François Quiqueré

참여 작품

라스트 썸머
A lawyer, mother of two little girls, welcomes into her home the 17-year-old son from her husband's first marriage, with whom she will have an affair.
The Damned Don't Cry
Fatima-Zahra and her teenage son Selim move from place to place, forever trying to outrun the latest scandal she’s caught up in. When Selim discovers the truth about their past, Fatima-Zahra vows to make a fresh start. In Tangier, new opportunities promise the legitimacy they each crave but not without pushing the volatile mother-son relationship to the breaking point.
야나는 파리에서의 30년 망명 생활 후, 리투아니아 공화국의 수도이자 자신의 고향인 빌뉴스를 방문한다. 그녀는 숲으로 가려져 비교적 인적이 드물었으며, 그녀의 첫사랑이었던 파울리어스가 '월든'이라 명명했던 호수를 다시 보고 싶다. 희미한 기억에 의존해 호수를 찾아가는 여정은 그녀가 처음으로 느꼈던 사랑의 감정과 공산주의 몰락 전의 암시장 그리고 자유를 갈망했던 30년 전의 기억을 다시 되새기는 과정이 된다.
돈 주앙
Jilted on his wedding day, Laurent, a stage actor playing the role of the famous seducer Don Juan, cannot help but see his ex-fiancée in every women he meets. In an attempt to mend his broken heart and ego, he tries to seduce them all but none are receptive to his elaborate (and musical) advances. Meanwhile, at the theater, the leading lady quits and the production brings in Laurent’s ex-fiancée as the replacement.
Les enfants de bohème
Idi and Rita live with their grandmother, Manie. Idi tries to keep the memories they have of their mother, by drawing on his school notebook. By the force of their desire, the children keep the link they have to their funny mother, despite the separation.
버닝 고스트
어느날 깨어나 보니 모든 기억을 잃은 상태. 누군가 자신을 이끄는 데로 따라가 본다. 그곳에서 만난 사람들을 통해 자 신을 기억해보려고 하지만, 그 역시 마찬가지. 그들의 제의 에 따라 같이 일을 하게 된 쥐스트는 그가 만나는 사람들을 자신이 처음 만났던 사람에게 데려다 주는 일을 하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 지하철에서 자신을 기욤이라고 부르는 아 가트(주디스 쳄라)를 만나는 쥐스트, 그녀는 쥐스트에게서 자신이 10년 전에 만났던 한 남자를 떠올린다. 시간이 지날 수록 점점 가까워지는 두 사람. 하지만 어느 날 갑자기 쥐스 트의 모습은 아가트에게서 사라진다. 아무리 불러봐도 아가 트는 자신의 존재를 느낄 수 없는 상황. 과연 여기에는 어떤 일이 일어난 것일까?
트리트 미 라이크 파이어
자신이 일하는 레스토랑에 일자리를 달라고 당당히 요구하는 남자 아벨과 우연처럼 만난 엘라는 자유롭고 어딘지 위험해 보이는 아벨에게 운명처럼 강렬한 끌림을 느낀다. 마치 계획된 것처럼 아벨에게 이끌려 게임의 세계에 발을 들인 엘라는 시간이 갈수록 아벨의 모든 것에 중독된다. 자신의 모든 것을 잃더라도 사랑을 지키고 싶었던 엘라는 자신을 이용한 아벨의 뒤를 쫓게 되는데…
Very high heels tap against the pier's wooden slats. Nineteen-year-old Laurine, a beautiful young woman, has come to meet her lover Olivier, who is spending his vacation with his cousins on the small island of Bréhat, just like he does every summer. Laurine quickly becomes the butt of some people's jokes and secretly desired by others.
The Apple of My Eye
A boy, a girl. They live in the same building. They share a passion for music. But when they meet in the elevator, Théo doesn’t see that Élise is blind. It’s hate at first sight. Love takes its time. Will that early misunderstanding bring them together or drive them apart?
스파이: 디 오리지날
1899년 파리. 부자들과 정치가들에게 반항하는 무정부주의자들이 모여 평등한 세상을 새롭게 만들자는 반정부 운동이 거세어진다. 평범한 순찰 경찰인 ‘쟝’은, 무정부주의자 조직에 스파이로 침투해서 정보를 빼오는 특수 임무를 맡게 되고 공장에 위장 취업, 무정부주의자들과 친해지려 노력한다.정체를 알 수 없는 ‘쟝’에게 처음엔 경계하던 그들은 경찰과의 대치 중 보여준 그의 모습에 믿음을갖고 조직의 동지로 받아준다. 그들과 같은 생활을 하며 정보를 상부에 보고하며 자신의 정체를 철저히 숨기던 ‘쟝’, 하지만 조직의 ‘유디트’에게 감정을 느끼며 사랑하는 관계로 발전하게 된다. 사랑과 임무 사이에서 ‘쟝’은 조금씩 갈등을 느끼게 되는데...
Summer Nights
Michele and Helene seem to be the perfect couple. However, on weekends, Michele steps into a secret life, as a transvestite, Mylene, in a hidden French forest. There, Mylene meets with a lover, Flavia, another transvestite who once fought alongside Michele in war. Michele works to balance his double life, but soon, Helene becomes concerned with her husband's mysterious trips.
The Great Man
Sent to Afghanistan for 6 months, legionnaires Markov and Hamilton are caught in an ambush during an unauthorized expedition. Markov saves Hamilton, seriously wounded by rebel fire, but leaves the Legion without honors. Once back in Paris, Hamilton, convalescing, hopes to remain a legionnaire, while Markov, now a civilian and without working papers, tries to make ends meet with his son Khadji. Hamilton lends his identity to his Chechen friend, so that he can work legally. But one day, Markov disappears, leaving Hamiltion disorientated and Khadji alone in the world.
Tip Top
Two policewomen from Internal Affairs arrive in a provincial precinct to investigate the death of an Algerian woman who was an informer. One punches, the other eyes, tip top.
Paris 2011. Alex is 27. He's lives off dealing and pays the debts of his brother, Isaac, who after being his support has now become dead weight. When his cousin announces he's going to open a restaurant in Tel Aviv, Alex imagines he can join him and change his life. Set on emigrating, Alex has to find money, leave his beloved Paris, end his complicated love life, drop his destructive brother and find his way.
Coming Home
A young woman tries to adjust to freedom after she spends eight years as a prisoner to a strange man.
The Moon Child
David, a professor of dermatology, has been treating 13-year-old Romain since he was a baby. Afflicted with a rare skin condition, Romain must avoid sunlight and is condemned to live in the shade. David and Romain have become the closest of friends and nothing can separate them. But then David learns that he is about to be transferred to another clinic in another town. How will he be able to break the news to Romain? And how will Romain cope with this new crisis in his life?
Yoshido (The Other Life)
Six years ago, Yoshido directed La Vie lointaine, the adaptation of the eponymous novel of Haruki. Two days before the end of the shooting, a sudden and strange rise of fever struck the members of the crew causing the film to stop. Today, Yoshido is an old and weakened man. When he leaves the hospital, he knows he only has little time to live. During the night, after a few glasses of saké, he decides to resume the shooting of his unfinished film.
중국 연변과 북한 함경도를 사이에 둔 두만강 인근의 한 조선족 마을. 할아버지와 누이와 함께 사는 열 두 살 창호는 먹을 것을 구하려고 강을 넘나드는 또래의 북한 소년 정진과 우연히 친구가 된다. 처음엔 축구시합 출전 약속으로 시작된 거래였지만 어느새 의리가 생긴 것. 하지만 탈북자들이 마을 주민들에게 크고 작은 피해를 입히면서, 점점 소년들 사이에도 작은 균열이 생긴다. 그러던 어느 날, 누이 순희가 탈북자에게 겁탈당한 사실을 알게 된 창호는 분노한 나머지 정진을 때리며 매몰차게 내친다. 그럼에도 정진은 창호와 약속한 아랫마을 아이들과의 축구시합을 위해 또 다시 두만강을 건너 마을에 나타나는데…
Au voleur
Isabelle teaches, Bruno steals. Together, they start believing that could be happy. The day when the police net starts tightening, Bruno fleesm taking Isabelle with him. Deep within the forest, they hide and love each other, outside of time, in a final attempt to hold at bay the world's violence.
La France
During the First World War, Camille (Sylvie Testud), a young woman whose husband is away fighting at the front, receives a short letter of break-up from him. Distraught, she decides to go to join him, but is driven back by the rule of the time which forbids women to move around alone. She has no other recourse than to dress herself up as a man so as to be able to take to the road on foot. As she lives near the Western Fromt she hooks up with a passing group of French soldiers without too much trouble. But there's something a bit odd about these stragglers, and it's not just their habit of bursting into song at every opportunity.
The Man Who Wanted a Child
Alfred lives with his mother in a small village keeping chickens and selling eggs at the local market. He doesn't speak, except to his mother and to children. He has a girlfriend of sorts, although she shies away from any physical contact with her. But more than anything, Alfred wants a child. As natural fatherhood is out of the question he takes the next best option, and makes an application to adopt. With a very un-French lack of bureaucracy Alfred's adoptive son arrives, but turns out not to be the bouncing baby he was hoping for. [taken from London Film Festival 2006 catalogue]
April in Love
Avril is a novice in a convent of "Baptistine" sisters, a monastic order which was officially dissolved by the end of the nineteenth century but that is kept alive by Mère Marie Joseph, the sadistic superior. While Avril is on retreat, locked in for a fortnight in a chapel prior to taking her vows, Soeur Bernadette, a sympathetic sister, discloses a secret to her: she has a twin brother...
Sibelius Way
Mystification ou L'histoire des portraits
Before he marries his current girlfriend, eccentric speech therapist Richard (Serge Bozon) asks his friend Raphael (Mods star Laurent Lacotte) to help him destroy photos kept by his ex-girlfriend, Mademoiselle Dornet, as a record of their relationship. Raphael in turn enlists an actor (Laurent Le Doyen) to pose as a Turkish doctor and convince Dornet that she must rid herself of the photos in order to cure her depression.
After a bull is killed in a bullfight, its body parts are transported across Spain, France, Italy and Belgium. The bull's parts fall into the wide variety of people, including: an Italian actress selling the bones in a supermarket promotion, a Spanish woman who dines on its steaks, a little girl in France who imagines a world where animals are much larger than humans, and a taxidermist whose wife is simultaneously giving birth to quintuplets.
An isolated farmer's daughter dreams of becoming a cow.