what follows is a long hunt across Paris.
은행강도계에서 알아주던 루카는 5년형을 마치고 나오면서 이제야 말로 새로운 마음으로 살 것을 다짐한다. 그리고 시민으로서 단순히 통장을 만들기 위해 은행에 간다. 그런데 갑자기 서툰 은행강도짓을 해보려는 삐뇽이 은행에 뛰어들어온다. 경찰이 은행을 포위하자 당황한 삐뇽은 떨리는 총구를 루카에게 들이대며 밖으로 나간다. 루카가 인질임을 믿지 않는 경찰은 그가 다시 은행털이를 시작한 줄로만 알고 총격을 가한다. 간신히 도망친 루카는 삐뇽의 친구에게서 치료를 받는다. 삐뇽이 엄마를 잃고 실어증에 걸린 딸 잔느 때문에 은행강도를 시도했다는 것을 알고 어쩔 수 없이 두 사람과 도망자가 된 루까. 단순범이고 초범인 삐농은 사고 연발이고 할 수 없이 루까는 두 부녀를 돌봐주게 된다.
The journey strewn with adventures of François Veber, electrician who decides to embark on the theater. For his passion, he leaves his wife. Particularly awkward, he will have to work to achieve his dream.
Martin Terrier wants to quit his job as a hired hitman, but his organized crime employers are unwilling to see him turned out to pasture, Terrier knows too much, and he is still useful to the organization. He escapes to the countryside where he meets Claire, and the two soon fall in love. Back in Paris to confront his employers, Terrier learns that they've stolen all his money from the bank. They give him an ultimatum—do one last job for them and he gets his money and his freedom...