Miguel Carmona
Five men commit a robbery and flee each one for his side. Later they meet in a place to distribute the millions. While they wait for Juan, who is the one who takes the booty, each of them is imagining what it is going to do with his part. But the wait is doing long billiard cue to him and they are becoming nervous thinking that his companion will never appear, remembering they knew since him and since the things were happening up to the current moment.
Chief Shingiss
A French spy (Mary Castle) flirts with an Indian chief's son (Jon Hall) amid war in 1753 Williamsburg, Va.
백인 정착민들은 코만치 땅에서 은을 채굴하기 위해 정부와 코만치 사이의 합의를 무시하고, 스카우트 짐 보위는 평화를 유지하려 노력한다. 코만치 영토에서 은이 발견되었으며 정부는 코만치 인디언들과 평화로운 협정을 맺는다. 짐 보위가 현장에 들어오면 인디언들을 공격하려고 계획하고 근처에 사는 백인 정착민들이 그 합의에 대해 알고 있지만 이 마을의 은행가이며 주점 주인이기도 한 아름다운 케이티는 이 음모에서 주도적인 역할을 하는 것으로 보인다. 하지만 케이티의 동생은 조약을 무시하고 인디언들을 학살하려고 하는데…
Bar Simon
성경에 나오는 괴력의 사나이 삼손(빅터 마추어)은 젊은 날엔 방황하며 지낸다.그는 유대민족의 청년이지만, 이방인인 블레셋족의 아름다운 처녀 세마다(안젤라 란스베리)와 결혼하려 한다. 그러나, 그와의 결혼을 반대하는 그녀의 친척들이 공격해오고, 급기야 그 와중에 그녀는 살해당하고 만다. 삼손은 그에 대한 복수를 하기 위해 당나귀 턱뼈로 블레셋족을 닥치는 대로 죽인다. 한편, 죽은 세마다의 여동생인 데릴라는 삼손이 지닌 괴력을 탐지하기 위해 그와 결혼한다. 삼손은 아름답고 변덕스런 데릴라에게 빠졌지만, 자신의 힘의 비밀을 쉽게 알려주려 하지 않는다. 잘못된 정보를 실천에 옮긴 블레셋족들의 낭패를 즐겁게 구경하는 삼손. 하지만 데릴라는 그를 구슬려서 결국 긴 머리칼에 힘의 원천임을 알아내고, 머리칼을 자른다. 이리하여 블레셋족의 노예로 전락한 그는 10년 동안 감금되는데, 그제서야 여호와를 찾으며 그동안의 죄를 참회한다. 그동안 그의 머리칼은 계속 자라지만, 어느 누구 하나 눈여겨보는 이가 없다. 마침내 10년 후 블레셋족이 잔치가 있던 날, 삼손을 이끌어내서 희롱하려고 한다. 이때 이미 눈이 먼 그는 거대한 팔레스타인 사원의 기둥을 잡고, 자신의 마지막 힘을 다 써서 무너뜨린다. 처음에는 비웃던 사람들이 그의 괴력으로 빚어진 참사에 놀라고, 데릴라 역시 그 소동의 와중에 비참한 최후를 맞이한다.
Museum Caretaker
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Padre Leonardo
Daring Cabellero was the third of producer Phil Krasne's Cisco Kid "B" westerns. Duncan Renaldo and Leo Carrillo return as Cisco and Pancho, roles they'd carry over into a popular 1950s TV series. Once more stumbling into a dangerous situation, Cisco and Pancho risk their own necks by saving an innocent man from hanging. Eventually, our heroes learn that a corrupt political machine is behind the killing. Leading lady Kippie Valez is cast as "herself," which must have meant more in 1949 than it does today. Unlike the subsequent TV series, Daring Caballero does not end with the leading actors reciting their standard mantra "Oh, Pancho! Oh, Cisco!"
Chief Tari
The curse of a shark god follows a group of people who have violated a sacred jungle idol.
Chief Wykomas
A convent-raised woman (Martha Vickers) learns of her American Indian heritage through romance with an educated Navajo (Philip Reed) during the 1880s.
Señor Martinez
Two con men selling phony stock flee to Mexico ahead of the law, where they run into a woman friend from their earlier days, who is now a bullfighter.
Arab Philosopher
Joe spends a lot of his time at Nick's Pacific Street Saloon. Tom, who credits Joe with once saving his life, stops by regularly to run errands for Joe. Today, Tom notices a woman named Kitty when she comes into Nick's, and he quickly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, a distraught young man repeatedly calls his girlfriend, begging her to marry him. Nick himself muses on all the various persons who come into his bar, some to ask for work and others just to pass the time.
Don Carlos Belmonte
Eduardo Belmonte overhears his new step-mother, Maria, and her lover, Don Ricardo Gonzales plotting to take over the Belmonte rancho on the night of the fiesta given by her husband, Don Carlos Belmonte. Eduardo offers Maria money if she will depart the hacienda premises, but she refuses and then accuses Eduardo of making love to her. The old Don doesn't take kindly to his son hitting on his step-mother and attacks him in a rage. The lights go out, the father is killed and Maria blames Eduardo, who escapes from the house, chased by Ricardo's men. The Cisco Kid and Pancho rescue Eduardo, who has been shot, and hide him while they investigate. Cisco discovers that bullets from Maria's gun, a handy little derringer, are the same type that killed Don Carlos. But the Alcalde arrests Cisco and Pancho, and Cisco is "supposedly" executed by a firing squad, but IS NOT shot and escapes by a trick. And now Maria and Ricardo are in real trouble with Cisco on the loose.
Papa Castro
Two pairs of lovers try to thwart an arranged marriage at Costa Rican fiesta time.
Sidewalk Cafe Waiter Horatio
Locals in an Italian village believe evil has taken over the estate of a recently deceased pianist where murder has taken place. The alleged killer: the pianist's severed hand.
Tim Rousseau
Highlights in this one include a fist-fight between Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe (I won't give away the winner, but check the cast order); a cat-fight between Virginia Grey and Carol Thurston that the male cast of Sienfeld would pay to see and, just to keep things moving, Weissmuller wrestles an alligator, and there are two mid-water collisions between small-craft boats, a big ship wreck and a blazing swamp fire finale. Toss in a plot that has Weissmuller as a psycho-neurotic war veteran who, because he piled up his Navy destroyer on the rocks, now dreads returning to his pre-war occupation of a pilot guiding ships through the channels at the mouth of the Mississippi. Throw in icy Virginia Grey as a spoiled heiress out to take Johnny away from his job, his friends and the girl he loves (who knows why), and you have enough plot and action for two Pine-Thomas jewels.
주로 여성들의 돈을 훔치거나 카사노바처럼 마음을 빼앗던 비독(조지 샌더스)과 동료 에밀(아킴 타미로프)은 생일 케이크에 숨겨진 줄을 이용해 감옥에서 탈출한다. 성당 벽화로 ‘용과 싸우는 성 조지’를 그리고 있던 화가를 위해 포즈를 취해준 다음, 다시 범죄의 세계로 되돌아간다. 그들은 첫 번째로 부유층들이 드나드는 한 클럽에 왕족 행세를 하며 들어간 비독은 그곳에서 노래를 부르는 로레타의 루비 가터를 훔칠 계획을 세운다. 실존 인물 프랑소아 외젠 비독이 1775년 프랑스 감옥에서 태어나는 순간부터 파리의 경찰서장이 되기까지의 자전적인 일대기를 다룬 영화로 정체성의 혼란, 현재의 삶을 짓누르는 과거의 그림자 등 서크적인 주제가 농후한 영화. (2006년 서울 시네마테크 상영회 - 더글라스 서크 특별전)
Unable to complete the deal by telephone, advertising executive Roberts sends his assistant Ann to Cuba to lure a Cuban band, led by Desi Arnaz, on to an American radio program. Attracted to Ann, Arnaz and his band come to New York but complications arise when the squeaky-voiced, addle-brained sponsor of the program decides she wants to be the vocalist on the program.
Ricardo Torreon
Rancher Clay Hardin arrives in San Antonio to search for and capture Roy Stuart, notorious leader of a gang of cattle rustlers. The vicious outlaw is indeed in the Texan town, intent on winning the affections of a beautiful chanteuse named Jeanne Starr. When the lovely lady meets and falls in love with the charismatic Hardin, the stakes for both men become higher.
Felipe (unconfirmed)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Don Ramon Castillo
Olga San Juan is the singing and dancing star of a night club in a South America country,and is in love with Bob Graham, the orchestra leader and vocalist, whose wealthy parents are unaware of his club and musical activities. The parents, when told of the romance, think the girl is after the son's future inheritance. A Paramount "Musical Parade" short.
Charles, Headwaiter
A doctor answers a suicide call in a Latin nightclub.
Father Angelo
Gallant Cisco "kidnaps" murder suspect Ellen from the authorities, then sets about to prove her innocence, all with the cooperation of a sympathetic sheriff.
Don Carlos Ybarra
The Falcon travels to Mexico where he gets involved with murder and a mysterious painting.
Professor Van Dorn
Broadway producer Jerry Flynn is anxious to recapture the magic and reclaim the crowds after a set of costly flops. Outside his theater one night, Flynn meets a young boy who just might save the day. Inside a small box the boy shows Flynn his pride and joy: a caterpillar named Curly that dances to Yes Sir, That's My Baby. Word quickly spreads about the amazingly talented hoofer, and the caterpillar becomes a symbol of hope for wartime America. Soon, offers are pouring in to capitalize on this sensational insect.
Don Diego
Don Diego is a large ranch owner, the uncle of Dolores and the guardian of a young American, Steve Randall. Steve has just delivered a large herd of cattle to the ranch, where Don Diego has just found out that he must pay the local tax commissioner, Harkness a fine for unpaid taxes on a herd of over one-thousand cattle. Steve offers to drive the cattle to the commissioners office, even though he fells the fine is unjust. Arriving at the office, Steve learns that Harkness (who he has never met), who has a reputation for dishonesty, is out. Dropping by the cantina, Steve gets into a fight with Harkness, and Harkness swears vengeance on Steve, especially after Steve stampedes the cattle through the town.
Dr. LeCramps
프랑스 산골마을 루르드. 가난한 집안의 맏이로 태어난 베르나데트는 어린 시절부터 천식을 앓았다. 병약한 소녀이긴 했지만 천성적으로는 티없이 맑고 착한 소녀였다. 어느 날 동생과 함께 땔감을 줍기위해 나가서 우연히 발견한 동굴에 호기심을 갖고 들어가서 뜻밖에 일을 겪게된다. 베르나데트가 성모를 보았다는 소문이 돌기 시작하고 그에 사람들과 신문을 통해 그녀는 프랑스 전역에 알려지게 된다. 베르나데트는 시당국의 탄압을 받게 되고, 베르나데트가 파 놓은 땅속에서 샘물이 솟아 오르고 병자들이 치유되는 기적이 일어나면서 소문을 들은 사람들은 시골마을인 루르드로 모여 들게 되는데.... 그리고 성모로부터 은총을 받은 베르나데트는 수련수녀가 되어 수녀원으로 가게되는데...
Colonel Miranda
1937년 파시스트와 공화정부파로 갈라져 싸우던 스페인 내전에서 미국 청년 로버트 죠단은 정의와 자유를 위해 공화 정부파의 의용군에 투신하여 게릴라 활동에 종사하고 있다. 죠단에게 내려진 새로운 임무는 적군의 진격로에 해당하는 산중의 대철교를 3일 후에 폭파시키라는 것이다. 죠단은 안세르모라는 늙은 짚시를 안내로 삼고, 목적하는 산지로 찾아들어간다. 한편, 철교를 폭파시키기 위해서는 이 산악지방의 집시의 힘을 빌지 않고서는 불가능하다. 이 짚시의 두목은 술을 좋아하는 파블로로 그는 이일에 선뜻 협력하려들지 않는다. 그래서 죠단은 파블로의 아내 필라와 이 일을 협의하게 된다. 그녀는 자진하여 집시를 지휘해서 이 계획을 원조할 것을 제의한다. 파블로의 부하는 전원 필라의 명령에 따라 착착 계획을 진행하는데 이러는 중에 스페인의 소녀 마리아는 뜨겁게 죠단을 사랑하게 된다. 드디어 3일째인 이른 아침, 죠단일행은 철교 폭파에 성공한다. 그러나 그는 말을 몰고 달리는 순간, 적군의 포화에 쓰러지는데...
Baba - Old Turk
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
타잔과 독일의 나치가 대결한다.
Bones (Circus Troupe)
캘리포니아의 항공기 제조 공장, 이곳에서 일하던 배리(Barry Kane: 로버트 커밍 분)는 친구와 함께 휴식 기간에 공장을 나오다가 우연히 프라이(Frank Fry: 노먼 로이드 분)라는 사람을 만나게 된다. 그때 공장에서 화제가 발생하고 그 방화사건에 배리의 친구가 희생을 당하게 된다. 갑작스런 친구의 죽음을 슬퍼하고 있던 배리는 방화범이라는 누명을 쓰고 경찰의 수사에서 용의자로 지목된다. 그가 친구에게 건네준 소화기가 휘발유로 가득차 있었다는 것과 우연히 마주쳤던 프라이라는 직원을 찾을 수 없다는 이유 때문이다. 도망자의 신세가 되어 프라이를 추적하는 배리, 도중에 인기 모델인 팻(Patricia Martin: 프리실라 레인 분)을 만나게 되는데 그녀는 처음엔 그를 믿지 않다가 결국 그와 함께 범인 추적에 나선다. 우여곡절 끝에 뉴욕에 도착한 배리 일행. 그들은 그 방화사건 뒤에 아메리칸 나치 조직이 있음을 알게 되는데.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
The story of a single swallow who, taking a rest from southward flight at a mission in California, ultimately brings about the famed migration of swallows to the mission at San Juan Capistrano.
Don Carlos Montoya
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Sir Arthur Blake has inherited title and lands from his brother. He also has his orphaned nephew Benjamin working for him as a bonded servant. While he believes the lad was born out of wedlock and so cannot claim the inheritance, he is taking no chances. Benjamin eventually rebels against his uncle and sets sail to try and make his fortune. This may enable him to return to prove his claim to being the rightful heir to the estate.
Count Gravini
Cultured Mario and outlaw Lucien, twins separated at birth, join forces to avenge their parents' death at the hands of evil Colonna. Because each feels all the same sensations experienced by the other, swordplay is difficult for them. Worse yet, raised very differently, they struggle to find common ground between their conflicting personalities. But to defeat their enemy, the two will have to overcome the obstacles and work as a team.
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Don Jose Alvarez
투우를 하다 죽은 아버지를 따라 투우사가 되고자 하는 후안(타이론 파워 분)은 몰래 투우연습을 하다 은퇴한 명투우사 돈 호세(페드로 드 코도바 분)의 눈에 들어 훈련을 쌓아간다. 그러던 중 그는 투우 사육소 감시관 딸인 카르멘(린다 다넬 분)과 사랑에 빠진다. 마드리드로 투우 수업을 떠난 후안은 10년 후 인기절정의 투우사가 되어 고향 세릴리아로 돌아온다. 그러나 카르멘과 사랑을 나누던 후안 앞에 사교계의 여왕 도나(리타 헤이워스 분)가 나타나자 후안은 그녀의 유혹에 빠지게 된다. 카르멘은 후안과 도나 앞에서 후안을 돌려줄 것을 하소연하지만 도나는 그녀 앞에서 그와 키스를 나눠 그녀의 가슴에 못을 박는다. 그 후 후안은 술과 여자에 빠져 타락의 길로 접어들고 도나는 후안 대신 인기를 얻고 있는 다른 투우사에게로 떠나버린다. 비탄과 절망에 빠진 후안은 마지막으로 투우에 모든 것을 쏟아붓기로 마음먹는다. 이윽고 투우장에 선 후안은 관중석에 앉아있는 도나를 본다. 그러나 그녀는 새로 부상한 젊은 투우사 마린노에게 온 정신이 가 있었다. 좌절감 속에 기도실을 찾았던 후안은 자신의 무사함을 빌고 있는 아내 카르멘을 본다. 눈물을 흘리며 투우장으로 나간 후안은 멋진 묘기로 소를 쓰러뜨린다. 그리고 마지막으로 칼을 꽂으려 할 때 바람이 불어 빨간 천이 날리는 바람에 소에 받치고 만다. 병원으로 옮겨지던 후안은 마지막 힘을 다해 카르멘에게 말한다. "오늘 시합의 상금으로 우리 시골로 가서 조용히 삽시다. 당신이 글을 가르쳐줘요. 이 세상에서 나를 사랑하는 이는 당신뿐이야." 그의 정열과 야망은 투우장의 모래 바닥 위에 스며드는 빗줄기처럼 허무하게 사라지고 만다.
Don Fernando de Vega
When old rancher Cordoba's grandson is murdered, the Cisco Kid takes his place to find who's trying to take over the ranch.
Henri Jerome
On the night before he sails in search of the steamship Arcadia's sunken gold, Paul Sinclair (Bruce Bennett)meets Madeliene Nielson (Anita Louise) in a San Francisco nightclub. On the second day at sea, Madeliene turns up as a stowaway. While diving and searching for the sunken gold, off the Phillipines, Paul discovers that a foreign-country submarine has been laying mines in order to completely cut off the Phillipines from American protection.
Don Miguel
돈 디에고는 베가 알레한드로의 아들로서 스페인에서 생도 생활을 하다가 아버지의 부름을 받고 고향인 캘리포니아로 돌아오게 된다 돈 디에고가 스페인에 머무는 동안 베가 알레한드로는 부패한 관청으로부터 뇌물을 먹인 악인 돈 루이스 꾸안테로에게 시장 자리를 뺏기고 그의 수하인 에스테반 대령과 합심하여 시민들의 세금을 갈취하고 강제 노동을 시키는 등 민심을 흉흉하게 만든다. 고향에 돌아와 이 모든 사실을 알게 된 돈 디에고는 겉으로는 철부지 인척 어리광만 부리다가 밤이면 정의 실현을 위해 조로로 변신하여 가난한 노동자들을 위해 돈을 나눠주고 어려움에서 구해준다 결국 조로 때문에 큰 위험에 처한 꾸안테로와 에스테반 대령은 조로에게 높은 현상금을 걸지만 소용이 없고 영웅이 된 조로는 꾸안테로 시장을 찾아가 스페인으로 이주하라며 권고한다 돈 디에고는 꾸안테로의 조카인 로리타에게 한 눈에 반하게 되고 오해가 있었지만 곧 조로라는 것을 알고 그녀도 믿고 사랑하게 된다 하지만 곧 꾸안테로의 덫의 걸려 조로라는 것이 탄로가 나는 돈 디에고, 하지만 곤경에서 빠져 나와 에스테반 대령을 죽이고 궁지에 몰린 꾸안테로 시장에게 시민들에게 직접 사직 연설을 하라고 시킨다 후임으로는 선임 시장이었던 디에고의 아버지 베가 경을 지명하고 꾸안테로 전 시장은 스페인으로 부인과 함께 떠난다. 돈 디에고는 로리타와 결혼을 하게 되고 캘리포니아는 다시 평화를 되찾는다.
Victor Sondini
A physician on death row for a mercy killing is allowed to experiment on a serum using a criminals' blood, but secretly tests it on himself. He gets a pardon, but finds out he's become a Jekyll-&-Hyde.
Capt. Mendoza
제프리 토프는 모험적이고 용감한 해적. 그는 스페인 배는 약탈하지만, 영국 배는 약탈하지 않는다. 어느 날 한 배를 추적하는데 성공하고 그는 배 안에서 스페인의 귀족 도나 마리아와 만나게 된다. 제프리는 도나의 아름다움에 입을 다물지 못하고 그녀와 가까워지고 싶어하지만 도나는 그에게 전혀 관심이 없다. 그는 일개 해적이기 때문이다.
Sent by cutthroat pirates to turn Kehane’s head while they loot his island paradise of a fortune in pearls, Ruby instead falls for the young chief. Together, the two save Kehane’s people and their island home from the rapacious picaroons but at the tragic cost of their own future together.
Havez (as Pedro De Cordoba)
After intrepid working girl Mary Carter becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunted mansion located on Black Island near the Cuban coast, a stranger phones warning her to stay away from the castle. Undaunted, Mary sets sail for Cuba with a stowaway in her trunk—wise-cracking Larry Lawrence, a radio announcer who helps Mary get to the bottom of the voodoo magic, zombies and ghosts that supposedly curse the spooky estate.
A murdered man helps his widow bring his killer to justice.
Dr. Kohlmar
Seven years after a shipwreck in which she was presumed dead, Ellen Arden arrives home to find that her husband Nick has just remarried. The overjoyed Nick struggles to break the news to his new bride. But he gets a shock when he hears the whole story: Ellen spent those seven years alone on a desert island with another man.
Monsieur Binat
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Don Miguel
An American tourist in South America finds love and unexpected trouble.
Chan, in Paris for a reunion with friends from World War I, becomes involved in investigating the murder of a munitions manufacturer who was supplying arms to the enemy, even as the rising clouds of World War II force the city into nightly blackout status..
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Padre Jose
Buck Colins heads a group of local ranchers who are trying to prevent the railroad from completing its line through their property. Till now they have been able to charge tolls on herds passing through. Hoppy goes undercover to expose them.
Latin Ambassador (uncredited)
Twelve people are aboard Coast Air Line's flagship the Silver Queen enroute to South America when the airplane encounters a storm and is blown off course. Crashing into jungles known to be inhabited by head hunters, pilots Bill and Joe race against time to fix the engines and attempt a take off. The situation brings out the best and worst in the stranded dozen as they create a makeshift runway and prepare to escape before the natives attack. But damage to the plane and low fuel reserves means that only 5 people can be carried to safety.
Riva Palacio
The newly-named emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrive in Mexico to face popular sentiment favoring Benito Juárez and democracy.
The story of Sam Houston, hero of the Texas revolution, statesman, and first president of the Republic of Texas.
When a waiter makes a lucky hit and wins a benefit prizefight, gamblers rig some fights for him; but a reporter arranges for a real boxer to put him in his place.
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Father Claverly
A two-fisted Canadian Mountie leads lawmen in pursuit of the thieves who stole an Edmonton-bound freighter's cargo.
Abdul Mir
This being a Republic picture, it should come as no surprise that Storm Over Bengal was filmed in its entirety in the San Fernando Valley. Within its concise 65 minutes, the film manages to accommodate a Bengal Lancers main plot, a romantic subplot, the obligatory coward who makes good, intrigue aplenty from a villainous Indian potentate, and an outsized climactic battle between the rebels and the British forces. Patric Knowles, previously one of the leads in the British-India epic Charge of the Light Brigade, heads the cast. Worth noting is the presence in the cast of Richard Cromwell as secondary romantic lead Neil Allison and Douglass Dumbrille as the despicable Khan. Three years earlier, Cromwell had been tortured by Dumbrille's minions in Lives of a Bengal Lancer, and he undergoes much the same treatment here-"just to make him feel at home" observed film historian Roger Dooley.
J. Howard Travers
Jane breaks into the film business while also reviving the flagging career of her film director uncle and getting him hooked up with his secretary.
Mons. Cambret
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love.
Maurice Zabello
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
Dr. Edward B. Walker
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
Signor Luigi Montefiori
Bob Conrad is the playboy son of town squire Charles Conrad. Much against his dad's wishes, Bob falls in love with Dorothy McCarthy, the daughter of penniless widow Mrs. McCarthy. At the insistence of his dad, Bob weds Sally Lace. Dorothy's broken heart is mended however, when it turns out that Sally's divorce from her previous husband was never finalized.
Mr. Morse
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Father Salvierderra
Half-Indian girl brought up in a wealthy household is loved by the son of the house against his family's wishes and loves another Indian employed by the household.
Brother Francois
Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero, Anthony Adverse. Abandoned at a convent by his heartless nobleman father, Don Luis, Anthony is later mentored by his kind grandfather, John Bonnyfeather, and falls for the beautiful Angela Giuseppe. When circumstances separate Anthony and Angela and he embarks on a long journey, he must find his way back to her, no matter what the cost.
Dr. Capolo
Epidemiologist Cliff Claybourne falls in love with Rita Wilson in a gambling house. They want to marry but Cliff's brother is convinced Rita is no good and forces Cliff to fulfill his agreement to do research in Africa in exchange for paying gambling debt. Rita, Cliff and brother are furious with each other, but Rita and Cliff are still in love.
Charles Martin
Wrongfully convicted of a robbery and murder, Paul Lavond breaks out of prison with a genius scientist who has devised a way to shrink humans. When the scientist dies during the escape, Lavond heads for his lab, using the shrinking technology to get even with those who framed him and vindicate himself in both the public eye and the eyes of his daughter, Lorraine. When an accident leaves a crazed assistant dead, however, Lavond must again make an escape.
A decadent prince unhappy over an impending arranged marriage, looking for a good time in London discovers the existence of a secret society called The Suicide Club, and so he seeks to become a member.
Undetermined Supporting Role
The story of a woman, Frankie, and the man who has done her wrong, Johnnie.
An escaped lunatic, a mysterious swami, and various lovers all have designs on a famous opera singer.
Hacendado Wanting to Cooperate
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
Stefan Bernaido
Mercenary Donovan is hired to kidnap King Peter II. He learns that the party in power is evil and that the King is in danger, so kidnaps the King to keep him safe while a revolution is planned.
Don Diego
17세기 영국, 제임스 왕의 폭정에 반란이 일어난다. 모든 시민이 대항하지만 의사인 블러드는 겁쟁이라는 주변의 질타에도 나름의 신념을 굳게 믿으며 동참하지 않는다. 그러다 블러드에게 심한 부상을 당한 반란군이 찾아오고 그를 치료해주다 투옥되어 결국 노예로 팔려가는 신세가 된다. 이 사건을 통해 그는 현실을 바꾸고자 결심하고 권력자 비숍 대령과 맞서지만 실패하고 악명 높은 탄광으로 팔려나갈 찰라에 비숍의 조카 애나벨라가 그를 사겠다고 나서는데...
Anders Bizet
After a series of murders, a man finds out that his mother was bitten by a vampire bat during her pregnancy, and he believes that he may be the vampire committing the murders.
King Richard the Lionhearted launches a crusade to preserve Christianity in Jerusalem.
Narrator (voice)
Produced by the Fox Movietone News arm of Fox Film Corporation and based on the book by Lawrence Stallings, this expanded newsreel, using stock-and-archive footage, tells the story of World War I from inception to conclusion. Alternating with scenes of trench warfare and intimate glimpses of European royalty at home, and scenes of conflict at sea combined with sequences of films from the secret archives of many of the involved nations.
Billy Morrow (Ben Lyon), who comes from a wealthy family, is sailing to Europe with his father (Holbrook Blinn) on their yacht. Along for the ride is Mrs. Parr (Claire Eames) and her stepdaughter. Near the French coast, Billy discovers that Mrs. Parr wants to arrange a marriage between him and the girl, so he escapes and takes a lifeboat ashore.
Dorando - The Bandolero
When his wife is killed by the evil Marques de Bazan, Spanish army officer Dorando becomes a notorious outlaw known as El Bandolero. He kidnaps Bazan's son Ramon and has him raised by one of his own men. When Ramon grows up to be a man he meets and falls in love with El Bandolero's beautiful daughter Petra. Bandolero forbids his daughter from seeing Ramon, so Ramon leaves to become a bullfighter. A vengeful young woman he has spurned sets up Ramon to be gored by a vicious young bull. Complications ensue.
Joe Renard
Two inmates and a cleaning girl at a home for struggling artists achieve success and fame when they pool their talents and produce a smash hit Broadway musical. Edgar ( Monte Blue ), the playwright, is in love with April ( Madge Kennedy ), the ex- leading lady, but she doesn't discover that she loves him until it's almost too late.
Prince Ibrahim
In Egypt a colonel with a year to live saves a girl from an Arab prince.
Atilio Castro
The dashing but arrogant Prince Michael Fedor Lubimoff has to flee Tsarist Russia after falling into disgrace and settles in Monte Carlo, where he resumes his life of debauchery while World War I ravages the fields of Europe… (Partially lost film; reels 3 and 9 of a total of 11 are missing.)
Duke of Buckingham
Mary Tudor falls in love with a new arrival to court, Charles Brandon. She convinces her brother King Henry VIII to make him his Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, Henry is determined to marry her off to the aging King Louis XII of France as part of a peace agreement.
Dr. Dimitrius
Mr. May wants his daughter Diana to marry into society. The man he wishes her to wed is a scientist, Dr. Dimitrius, but Diana is in love with an officer, Commander Cleeve.
New York society member Priscilla Maine is troubled by strange dreams in which she vividly sees members of the underworld involved in a murder. She confides this to her admirer, Dr. Philip Fosdick, who undertakes to solve the mystery.
Prince Michail Koloyar
When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
Press agent "Inky" Ames, in a quandary to publicize showgirl Anitra St. Clair, convinces her to paint a birthmark on her shoulder and pose as millionaire mine owner Theodore True's long-lost daughter.
Arriving with her husband in Arabia, Katherine Wyvrne is ready for romantic times in the exotic Middle East, but her aristocratic husband prefers to be out hunting "Barbara sheep" than fulfilling his wife's desires. She soon meets up with the dashing Arab chief Benchaalai and falls for his charms, but he has a much more sinister goal in mind for her than romance.
The classic story of a flower girl from the slums who becomes Sapho.
Ramon loves Catalonian peasant Maria Rosa. He uses a knife belonging to her love Andreas to kill fisherman Pedro, so Andreas goes to jail for ten years. Maria will wait for him, but Ramon convinces her Andreas dies in prison so she agrees to marry him. On their wedding day Ramon is paroled. Maria then stabs Ramon.
Opera singer Renee Dupree is in love with struggling composer Julian who falls very seriously ill. She goes to impresario Mueller for the money Julian needs but is saved from sacrificing her virtue when a jealous lover kills Mueller.
Hot-blooded gypsy Carmen attempts to seduce Don Jose, a lawman sent to thwart a gang of illegal smugglers in Spain. Carmen's plan backfires when Don Jose's passion for the gypsy girl escalates into a jealous rage as she spurns him for her bullfighter beau, Escamillo, with tragic results.