Anthony Straeger

참여 작품

Rentang Kisah
From the true experiences of Gita Savitri Devi, an Indonesian student in Germany who discovered Islam in an Islamic minority country and found the closeness of family when they were far apart.
Beyond Fury
Ex-Mercenary Michael Walker and his pregnant girlfriend Claudia are brutally attacked. Now with Claudia and the unborn child dead, Walker reverts to his military training to hunt down and serve his own kinda street justice.
I Came From The Future
Narrator (English voice)
A confused man has to decide whether he is from the present or the future.
I Came From The Future
A confused man has to decide whether he is from the present or the future.
랜드 오브 마인
Officer Garth
제2차 세계대전 종전 후, 덴마크군은 포로로 잡아둔 독일 소년병들을 독일군이 매설한 지뢰를 찾아 해체하는 작업에 투입시킨다. 서해안 해변에 심어진 4만 5천 개의 지뢰. 지뢰를 모두 제거하는 데 걸리는 시간은 석 달. 한번의 실수가 곧 죽음으로 이어질 수 있는 극한의 상황에서 집으로 돌아가기 위한 소년들의 멈출 수 없는 행진이 계속된다.
Summer of '92
Engelsk Journalist
The 1992 Danish football team competes for the European Championship.
Final Picture - Unsichtbarer Tod
Call of the Hunter
A documentary crew arrive at an old country manor intent on filming the Legend of Herne the Hunter. As members of the crew die in horrible circumstances the survivors are on a desperate search to find what the spirit of the forest wants.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Traum eines Sommers
Mr. Simpson
Midnight Breaks
Breaks lead guitarist
When sweet-voiced Cassie of unsigned reggae act Midnight is offered a lucrative deal to join successful group Breaks by record company rep Billy, her band mate boyfriend Tyron is none too pleased.
The Corpse Grinders
Landau, the young owner of "Lotus Cat Food", is struggling to keep the company alive as business is worse than expected. Landau is broke and down on his luck and can no longer afford to pay his employees. Because of this, he starts to kill one of his employees every couple of days. Gradually, more people disappear until the police become involved in the case. One of the missing persons, Frank, has an overprotective girlfriend, Tessie, who sets out in search for him. Tessie follows the leads all the way back to "Lotus Cat Food" and its sinister truths.