Ho Meng-Hua
출생 : 1923-01-01,
사망 : 2009-05-19
Ho Meng Hua, also He Meng Hua and Hoh Mung Wa (Chinese: 何夢華) (1 January 1923 - 19 May 2009) was a Chinese film director from Shanghai, working in the Cinema of Hong Kong and the Cinema of Taiwan. After joining the famous Shaw Brothers studio in 1955, he eventually became one of the studios' most prolific directors, directing about fifty films between then and 1980.
English language production introducing characters from China's most popular animated television series of 1999.
La Pin, a sinister sorcerer from Thailand who earns money by placing spells of domination on people. Fa La-ting is his zombie murderess, controlled by a metal spike which La Pin has driven into her skull, and rival sorceress Sofia sends her sexually ravenous midget ghosts after Fa to avenge one of the zombie's murder victims. The main story line concerns a young man named Ming who pines for a beautiful girl, Chun Yin, and yearns to win her away from her suave boyfriend Wong Wai. Ming goes to Nanyang and becomes the sorcerer La Pin's apprentice, picking up enough knowledge to invite the couple to Thailand, and set his plan of enslaving Yin and murdering Wai in motion. After placing the Crazy Love Curse on his intended victim, however, Ming is in over his head, as Wai enlists the aid of the powerful sorceress Sofia to get his beloved Yin back.
From the director known for giving Jackie Chan a break in his early kung-fu films, Ho Meng-hua strikes gold again with Swift Sword. Starring a menagerie of established Shaw Brothers' talent like kung-fu comedienne, Wang Yu, female kung-fu fighter Hui Ying-hung (the lady Michelle Yeoh tries to emulate) and perennial bad guy Lo Lieh, it's a movie about cross people and crossed swords where our heroes discover that gold is not as precious as friendship.
The plot involves the search for the elusive "Bamboo Stick," an aged kung fu master played by Simon Yuen, who kills a local crime boss's son after taking the place of the son's forced bride on the wedding night. Lee Hoi San plays the crime boss who will stop at nothing to get Bamboo Stick. Chan Lung plays a respected courier, one of Bamboo Stick's former students, who is framed for theft and pursued by the gang, in the hopes that Bamboo Stick will come to help him. Cliff Lok plays a wandering aspiring kung fu student and noodle maker who is mistaken for Bamboo Stick after fighting off some thugs who attack a woman.
While international favorite David Chiang was best known for his roles as a grinning, streetwise, fighter in many Chang Cheh-directed classics, he rarely played a noble warrior monk. But here he portrays the great Chih Shim, the monk who saved the Southern Shaolin Temple. Making this production all the more notable is Lo Lieh, Shaws' first international star, who returns to a role he also made famous - that of Shaolin renegade Pai Mei. This, and even more, makes for a true martial arts epic of the first order.
This old school martial arts comedy involves the search for the elusive “Bamboo Stick,” an aged kung fu master played by Simon Yuen, who kills a local crime boss’s son after taking the place of the son’s forced bride on the wedding night.
As an expert of the 'Cross fists' technique, a reclusive kung fu master Li Pai perfects a lethal maneuver called the 'Shaolin Handlock' while an old wolf-in-sheep's-clothing friend Fang Yun-piao pays the unwitting Li a visit. Armed with the deadly Handlock maneuver, Cheng-ying & Kun Shih joins forces to exact revenge on the evil Ling Hao after the truth is unraveled.
Despite its stand-alone title, this mixture of martial arts and exploitation is a semi-sequel to Shaw Brothers's Flying Guillotine series. This time, the focus is Rong Qui-yan, a kung fu student turned dutiful wife whose life falls apart when her husband is murdered by a squad of government operatives led by the duplicitous Jin Gang-Feng. Qui-yan is forced to go into hiding as she plots her revenge and finds allies in fellow fugitive Ma Seng and ex-lover Wang-jun.
A timeless and titillating tale of the immoral private lives of the royal court's high officials. All the bed and body hopping is not exclusive to the family, either. Their maids and servants get involved as well, leading to flesh, fibs, and suicide, among other things. Taken all together, this is an all-time classic of sumptuous sexuality.
히말라야에서 거대한 원숭이 인간의 발자국이 발견되고, 사람들은 괴물을 생포해 홍콩으로 데려옴으로써 엄청난 돈을 벌려는 계획을 세운다. 동생에게 연인을 빼앗기고 실의에 젖어 있던 조니는 자포자기한 심정으로 이 탐험에 동참한다. 일련의 끔찍한 재난 끝에 원숭이 인간에게서 키워진 아름다운 소녀 아웨이를 만난 조니는 그녀와 사랑에 빠지고, 원숭이 인간은 아웨이의 설득으로 홍콩으로 향하지만, 곧 탈출해 시내를 쑥대밭으로 만들기 시작한다. 과 , 을 합쳐놓은 듯한, 장르영화의 색채가 짙은 작품. 쇼 브라더스의 마지막 스팩터클 시대에 속하는 은 종잡을 수 없는 오락활극이다. 1933년 RKO에서 만든 할리우드 '괴수' 스펙터클 영화의 고전 을 원본으로 하여 일본 도호 영화사는 일련의 '고지라' 시리즈를 만들었고, 빅 사이즈 스펙터클의 오락활극은 쇼 브라더스에 의해서 홍콩에서 으로 둔갑하였다. 물론 이야기 자체는 을 원본으로 하지만, 쇼 브라더스는 놀랍게도 여기에 '성성왕'의 마돈나로 금발 백인 '여자 타잔'을 등장시킨다. 그래서 과 의 이야기를 기기묘묘하게 믹스시킨 이 영화는 블루 스크린 아날로그 특수효과를 '촌스럽게' 동원하여 보는 사람을 한껏 즐겁게 만든다. 영화 전반부는 밀림에 가서 '성성왕'과 '백인여자 타잔'을 만나는 모험활극과 로맨스로 펼쳐지며, 후반부는 홍콩에 킹콩을 데려와서 벌어지는 괴수영화로 세트장을 '쑥밭'으로 만든다. 일본 '고지라' 스태프를 초대하여 만든 홍콩 도시와 빌딩의 재연은 정교하지는 않지만, 놀라운 것은 킹콩이 철창 우리를 탈출하여 홍콩 거리에서 난동을 부리는 장면이 무려 30분 동안 (이 영화의 3분의 1!) 이어진다. 처음에는 미소를 지으면서 볼 수 있지만, 그러나 보는 사람을 지치게 만들 만큼 이어지는 황폐한 홍콩 세트장의 폐허가 되어가는 모습을 홍콩이라는 현대 도시에 대한 고전적인 쇼 브라더스 스튜디오의 혐오감과 절망적인 비젼으로 보인다. 그것을 반증하듯이
인도네시아에서 홍콩으로 건너온 흑마술사가 좀비 하인들을 이용하여 여성들을 납치하고 온갖 패악적인 일을 저지른다. 이를 알아챈 세 명의 의사들이 흑마술사를 저지하려고 한다. 강두의 속편으로 제작이 되었지만 전편과의 연관성은 크게 없다.
코코넛 농장의 토지 소유권을 두고 후친젠의 음모에 빠져 샹의 숙부인 아바가 살인을 저질러 사형 선고를 받는데, 사형 당하기 직전 아바 숙부가 샹에게 자신의 딸 유예를 부탁하고 샹의 아버지로부터 전해 받아 자신의 등에 새긴 흑마술을 가르쳐주면서 시작되는 이야기
불로장수의 비약을 놓고 강호인들이 사투를 벌이는 내용. 칼, 부메랑 등의 다양한 무기가 등장한다.
An anthology film featuring three true-crime stories that took place in Hong Kong in the early 1970's. Part 1: Hidden Torsos' A woman and her daughter are murdered by her abusive boyfriend. Part 2: 'Valley of the Hanged'-A man murders his wife and her lover. Part 3: 'The Stuntmen' - A gang boss is murdered by his wife's lover
강호의 대도 금모사왕 대소요(조웅)를 둘러싸고 그를 잡으려는 설이방의 방주 왕건초(왕협)와의 쫓고 쫓기는 와중에 왕건초의 오독침을 맞은 금모사왕을 치료해주려는 명의 여국정(방면)과 그의 딸 문방(리칭) 그리고 철없는 아들 문엽(남궁훈)의 이야기...
남편이 죽어 거액의 상속금을 받아 부자가 된 루오 인이 공사 현장 관리자 쉬 누오에게 찝쩍거리다가 반대로 자신에게 찝쩍거리던 지아지에가 강두술을 쓰는 흑마술사 샨 지얀미에게 비약을 얻어 주술의 힘에 의해 동침을 했다가 오히려 그걸 쉬 누오한테 사용해 그를 매혹하면서 벌어지는 이야기
청 황제는 충신들이 황제의 통치 방법에 이의를 제기하자 이들을 처단하려고 혈적자를 개발한다. 12명의 특수부대를 만들어 충신들과 맞서게 되고, 그중 특수부대를 탈출한 마등을 잡고자 청 황제는 혈안이 된다.
A romantic melodrama about an affair between a 16-year-old boy and a neglected wife.
Director Ho Meng-hua gave erotica more legitimacy as he joined the list of reputable directors that began shooting soft porn with Sinful Adulteress. Starring the busty Chen Ping as a young wife of an older man that can’t satisfy her, and introducing the foxy Liu Hui-ling as the younger daughter of the old man’s first wife, it’s a sexcapade of licentious behavior that erupts through murder and greed.
Huang Fei-Hung, the now famous Chinese boxer, teaches his martial arts at Pao Chih Lin Institute, in Canton. Gordon, a European businessman, who deals in import export is looking for a good security guard for his Jade collection.. So ensues a martial arts tournament to decide who get's the job.
One night a textile worker is sexually assaulted by five deviants. The young lady tries to cope with the aftermath of this dramatic event but her life is ruined. Like a shattered vase, the pieces can be put back together but it'll never be the same. Cheng get's a job as a bar girl. She meets the club's owner who was a former kung-fu fighter until he was crippled. Cheng uses her position as a B-girl to go after the losers who raped her, She soon learns from a sleazy doctor that she has contracted a dark V.D. called Viet-Nam Rose. Crushed, she begs Lo Lieh to teach her kung-fu. At first he refuses until he learns her secret. Furious, Lo Lieh teaches her his deadly fight techniques (such as a groin crunching blow).
위원표국과 진북표국은 힘을 합쳐 귀한 물품을 호송하던 중 진북표국주 번지룡의 배신으로 위원표국주가 공격당해 죽는다. 그의 아들 만초범은 창주 총포두인데 번지룡의 딸 수수와는 장래를 약속한 사이, 만초범이 살인자 누명을 쓰고 쫓기는 우여곡절 끝에 냉면검객의 협조로 번지룡의 사주를 받은 자들을 물리친다. 번지룡은 수수의 친부가 아님이 밝혀지고, 결국 모든 음모가 드러난다. 격투 끝에 번지룡은 죽고, 냉면검객은 탐욕의 본색을 드러내나 한충 일당과 서로 죽이고 죽임을 당한다. 연인들은 보물을 들고 관아를 향한다.
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
온갖 만행을 저지르던 엄대감을 정의의 이름으로 처단한 영웅검객 비도왕과 국가의 녹을 먹으며 어쩔 수 없는 숙명 속에 비도왕의 뒤를 쫓는 범의와의 결전이 펼쳐진다.
온갖 만행을 저지르던 엄대감을 정의의 이름으로 처단한 영웅검객 비도왕과 국가의 녹을 먹으며 어쩔 수 없는 숙명 속에 비도왕의 뒤를 쫓는 범의와의 결전이 펼쳐진다.
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
A young swordswoman named Fang Ying-qi (Cheng Pei-Pei) sets out to join a gathering of the martial world’s leading warriors under the banner of Lord Xia (Fang Mien) and the Flying Dragon Clan. Their mission is to organize the defense of their country against invading Jin forces. Fang also intends to avenge the murder of her parents 20 years past by bandit leader Han Shi-xiong (Huang Chung-hsin). Han has since taken on a new, false identity as a reputable member of the Flying Dragon Clan while secretly working with the Jin to bring down the resistance. Han uses cunning and a network of criminal fighters in an attempt to assassinate Fang, and when that fails, to frame her as a traitor. Once his true identity and intentions are revealed, a determined Fang must rely on her deadly sword skills and assistance from a clever beggar clan leader (Yueh Hua) to stop Han and restore her reputation.
표국의 총표두인 이지산은 천하의 보도 금룡도를 소지한 당대의 검왕이다. 용진천과 이지산의 부인 월향은 예전부터 정을 통하는 사이, 두 사람의 음모로 이지산은 금룡도를 빼앗기고 딸 소연과 하인 이생과 함께 유안정의 도움으로 숨어 지내는 처지가 되는데... 수년 뒤, 월향은 이지산을 찾아 그녀를 데려가겠다고 협박한다. 유안정으로 부터 아버지의 원수가 용씨 형제라는 것을 알게 된 소연은 그들에게 복수하려 한다. 하지만 어머니로 부터 용진천이 자신의 아버지라는 사실을 알게 되자 떠나버린다. 이지산은 노인의 아들인 청송에게 금룡도를 무찌를 수 있는 항룡도를 전해주고 떠난다. 이지산을 죽이려고 쫓아온 용진천과 결투를 벌이던 중 월향은 죽고, 아버지를 구하려던 소연과 용진천이 싸우는 틈을 타 이지산이 용진천을 죽인다.
표국의 총표두인 이지산은 천하의 보도 금룡도를 소지한 당대의 검왕이다. 용진천과 이지산의 부인 월향은 예전부터 정을 통하는 사이, 두 사람의 음모로 이지산은 금룡도를 빼앗기고 딸 소연과 하인 이생과 함께 유안정의 도움으로 숨어 지내는 처지가 되는데... 수년 뒤, 월향은 이지산을 찾아 그녀를 데려가겠다고 협박한다. 유안정으로 부터 아버지의 원수가 용씨 형제라는 것을 알게 된 소연은 그들에게 복수하려 한다. 하지만 어머니로 부터 용진천이 자신의 아버지라는 사실을 알게 되자 떠나버린다. 이지산은 노인의 아들인 청송에게 금룡도를 무찌를 수 있는 항룡도를 전해주고 떠난다. 이지산을 죽이려고 쫓아온 용진천과 결투를 벌이던 중 월향은 죽고, 아버지를 구하려던 소연과 용진천이 싸우는 틈을 타 이지산이 용진천을 죽인다.
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
They brutally killed his wife, wiped out dozens of his innocent people, and burnt his entire village down to a charbroiled crisp. Now, master Liou Wen-lung is out for revenge. Armed with a near-invincible sword style and a pack of killer darts, he heads out to settle a 10-year old grudge with the cold-blooded evildoers. Joining him is his son, an orphan named Yu Sien and his trusty servant.
The Monk, Monkey and Pigsy find themselves in the title realm, where women can only give birth to women...unless loved by a man
한 남자를 사이에 두고 이복자매가 삼각관계를 벌인다. 질투와 시기가 강한 동생 스잔나는 착한 이복언니 샤오팅을 사사건건 미워하며, 언니의 멋진 연인 팅난을 빼앗아 버린다. 그러던 어느 날 뇌종양으로 6개월의 시한부 생명을 선고받은 스잔나. 그녀는 가족에게 이 사실을 숨기고, 지금까지의 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치기 시작한다. 여배우 리칭을 스크린의 천사로 등극시킨 최루성 멜로물. 주제곡 ‘청춘무곡’과 함께 국내에 엄청난 청춘영화 붐을 일으켰던 작품이다. 아시안 필름 페스티벌 최우수 작품상 수상.
Monkey King, Pig and Friar Sand must rescue his master Buddhist monk from seven witches / spiders who believe themselves to be immortal if they eat the monk's flesh. The third part of the Shaw Brothers film series about Monkey King after the novel "Journey to the West."
THE KING WITH MY FACE (1967) offers a well-produced Shaw Bros. variation on Alexandre Dumas' famous tale, "The Man in the Iron Mask."
The mythological tale of a quest from China to India to bring back Buddhist scriptures, famous for the adventures of Sun Wukong, the notorious Monkey King.
당나라의 삼장법사가 서천으로 불경을 체득하러 가는 길에 천궁에 들렸더니 상제께서 오행산의 손오공을 길잡이로 데려가라 하심에 법사가 이를 앞세우고 가는 험준한 여로에서 일어나는 갖가지 신화를 엮은 내용으로서 중국 고대 소설인 "서유기"를 영화화한 작품임.
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice and appearances. Her beauty, however, invites the unwanted attentions of cruel and lecherous warlord Cao Lin (Zeng Mei). In order to escape Cao's grasp, Tang and her lover Lin Ke Qiang (Chin Han) decide to run away to the south where they can live freely. But their plan is uncovered by Cao, and Lin gets captured. In order to save Lin, Tang must sacrifice herself and entertain Japanese guests at a banquet, throwing herself into danger's way.
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the waning days of the Ching Dynasty. To make matters worse, she’s soon framed for her husband’s murder by her rapist - the son of the local magistrate! And even that isn’t the end of her woes. It’s best to have a box of tissues nearby as two expert directors ratchet up the emotional suspense in this consummate tearjerker.
Seventh sister of the celestial world goes down to earth to marry Dong Yong, a young man sold to servitude. However the Jade Emperor orders her to go back to the immortal world.
Wan Jialiang, a factory worker, and Lu Xiuzhen fall in love and live together. Hou Liang is supported by Dong Yaqin, his cousin, and their lives improve. Desperate to get rid of Jane, who is pregnant, Jialiang plans to make her fall into the sea and die.
Assistant Director
Jiang Lizhen's husband, Wang Gensheng, went to Nanyang to make a living. After ten years of separation, there was no news. Jane took her daughter to find her husband, but found out that she was born into a wealthy family.