Starring former world champions Bret Hart and Billy Graham, 350 Days is a true look behind the curtains at the grueling life they led on the road 350 days a year and the effect that lifestyle had on their marriages, family, physical and mental health. Featuring Greg Valentine, Tito Santana, Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Abdullah The Butcher, Wendi Richter, Bill Eadie, Nikolai Volkoff, Stan Hansen, Angelo Mosca, Lex Luger, and more, this film also includes some of the last interviews ever done with George “The Animal” Steele, Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka, Ox Baker, The Wolfman, Don Fargo, and 99-year-old Angelo Savoldi.
Self (archive footage)
An ambitious and wide-ranging documentary exploring Andre’s upbringing in France, his celebrated career in WWE, and his forays in the entertainment world.
A decade after her mother's murder, Riley Canterbury must return home, after her neglectful, carnival owner father has gone missing. She soon realizes things in this small New England town are much stranger and sinister than she remembered.
The Butcher
A horror anthology of shorts themed around the five senses.
CARD SUBJECT TO CHANGE: PRO WRESTLING'S UNDERGROUND takes you deep inside the underground world of professional wrestling. This compelling film follows several wrestlers as they make their way through the local VFW halls, high school gyms and Elks' lodges grinding it out on the independent circuit where the payouts can range from $5 - $20 per match. Some do it for the love of the sport, others desperate to make it big; it is both heart-pounding and heart-wrenching. Tim Disbrow makes his directorial debut as he documents the circuit's legends, including: Kevin Sullivan, Michael "Trent Acid" Verdi, Rhett Titus, Sabu, Kamala and Necro Butcher, who also made an appearance in the critically-acclaimed film, The Wrestler.
Ox Baker (archive footage)
From the late 1800s to 1988, Kansas City was considered a hotbed of professional wrestling. The lineage of champions in multiple wrestling organizations can be traced to the City of Fountains, and the fan base was considered to be one of the most rampant. The wave of professional wrestling success in the city continued throughout the Twentieth Century until 1988, when Vince McMahon's global World Wrestling Federation ultimately put an end to the independent wrestling territories that once filled up America. K.C. ON THE MAT focuses specifically on Kansas City pro-wrestling from 1930 to the demise in 1988. It begins with the back story of the first National Wrestling Alliance Champion, Orville Brown, and his rise as a top promoter in Kansas City. Brown eventually sold his assets out, and the trio of "Texas" Bob Geigel, Harley Race and Pat O'Connor controlled the area until its fall in the late 1980s.
A new documentary about the strange and sometimes secretive world of pro wrestling, both inside and outside the squared circle. For six years, Mark Ezovski followed three individuals to explore the strange, fascinating and secretive world of professional wrestling. The Absolute Truth About Pro Wrestling is not a film about wrestling but a film about three individuals following their dreams. It is a funny, sad and ultimately uplifting portrait of life outside of the squared circle.
Russian Wrestler
Aliens come to Earth to fight has-been professional wrestlers.
A "documentary" showcasing the Detroit professional wrestling scene of the 1970s. The story centers around a campaign to ban the Sheik.
Ox Baker
Beloved promoter Sam Muchnick says farewell to the sport of kings in St. Louis with an All-Star card!
미국은 날로 증가하는 범죄자를 처리하기 위해 뉴욕의 맨하턴에 뉴욕 최고 안전 교도소(New York Maximum Security Penitentiary)라는 치안 상태가 전혀 없는 무법천지를 만들어 범법자들을 가둬놓게 된다. 1997년, 어느 테러 일당에 의해 핵전쟁과 관련된 중대한 국제 회의에 참석하려던 대통령 전용기가 납치되어 자폭하려는 순간 대통령은 구조용 제트기에 실려 거대한 도시 감옥로 탈출하게 된다. 이에 도시 감옥을 지배하고 있는 듀크라는 자의 지휘하에 범법자들은 대통령을 인질로 잡고 경찰과 협상을 벌이게 된다. 사태의 책임자인 하우크는 무공훈장까지 받은 공수단 출신의 전쟁 영웅 스네이크 플리스켄(Snake Plissken)을 대통령의 구조 임무를 띠고 파견된다. 그는 연방은행 강도죄로 종신형을 선고 받고 이곳 교도소에 입소하려던 중이었는데, 만약 국제 회의에 참석할 수 있도록 22시간 내에 대통령을 구해오면 면죄해 준다는 조건이다. 행글라이더로 거대한 도시 교도소에 잠입한 스네이크는 택시 운전수 캐비와 옛 동료 브레인 등을 만나 함께 대통령 구출전을 펼친다.
Ox Baker
The biggest match in the history pits WWWF World Champion "Superstar" Billy Graham against NWA World's hampion Harley Race in a epic confrontation in Miami's Orange Bowl!