Peter Speakman

참여 작품

뚱보가 세상을 지배한다
넘치는 살 때문에 우울한 트로이는 평범한 고등학생. 죽기 위해 버스에 뛰어든 그를 학교 최고 인기남 마커스가 구해주면서 그의 ‘밥’이 되고 만다. 순수한 트로이는 마커스와 함께 시간을 보내며 '반항'이라는 것을 하기 시작하고, 락밴드에서 쫓겨난 마커스는 트로이에게 둘만의 밴드를 만들어보자고 제안하는데.. 과연 드럼의 '드'자도 모르는 뚱보 트로이와 마커스는 밴드를 결성할 수 있을까?
Freak Talks About Sex
Dave Keenan left Syracuse for a new life in Arizona. When that didn't work out, he moved back to upstate New York. He works a dead-end job at a department store in a mall, his car has broken down (and the mechanic is taking forever to fix it) and his ex-girlfriend wants him to join her in New York City. To make matters more complicated, one of his co-workers, a high school girl named Nichole seems to be getting romantically interested in him. Fortunately, his best friend Freakis around for him to hang out with and offer such choice philosophical observations, like "I can't think of a single movie that couldn't be improved by a lesbian sex scene." Dave is stuck in a rut and has to decide what to do with his life.