Jane Bunnell

Jane Bunnell

프로필 사진

Jane Bunnell

참여 작품

2017년 제작 및 초연한 현대 오페라로서, 니코 뮬리가 작곡하였다. 알프레드 히치콕의 서스펜스 영화 마니의 토대가 되었던 윈스턴 그레이엄의 소설을 원작으로 하는 이 작품은 거짓과 협박으로 물고 물리는 남녀 관계 뒤에 숨은 진실을 파헤치는 과정에서, 스릴러와 로맨스의 성격을 동시에 띄고 있다. 이자벨 레너드가 타이틀 롤을 맡으며, 마니를 협박해 결혼하는 남편 역으로 크리스토퍼 몰트만, 그리고 이스틴 데이비스와 재니스 켈리 등이 캐스팅되었다. 관록의 메조소프라노 데니스 그레이브스가 마니의 어머니 역할을 맡으며, 로버트 스파노가 지휘자로 메트에 데뷔하였다. 도벽이 있는 마니의 결점을 알면서도 매력에 빠져버린 젊은 기업가 마틴 리트랜드는 그녀를 고용한다. 그러나 그녀는 버릇을 버리지 못하고 돈을 훔치고 마는데...
The Metropolitan Opera: La Traviata
La Traviata’s sumptuous melodies and timeless depiction of doomed love have made the work a favorite of generations of operagoers. In his approach to this classic drama, director Willy Decker sets the action on a nearly bare stage, focusing the audience’s full attention on the three main characters. As Violetta, the ailing courtesan desperate to escape her past, soprano Sonya Yoncheva offers a fearless and sympathetic performance from beginning to end. American tenor Michael Fabiano sings with ardent longing as her devoted lover Alfredo, delivering emotionally wrought phrases and ringing top notes. Thomas Hampson brings a burnished baritone to Germont, Alfredo’s protective father whose stern demands spell disaster for the young couple. On the podium, maestro Nicola Luisotti leads an electric performance of Verdi’s unforgettable score.
La Sonnambula
Just as a young woman is about to marry her sweetheart, she is discovered—by the entire village, to say nothing of her fiancé—asleep in the bedroom of a stranger. It takes the young man two acts to figure out that sleepwalking is to blame, and everything ends happily. Natalie Dessay as Amina and Juan Diego Flórez as Elvino deliver bel canto magic and vocal fireworks in Mary Zimmerman’s 2009 production. The Tony award-winning director transfers Bellini’s bucolic tale to a rehearsal room in contemporary New York, where an opera company rehearses La Sonnambula—and where the singers are truly in love with each other.
The Metropolitan Opera HD Live Gounod's Romeo et Juliette
The world’s most famous love story comes to operatic life with superstars Anna Netrebko and Roberto Alagna playing the star-crossed young couple. The abandon and ardor of their performances brought audiences to their feet in both the opera house and in movie theaters. And the unique, up-close-and-personal camerawork takes the viewer onstage to witness some of the production’s most memorable images and sultriest moments as never before.
Verdi’s monumental score is fully the equal of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy—and both demand great actors. This is one performance where both playwright and composer are well served. Plácido Domingo’s Otello is one of the glories of the operatic world, beautifully sung and so commandingly acted that audiences are devastated by the end. Renée Fleming’s ravishingly beautiful Desdemona is deeply moving, and as Iago, James Morris is as beguiling as he is menacing. Under James Levine’s conducting the Met orchestra and chorus are vital characters in the drama.
Richard Wagner: Parsifal
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The Met production easily has the most beautiful staging, designed by Otto Schenck, who also produced the fabulous set for the Met's previous Ring cycle. Kurt Moll is a wonderful Gurnemanz, but compared to his studio recording under Karajan a decade earlier it has lost some of its original velvety body and luster. As Parsifal, Jerusalem is starting to show some wear and tear on his voice at the Met in 1992 as opposed to his prime form at Bayreuth in 1981, but is still quite good; only Placido Domingo could compete with him in the role at that time.