Aleksey Gavrilov

Aleksey Gavrilov

출생 : 1983-08-06, Magnitogorsk, RSFSR, USSR

프로필 사진

Aleksey Gavrilov

참여 작품

Домовенок Кузя
The brownie escapes from the captivity of Baba Yaga in her magical world, and ends up in the apartment of the girl Natasha and her parents. Kuzya needs to find his magic chest that grants wishes. Both Natasha and the local grumpy brownie Nafanya help him in this. It turns out that Kuzya himself gave the chest to Andrey, Natasha's dad, many years ago. It would seem that the goal is already close, but in search of both Kuzya and the chest, Baba Yaga entered our world, and she has her own insidious plans.
Some Like It Cold
When three 18-year-old students at a prestigious University - Mika, Kit, and Swift - dig up dirt on their crazy college principal, the hunt for the would-be blackmailers begins. Fleeing from their pursuers, the three amigos find themselves on the women's snowboarding team bus. They have no choice but to put on the team's brightly colored jackets and blend in with the crowd of snowboarding girls. But the clothes alone won't cut it: as diehard practitioners of extreme sports, they are not about to miss their chance to show off their snowboarding skills. The National Women's Snowboarding Team's trainer Svetlana Nikolayevna spots the new talent and invites the "girls" to join the team for the trials in Sochi. The friends jump at the chance of free rides on Olympic-grade tracks and once and for all evading the college principal's goons.
메트로 : 마지막 탈출
출근길의 시민들로 발 딛을 틈 없는 모스크바 지하철 안. 아무 문제 없어 보이던 지하철 터널에 금이 가기 시작하고, 결국 천정이 무너지며 모스크바 강물이 삽시간에 터널 안으로 유입되고 만다. 방대한 규모의 강물이 지하철로에 차오르게 되고, 생존을 위한 마지막 탈출을 감행하기에 이른 모스크바의 시민들. 그곳에서 의사 안드레이와 딸 크세니아 역시 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이게 되는데, 절체절명의 순간 아내의 내연남 마주치고 만다. 살아남기 위해서 죽어도 용서할 수 없는 아내의 내연남과 손을 잡아야만 하는 안드레이.. 그 시각 정부는 추가 인명 피해을 막기 위해 모든 탈출구를 봉쇄하기에 이르고, 안드레이를 비롯한 터널 안의 생존자들은 유일한 희망 스탈린의 비밀 벙커를 찾아야만 하는데...
The Spy
Spring 1941. Center of Moscow. Duel of the two intelligence services turns more and more tense.
Closed Spaces
The first Russian emo-movie, Closed Spaces is a story about the newest generation of Russians. Having grown up in Russia's crazy 1990s, an era filled with constant and drastic change, these teenagers have no solid ground beneath their feet. They are trapped in a strange world in which their money-obsessed parents lead senseless lives and even kill each other. Vika is twenty years old. She has black fingernail polish, wears pink dresses, and is constantly depressed. While working at a pizza place, she gets an order for a pizza delivery from Venya, a strange twenty year old boy who lives all alone in a deserted apartment in the middle of Moscow. Venya suffers from agarophobia, the fear of open space. When Vika arrives Venya lets her in and locks the door behind her.