Graphic Designer
27년마다 아이들이 사라지는 마을 데리, 또 다시 ‘그것’이 나타났다. 27년 전, 가장 무서워하는 것의 모습으로 나타나 아이들을 잡아먹는 그것 페니와이즈에 맞섰던 ‘루저 클럽’ 친구들은 어른이 되어도 더 커져만 가는 그것의 공포를 끝내기 위해 피할 수 없는 마지막 대결에 나선다.
Three stupid cowboys are lost in the woods without any food on the coldest night of the year. Will they succumb to the cold, cannibalism or the Christmas Spirit? Canada's infamous Astron-6 return to short form to challenge the very idea of storytelling. Grotesque. Absurd. Buñuel by way of the Zuckers and Abrahams.
Three stupid cowboys are lost in the woods without any food on the coldest night of the year. Will they succumb to the cold, cannibalism or the Christmas Spirit? Canada's infamous Astron-6 return to short form to challenge the very idea of storytelling. Grotesque. Absurd. Buñuel by way of the Zuckers and Abrahams.
Three stupid cowboys are lost in the woods without any food on the coldest night of the year. Will they succumb to the cold, cannibalism or the Christmas Spirit? Canada's infamous Astron-6 return to short form to challenge the very idea of storytelling. Grotesque. Absurd. Buñuel by way of the Zuckers and Abrahams.
Three stupid cowboys are lost in the woods without any food on the coldest night of the year. Will they succumb to the cold, cannibalism or the Christmas Spirit? Canada's infamous Astron-6 return to short form to challenge the very idea of storytelling. Grotesque. Absurd. Buñuel by way of the Zuckers and Abrahams.
First Assistant Art Direction
살인과 실종사건이 이상하게 많이 생기는 데리라는 마을, 비 오는 어느 날 종이배를 들고 나간 동생이 사라졌다. 형 빌은 ‘루저 클럽’ 친구들과 함께 동생을 찾아 나서고, 27년마다 가장 무서워하는 것의 모습을 한 채 아이들을 잡아먹는다는 ‘그것’이 빨간 풍선을 든 삐에로의 모습으로 그들 앞에 나타나는데… 빌과 친구들은 공포를 이겨내고 ‘그것’에 맞서 동생과 사라진 아이들을 찾을 수 있을까?
순찰 중이던 데니얼(아론 풀)은 길가에 쓰러진 사람을 발견하고 인근 병원으로 데려간다. 그를 데려간지 얼마지나지 않아 병원에서 살인사건이 일어나고, 범인은 데니엘도 공격하려다 살해를 당한다. 곧바로 출동한 경감에게 현장을 넘기고 퇴근하려던 데니얼에게 흰색 옷의 괴한들이 나타나 공격을 가하게 되고, 병원 안의 사람들은 병원에 갇히게 된다. 그때 데니얼에게 살해 된 여성이 괴물로 변해 사람들을 공격하게 되고, 곧이어 들이닥친 두 명의 남자들은 데니엘에 의해 실려온 남성의 신변을 요구하고 나선다. 한순간에 아수라장이 되어 버린 병원. 그리고 드러나는 괴물의 정체들. 과연 이곳에서는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는 것이며, 데니얼을 둘러싼 그 사람들의 정체는 과연 누구일까?
순찰 중이던 데니얼(아론 풀)은 길가에 쓰러진 사람을 발견하고 인근 병원으로 데려간다. 그를 데려간지 얼마지나지 않아 병원에서 살인사건이 일어나고, 범인은 데니엘도 공격하려다 살해를 당한다. 곧바로 출동한 경감에게 현장을 넘기고 퇴근하려던 데니얼에게 흰색 옷의 괴한들이 나타나 공격을 가하게 되고, 병원 안의 사람들은 병원에 갇히게 된다. 그때 데니얼에게 살해 된 여성이 괴물로 변해 사람들을 공격하게 되고, 곧이어 들이닥친 두 명의 남자들은 데니엘에 의해 실려온 남성의 신변을 요구하고 나선다. 한순간에 아수라장이 되어 버린 병원. 그리고 드러나는 괴물의 정체들. 과연 이곳에서는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는 것이며, 데니얼을 둘러싼 그 사람들의 정체는 과연 누구일까?
Graphic Designer
실직으로 가계 사정이 어려워진 에릭 보웬(샘 록웰)과 에이미 보웬(로즈마리 드윗) 부부는 형편에 맞는 집을 겨우 찾아서 세 아이들과 함께 이사를 온다. 그런데 집에 도착하자마자 아이들은 이상한 현상을 경험한다. 벽장 손잡이를 잡으면 정전기가 발생하고, 집안의 물건들이 저절로 움직이며, 이상한 소음이 들려오는 것이다. 더군다나 막내딸 매디는 TV 안에 친구들이 있다면서 누군가와 대화를 나눈다. 겁에 질린 그리핀은 이사를 가야한다고 하소연하지만 보웬 부부는 귀를 기울이지 않는다. 다음 날, 모임에 참석한 보웬 부부는 이사 온 집 주변이 과거 공동묘지였다는 사실을 듣게 된다. 그 사이 집에 남겨진 아이들은 초자연적인 존재의 공격을 받게 되고, 매디가 홀연히 사라진다. TV 속에서 엄마를 찾는 매디의 목소리를 듣게 된 가족들은 사라진 딸을 찾기 위해 초자연적인 현상을 연구하는 파웰 박사에게 도움을 청한다. 파웰 박사는 폭력적인 ‘폴터가이스트’ 유령이 매디를 데려갔다고 말하는데...
전편 BiFan2013에서 상영되어 큰 호응을 얻었다. 2년 만에 돌아온 속편 는 나이지리아에서 영국, 그리고 브라질과 그 사이의 모든 장소를 아우르는 야심 찬 작품이다. 각 알파벳에 해당하는 26장으로 구성된 이 영화는 현대 장르영화계를 이끄는 감독들이 한 장씩 연출하여 관객들에게 가장 충격적인 장면을 선사한다. (2015년 제19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
전편 BiFan2013에서 상영되어 큰 호응을 얻었다. 2년 만에 돌아온 속편 는 나이지리아에서 영국, 그리고 브라질과 그 사이의 모든 장소를 아우르는 야심 찬 작품이다. 각 알파벳에 해당하는 26장으로 구성된 이 영화는 현대 장르영화계를 이끄는 감독들이 한 장씩 연출하여 관객들에게 가장 충격적인 장면을 선사한다. (2015년 제19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Assistant Art Director
학교 풋볼팀 주장, All A 모범생, 잘생긴 외모에 퀸카 여친까지 모든 것이 완벽한 열 여덟 고등학생 케이든. 어느 날 눈을 뜬 순간 그는 끔찍하게 살해된 부모님과 사나운 늑대로 변해있는 자신을 발견한다. 처음으로 마주한 자신의 진짜 모습에 혼란스러울 틈도 없이 경찰의 추적을 피해 진실을 찾아 나서는데… 전운이 감도는 울브스의 도시, 루핀리지에 도착한 케이든. 정체를 숨기고 살아가는 울브스 사이에서 케이든은 자신의 존재를 찾아가기 시작하고, 매력적인 소녀 안젤리나와 운명적 사랑에 빠져든다. 하지만, 안젤리나를 이용해 울브스의 순수혈통을 이어가려는 퓨어 세력이 루핀리지의 평화를 위협해 오고, 마침내 케이든은 사랑하는 이를 지키기 위해 종족간의 거대한 전투에 앞장서게 되는데…
Second Assistant Art Director
2025년, 태평양 연안의 심해에 커다란 균열이 일어난다. 정체를 알 수 없었던 이곳은 지구와 우주를 연결하는 포탈이었고 여기서 엄청난 크기의 외계 괴물 카이주가 나타난다. 일본 전역을 시작으로 미국, 중국, 러시아, 호주 등 지구 곳곳을 파괴하는 카이주의 공격에 전 세계가 혼돈에 빠지고, 전 지구적인 비상사태 돌입에 세계 각국의 정상들은 인류 최대의 위기에 맞서기 위한 범태평양연합방어군을 결성한다. 상상을 초월하는 수퍼 파워, 뇌파를 통해 파일럿의 동작을 인식하는 신개념 조종시스템을 장착한 예거와 이를 조종하는 최정예 파일럿들이 괴물들에게 반격을 시작하는데...
Additional Writing
Santa goes on a blind date and ends up getting a lesson in Stockholm Syndrome.
Book Reader
Santa goes on a blind date and ends up getting a lesson in Stockholm Syndrome.
Five friends, a love of film and a suicide pact. In Tolkein lore, Astron-6 is the day of the Elvish New Year. And a New Year is upon us indeed… From their first meeting at the Winnipeg Short Film Massacre, the five men instantly found themselves embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Rather than desroy each other, the sworn enemies decided to unite and then destroy themselves (once famous). Astron-6 is the brainchild of these five iconoclastic, multi-media artiests who share a fascination with the emchanics of fear and laughter. They subvert the expectations of the seasoned viewer with the nightmarish and absurd. Their imagery and recurring themes are often torn from the childhood of the irony-craving, internet savvy Generations X and Y. That is, they often lampoon genre films of the 1980’s.
Additional Visual Effects
The evil Count Draculon and his army of demons have conquered Earth, but a young soldier who lost his life in the first war against Hell has reawakened in the future as MANBORG! Together with a crew of post-apocalyptic rebels, the half-man half-machine hero will fight to defeat Draculon and take back the planet!
The evil Count Draculon and his army of demons have conquered Earth, but a young soldier who lost his life in the first war against Hell has reawakened in the future as MANBORG! Together with a crew of post-apocalyptic rebels, the half-man half-machine hero will fight to defeat Draculon and take back the planet!
The Baron
The evil Count Draculon and his army of demons have conquered Earth, but a young soldier who lost his life in the first war against Hell has reawakened in the future as MANBORG! Together with a crew of post-apocalyptic rebels, the half-man half-machine hero will fight to defeat Draculon and take back the planet!
Original Music Composer
Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father's Day Killer.
Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father's Day Killer.
Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father's Day Killer.
Post Producer
What happens when two lonely losers and one wild party animal hit the beach for some hot fun in the summer sun? Can they learn to be cool or is cool something you're born with? You'll find out in this hilarious summer beach comedy from Astron-6 that holds its own against the other great beach comedies of years gone by, such as Weekend at Bernie's, Jacob's Ladder, and Hardbodies.
Camera Operator
What happens when two lonely losers and one wild party animal hit the beach for some hot fun in the summer sun? Can they learn to be cool or is cool something you're born with? You'll find out in this hilarious summer beach comedy from Astron-6 that holds its own against the other great beach comedies of years gone by, such as Weekend at Bernie's, Jacob's Ladder, and Hardbodies.
Title Designer
What happens when two lonely losers and one wild party animal hit the beach for some hot fun in the summer sun? Can they learn to be cool or is cool something you're born with? You'll find out in this hilarious summer beach comedy from Astron-6 that holds its own against the other great beach comedies of years gone by, such as Weekend at Bernie's, Jacob's Ladder, and Hardbodies.
What happens when two lonely losers and one wild party animal hit the beach for some hot fun in the summer sun? Can they learn to be cool or is cool something you're born with? You'll find out in this hilarious summer beach comedy from Astron-6 that holds its own against the other great beach comedies of years gone by, such as Weekend at Bernie's, Jacob's Ladder, and Hardbodies.
Baseball Bat Psychopath
What happens when two lonely losers and one wild party animal hit the beach for some hot fun in the summer sun? Can they learn to be cool or is cool something you're born with? You'll find out in this hilarious summer beach comedy from Astron-6 that holds its own against the other great beach comedies of years gone by, such as Weekend at Bernie's, Jacob's Ladder, and Hardbodies.
An Astron-6 short film.
Graphic Designer
A nocturnal nightmare for the necrophile in us all
When mysterious circumstances cause the dead to rise from their graves, a man and woman are trapped in a never-ending hell-inferno. Film-master, Sir Jeremy Gillespie, brings you Inferno Of The Dead; the darkest vision of horror. Everywhere you hide, any way you turn, this is the curse from which there is no escape.
When mysterious circumstances cause the dead to rise from their graves, a man and woman are trapped in a never-ending hell-inferno. Film-master, Sir Jeremy Gillespie, brings you Inferno Of The Dead; the darkest vision of horror. Everywhere you hide, any way you turn, this is the curse from which there is no escape.
Costume Design
When mysterious circumstances cause the dead to rise from their graves, a man and woman are trapped in a never-ending hell-inferno. Film-master, Sir Jeremy Gillespie, brings you Inferno Of The Dead; the darkest vision of horror. Everywhere you hide, any way you turn, this is the curse from which there is no escape.
When mysterious circumstances cause the dead to rise from their graves, a man and woman are trapped in a never-ending hell-inferno. Film-master, Sir Jeremy Gillespie, brings you Inferno Of The Dead; the darkest vision of horror. Everywhere you hide, any way you turn, this is the curse from which there is no escape.
Red Coleman was a hero, a fireman and a father until a gang of ruthless pyromaniacs killed him and his family. Now he's back and he has a thirst for REVENGE!
A found footage short film from Astron-6.
A found footage short film from Astron-6.
When mysterious circumstances cause the dead to rise from their graves, a man and woman are trapped in a never-ending hell-inferno. Film-master, Sir Jeremy Gillespie, brings you Inferno Of The Dead; the darkest vision of horror. Everywhere you hide, any way you turn, this is the curse from which there is no escape.
Matthew Kennedy's gritty tale of revenge torn from pale underbelly of Winnipeg streets.
From Steven Kostanski, director of “Lazer Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove”, comes the story of two brothers who must fight to escape an unholy institution populated with an endless sea of ghoulish creatures. Will Max (Conor Sweeney) be able to see past the disturbing condition of his brother Karl (Matthew Kennedy) and lead them to safety, or will his personal flaws trap them forever in a world of darkness and misery?
Visual Effects
Astron-6 Video's two-part miniseries "Goreblade" follows Goreblade, a hero that comes face to face with his arch-rival Ilias in a classic tale of adventure and epic shoulder pads.
Astron-6 Video's two-part miniseries "Goreblade" follows Goreblade, a hero that comes face to face with his arch-rival Ilias in a classic tale of adventure and epic shoulder pads.
Astron-6 Video's two-part miniseries "Goreblade" follows Goreblade, a hero that comes face to face with his arch-rival Ilias in a classic tale of adventure and epic shoulder pads.
Astron-6 Video's two-part miniseries "Goreblade" follows Goreblade, a hero that comes face to face with his arch-rival Ilias in a classic tale of adventure and epic shoulder pads.
Astron-6 Video's two-part miniseries "Goreblade" follows Goreblade, a hero that comes face to face with his arch-rival Ilias in a classic tale of adventure and epic shoulder pads.
In this spectacular sci-fi sequel, the emotionally-fractured Trance must overcome the demons of his past and once again wage war on the evil spirit of Einstein and his army of laser-wielding ghosts. Together with the ghost of his dead comrade, a rogue cop and a sultry scientist, Trance must return to Laser Cove and make a final stand against the technologically-advanced forces of evil.
In this spectacular sci-fi sequel, the emotionally-fractured Trance must overcome the demons of his past and once again wage war on the evil spirit of Einstein and his army of laser-wielding ghosts. Together with the ghost of his dead comrade, a rogue cop and a sultry scientist, Trance must return to Laser Cove and make a final stand against the technologically-advanced forces of evil.
Two men travel by night, but where are they headed and why? Are they father and son or something else? Sebastian & Alan follows these two characters who only seem to exist on the periphery as they wait for their own plots to unfold before them.