Michelle Deal

참여 작품

Final Appointment
Dealing with life's troubles is never easy. Many people find comfort in the soothing words of their trusted therapist. Mr. Talbot does not. His therapist, has a tough love approach. Not convinced of Talbot's assertion that he's a werewolf, she invites him to her office the evening of the full moon. Talbot insists that he's really dangerous. As the doctor insists Talbot's delusional, suddenly he begins to change. Prepared, Dr. Steiner has no trouble curing her patient. For good.
Final Appointment
Dealing with life's troubles is never easy. Many people find comfort in the soothing words of their trusted therapist. Mr. Talbot does not. His therapist, has a tough love approach. Not convinced of Talbot's assertion that he's a werewolf, she invites him to her office the evening of the full moon. Talbot insists that he's really dangerous. As the doctor insists Talbot's delusional, suddenly he begins to change. Prepared, Dr. Steiner has no trouble curing her patient. For good.
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밸로시렙터의 언어 능력을 연구하고 있는 그랜트 박사는 연구비 조달에 어려움을 겪는다. 어느 날 공룡이 살고 있는 이슬라 소르나 섬의 가이드를 해준다면 연구비를 조달하겠다는 재벌 커비 부부가 찾아온다. 아직도 끔찍했던 쥬라기 공원의 기억을 가지고 있지만 연구비 때문에 어쩔 수 없이 다시 이슬라 소르나 섬을 찾는다. 하지만 섬에 도착하자마자 공포가 닥치고, 그들은 연구소에서 비밀리에 붙여두었던 새로운 공룡들을 피해 필사의 탈출을 시도하는데...
Blood on the Backlot