Folke Sundquist
출생 : 1925-11-04, Falun, Kopparbergs län, Sweden [now Dalarnas län, Sweden]
사망 : 2009-01-13
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Christer Berg dies in a car crash and is found with a teddy bear named "Bamse". His son, also named Christer finds out that Bamse belongs to his father's lover Barbro Persson. He tries to humiliate her, introducing her to his mother as his new fiancée. But he ends up falling in love with her, and she sees in him the memories of her dead lover. When she finds herself pregnant, they have to decide about their love affair.
Tamino (uncredited)
화가 요한과 그의 아내 알마는 암벽 섬에서 살고 있다. 요한은 악몽에 시달리며 이를 자신의 스케치북에 그려 넣는다. 요한은 알마와 함께 섬의 폰 메르켄스 남작의 성에 초대되어 악마와 같은 일군의 무리들과 자신이 이전에 사랑했던 베로니카 보글러를 만나게 된다. 이들 앞에서 요한은 베로니카와 사랑의 행위를 하고 무리를 피해 도망친다. 알마는 그를 쫓아가는데...
The narrator
A knight returning home with his squire Jons after a ten-year crusade to the Holy Land finds a country paralyzed by the Black Death, a newly burned witch, a blacksmith and his runaway wife, an actress, a Virgin Mary with her child and the knight's faithful wife. All approaches the realm of the dead in a single "tragicomic long dance of death". The narrator begins with: "In a church in southern Småland is our spectacle painted on the wall just to the right of the entrance to the porch. The unknown painter has on the church wall depicted a number of people in formal long dance toward death."
Joakim Kruse
Someone is murdered. Who is the killer? Members of all star cast are all suspects...
A relay race of "scenes from human life". Depicts the human characters inferior traits are spreading like a disease: the person who gets rejected / humiliated / oppressed takes it out on someone else.
A young beautiful man from Milan arrives at the carnival in Venice. He meets two flirtatious women.
A student and his love for a young woman, misunderstood by her father.
보르그 교수는 78의 나이로 한평생 의사로써 살아온 학자이다. 그는 룬트에 있는 성당에서 명예 학위를 수여받기로 되어있다. 그날 새벽 그는 이상한 꿈을 꾼다. 기분이 상한 그는 비행기 대신 차로 룬트까지 가기로 결심하고 며느리 마리안느도 그를 따라나서기로 한다. 가는 도중 그의 식구들이 여름마다 와서 지내던 시골집에 도착한다. 그는 거기서 자신이 처음 사랑했던 사촌 사라와 그녀와 결국 결혼한 형 지그프로트를 회상한다.이때 이집에 산다는 사라라는 아가씨가 이탈리아로 가는 중이라면서 차를 얻어탈 것을 제의한다. 그는 사라에게서 자신의 젊은 시절을 회상한다. 가는 도중 이번에는 싸움이 잦은 부부를 보르그 교수의 차에 태우게 된다. 이들 부부는 서로 사랑하지 않고 미워하나 이들에게서도 자신의 결혼 생활을 기억해 낸다. 어머니를 만나는 보르그를 본 마리안은 얼음처럼 차가운 어머니를 보고 왜 남편이 차갑고 외로운지 이해하게 된다.
Per Grinnan
Per is in love with Kerstin. They are high school classmates. In the distance they see teacher Eva Hallström, ph. d. and the headmaster's wife, return home to her home. She is currently a major topic of conversation because she has just published an acclaimed collection of love poems. Everyone is curious about who the young lover of the poems might be.
Arnaldur Björnsson
A coming of age story about young Salka Valka who lives in the small fishing village of Íseyri. She is doing well for herself as a partner in a small fishing boat, but people believe she is financed by her deceased mother's former fiance, Steinthór, who disappeared on their wedding day many years ago. Salka becomes infatuated with the idealistic Arnaldur who wants to start a workers union, much to the opposition of local entrepreneur Bogesen. The past comes to haunt her in the return of Steinthór but Salka fends off his advances only to lose the restless Arnaldur away.
Henrik Ulfsax
A traveling theatre company comes to a small town and performs to a packed house. But during the show the theatre director decides to run away with the money.
Four Swedish volunteer soldiers are trapped in Russia. In front of them lies the front with enemy outposts and patrols, behind them the enemy minefields. Hope to return to their own lines decreases each day. Corpses of fallen, "dead of cold and hard as iron", forms the macabre landmarks in the winter landscape. Nearby is a burnt Russian village.
Torben Altman
For the Sake of My Intemperate Youth (Swedish: För min heta ungdoms skull) is a 1952 Swedish drama film directed by Arne Mattsson. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Göran Stendahl
The young high school graduate Göran and the 17-year-old Kerstin get to know each other on the estate of Göran's uncle Persson and fall in love. But their relationship is watched suspiciously by the jammed adult world. While Persson has an understanding of the youth, Kerstin's parents and the pastor of the village rant against the alleged immorality of the young people. Despite all the malice, Göran and Kerstin decide for their love. But this love should last only one summer.