Nyika Jancsó

참여 작품

Judgment & Grace
The story takes place at the time of the defeat of the Hungarian War of Independence, when Csákberény came under the terror of the imperial soldiers. Two priests from the village are arrested overnight for reading the Hungarian Declaration of Independence. Although the Austrian soldiers enjoy their power, they are unable to identify with the repression. The purpose of the trial of a military imprisonment court is to obtain a confession, to prove that a violation of sovereignty has been committed.
Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet
Director of Photography
Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” has inspired generations of artists to adaptations like scarcely any other work. In his colorful, passionate music, the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev brilliantly captured the clash of love and hatred, and the proximity of tenderness and violence. Inspired by Prokofiev’s vivid music and the timeless quality of Shakespeare’s tragedy, choreographer Christian Spuck and the Ballett Zürich narrate the most famous love story in world literature using strong images that are full of enthralling theatricality and touching emotion. Michail Jurowski, a true Prokofiev expert, is at the rostrum of the Philharmonia Zürich. Recorded live at Opernhaus Zürich June 2019.
Los versos salvados
Director of Photography
Each year Celina crosses the Argentinean Pampa in her car to visit her daughter Fernanda. Among hundreds of disappearances, they were the only two who made it out alive from the dictatorship’s delivery room. For mother and daughter the only possible truth and justice is to move forward with their lives.
Adam's Passion
Adam’s Passion is the moving first collaboration between two “masters of slow motion who harmonize perfectly with each other” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung). In the spectacular setting of a former submarine factory, American director and universal artist Robert Wilson creates a poetic visual world in which the mystical musical language of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt can cast its meditative spell. Three of Pärt’s major works – Adam’s Lament, Tabula rasa, and Miserere, as well as Sequentia, a new work composed especially for this production – are brought together here using light, space, and movement to create a tightly-woven Gesamtkunstwerk in which the artistic visions of these two great artists mirror each other.
My Mother's Letters to Stalin
Márta Mészáros' father, the sculptor László Mészáros, was executed during the Stalinist purges of the Soviet Union. The director addressed her father's fate in many of her earlier films, but this time, she focuses on her mother, Vilma Kovács.
헬보이 2: 골든 아미
"C" Camera Operator
인간과 요괴 사이에서 존재하던 고대의 휴전 협정이 수 천년이 지난 후, 세상을 지배하려는 요괴 세상의 누아다 왕자에 의해 깨어진다. 누아다 왕자는 세상을 장악하기 위해 파괴를 목적으로 한 기이한 창조물들을 찾고, 수 천년간 잠들어있던 최강의 군단 ‘골든 아미(Golden Army)’ 를 깨운다. 이에 '헬보이'는 불을 다스리는 여자 친구 ‘리즈’, 사람의 마음을 읽는 ‘에이브’ 등, 각기 다른 능력을 가진 BPRD 요원들과 함께 누아다 왕자와 골든 아미를 막기 위한 최강의 대결을 시작한다!
Ed's Eaten Elevenses
Director of Photography
Jancsó’s farce, similar to the previous ones, is about our time and about death. Pepe marries into a family of mafiosi, with the father-in-law rolling in money. In a joint venture they establish the first Hungarian Prison Limited company, where there is a menu, the prisoners are residents, and they furnish the place of execution for those volunteering to execute themselves. It turns out that the first voluntary hanging should be demonstrated on Pepe. In 180 AD Emperor Marcus Aurelius is dying in Vindobona, being fed with blades of hay by uncle Miki himself, and his son Kornél Mundruczó. Kapa provides for communication: he insists on telling lies, lies and again lies. Furthermore, there are several to die and to revive, to win and to lose, and Melancholy Béla is still alive.
A Christmas Carol
"A" Camera Operator
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.
The Unburied Man
Director of Photography
One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and records.
Director of Photography
The adventures of a young man as he moves from the Latin-American revolutions in the sixties and seventies, through Hungary in the eighties, to the Croatian war in 1991.
Little Vilma: The Last Diary
Director of Photography
The movie is inspired by writer-director Márta Mészáros' own childhood. The film is a grim reminder of horrible days under Stalinist period when several innocent people were persecuted for no fault. A good film which allow people to know how people in Europe were tortured before second world war by dictators and authoritarian regimes.
The Prince and the Pauper
Camera Operator
An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a pawn in the hands of Edward's malicious and greedy uncle, who would have the kingdom for himself.
Az igazi Mao
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
This drama follows the dilemma of a young, unwillingly pregnant wife who gives her child up for adoption by a businesswoman. Anna doesn't need another mouth to feed. She can barely afford to care for the two she already has so when she discovers that she is six weeks pregnant she readily accepts the cash offer from Terez, her tough boss at the store where she works. If she will isolate herself throughout the pregnancy, secretly bear the child and immediately allow Terez to sign for it, Anna will receive $50,000. Most of the story then focuses upon Anna's emotional processes as she evaluates her choice. Included are dream segments and shots an unborn baby in the womb.
Broken Lullaby
Director of Photography
Rich Hungarian-born orphan Katya Davidov commissions Jordan Kirkland to research her past starting from a photograph, showing her as a child next to an elusive Fabergé music box. Luckily experienced Yankee-Hungarian treasure hunter and womanizer Nick Rostov gently forces his help upon her, although Jordan stubbornly risks dealing with his dodgy competitor Gudrun Kuper and her ruthless employer, count Borodin.
A Change of Place
Director of Photography
Kim Jameson is a university professor while Kate Jameson - also known as Dominique, Kim’s twin sister - is a troubled model working in Paris. Kate is a drunk, in desperate need of rehabilitation. Kim checks her twin sister into a rehab center, agreeing to fill in for Dominique during her absence, but by doing so takes on more than she bargained for.
Message of Stones - Máramaros
Director of Photography
The second film in Miklós Jancsó's documentary series Message of Stones.
Diary for My Father and My Mother
Director of Photography
This story follows a young student, who is orphaned as she grows to adulthood in the shadow of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Coming from the Communist intelligentsia, she sees her friends and family react differently. Her lover, a married factory manager, supports the patriots and later assists fellow workers in staging a strike. Meanwhile her sister and others express anger at being forced from their homes during the revolution and continue to express a hatred for the rebels afterwards. But in the end they realize that for all people, real life is not possible after the revolt and its brutal suppression by the Soviets and their collaborators.
Director of Photography
19세기 동유럽의 작은 항구 마을. 9살 소녀 ‘라우린’은 아빠(아르네), 엄마(플로라), 할머니(올가) 와 함께 숲 속 오두막집에서 살고 있다. 선원인 아빠는 한번 집을 나서면 길게는 반년 동안 배를 탄다 아빠가 배를 타던 날, 엄마는 아빠를 배웅하고 돌아오던 길에 살인 사건을 목격한 후 그만 다리에서 떨어져 익사하고 만다 사고가 있은지 2년 후 할머니 올가는 아들이 바다로 떠나면 늙고 몸 불편한 내가 어린 라우린을 돌봐야 한다며 불안해한다 이제 배는 그만 타라는 할머니의 당부를 아빠는 무시하고 다시 떠나간다 라우린은 할머니와 단둘이 남게 되었다 아빠의 부재와 엄마의 죽음으로 라우린은 혼란스런 사춘기를 보내고 있다 한편 마을 목사 아들인 ‘반 리스’가 2년 만에 고향에 돌아와 초등학교 교사로 부임하게 된다 어려운 형편인 자신을 도와줘서일까? 라우린은 새로 부임한 선생님에게 호감을 느낀다 그러던 어느 날 라우린의 친구 스테판이 실종되면서 2년 전에 있었던 소년 실종사건의 악몽이 되살아난다
Streets of Yesterday
This is a story of a relationship between three men: Amin, a Palestinian nationalist; Joseph, an Israeli peacenik; and Colonel Shalit, a right-wing Israeli intelligence officer.
Diary for My Loves
Director of Photography
A continuation of "Diary for My Children," the film picks up in 1950, when Juli, the diarist, is 18 and determined to become a movie director.
The Right Man for a Delicate Mission
Director of Photography
In this somewhat uneven political satire, good revolutionaries have overthrown a totalitarian state riddled with corruption on all levels when a truly naive bureaucrat (Boguslaw Linda) is placed on a jury that will judge the results of a history competition. Once on the jury, the young bureaucrat starts looking into the past himself and gets embroiled in a labyrinth. The past may well be unclear because recent leaders have certain facts that need to be kept buried. Filmmaker Janos Kovacsi borrows characteristics from revolutions in the Eastern European block (1950s-1980s) to create this post-revolutionary society with an idealist commander (Ferenc Zenthe) meant to lead them. A clue as to what happens next lies in the opening scene -- the funeral of the commander who has given his life for his cause. Ironically, Kovacsi undoubtedly faced censorship on this film. That would not only account for some uneven narration, but it adds a dimension of reality to the topic at hand.
내 어린 날의 일기
Director of Photography
는 마르타 메자로스 감독 자신의 어린 시절을 담은 첫번째 ‘일기’ 영화이다. 소련에서 헝가리 이민 가족으로 살고 있던 율리는 그곳에서 부모님을 잃고, 조부모와 함께 헝가리로 돌아온다. 그들은 공산당의 고급관료인 마그다의 집으로 들어가서 살게 된다. 마그다는 율리를 양딸로 삼으려고 하지만 율리는 세상과 고립된 상황과 그 집안의 냉랭하고 굴욕적인 분위기 때문에 고통스러워 한다. 그녀는 어린 시절 해외에 있던 기억을 떠올린다. 영화관은 그녀의 피난처가 되고 자유로운 생각을 가진 엔지니어 야노스가 율리의 안식처가 되어 준다. 소련과 헝가리라는 서로 다른 두 세계의 영향을 받고 자라난 율리는 그녀의 할아버지가 세상을 떠난 후 마그다의 품을 떠나기로 결심한다. - 제9회 서울여성영화제
On Probation
Director of Photography
János Kitka Jr, first seen in Schiffer's documentary 'Black Train' a decade earlier, is now 17 and is just released from a youth detention centre. He returns to his village and is put in the care of a probation officer. However, his family doesn't seem to help his situation, but rather makes him run away from home.
Director of Photography
Gruber is a normal 16-year-old growing up in Budapest in 1962, but he has a problem -- how does he get to know the opposite sex? At the Sunday afternoon dance classes the young "ladies and gentlemen" hold each other while dancing, and that makes the lessons worth something. Otherwise, the pianist's attention wanders and the orchestra does not exactly play with a single-minded dedication. In fact, everybody seems to have other things on their minds, except for the enthusiastic dance instructor and his ever-smiling assistant.
Flirt: Hipnózis
The director of the film subjected herself to hypnosis with the assistance of a famous Hungarian doctor. The event was recorded by a fixed camera, placed earlier by the director. (BBS Catalog 1961-91)
(as ifj. Jancsó Miklós)
Judit Ember returns to follow the life of Nóra Szabó, the heroine of her documentary film ????????????????????̈????????????́???????????? ("Instructive Story", 1975). The troubled young woman who formerly attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a fourth floor is now an unmarried and pregnant mother with two children. Her own mother also brought up her children in similar circumstances, in a closed community without men. But Jenő, the unflaggingly energetic labourer and father of Nóra’s third, as yet unborn child, brings change into their lives.