Luis Couturier

Luis Couturier

출생 : 1940-04-12, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

프로필 사진

Luis Couturier

참여 작품

바르도, 약간의 진실을 섞은 거짓된 연대기
뛰어난 영상미와 몰입의 경험을 선사할 장대한 영화 "바르도, 약간의 진실을 섞은 거짓된 연대기"는 멕시코 출신의 저명한 저널리스트이자 다큐멘터리 감독인 실베리오가 로스앤젤레스에서 고향인 멕시코로 떠나는 사적이고 감동적인 여정을 그린다. 명망 있는 국제 시상식의 수상자로 지명된 실베리오는 고국을 다시 찾고 싶은 강한 충동을 느낀다. 그때는 이 간단한 여행이 자신을 실존적 한계로 몰고 가게 될 줄은 꿈에도 생각지 못한다. 그가 경험하는 기억의 어리석음과 두려움이 현재로 관통해 들어오면서 실베리오의 일상은 당혹감과 경이로움으로 채워지게 된다. 실베리오는 때로는 뭉클하게, 또 때로는 웃음을 자아내며, 보편적인 동시에 매우 사적인 질문들을 붙들고, 씨름하기 시작한다. 정체성, 성공, 죽음이라는 한계, 멕시코의 역사, 그리고 아내, 아이들과 공유하는 가족이라는 깊은 정서적 유대까지 그의 질문은 이어진다. 그리고 이 매우 독특한 시대에 과연 인간이라는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지도.
Lic. Rached
The movie tells the story of a middle-class couple with two teenage children and a boring sex life, in search of new experiences- first with their sexy maid. Later with the advice of an older female friend who has swinger lifestyle with her husband, they decide to explore the possibility of sparking fresh passion by hooking up with a swinger couple. But then, problems arrive when they start to get blackmailed by the male swinger, who wants money to not show some private pictures of the wife. Written by lament
El tigre de Santa Julia
An army deserter turned bandit robs from thieves to give the money to the poor. He was famous for being caught by the police "with his pants down"
Angel in the Night
Dr. Gallestegui
A respectable family is shot by a gang brutally together. Only the mother survives the perfidious raid. They, although psychiatrist, finds the way back only laboriously in the everyday life. However, then you play the chance one of the members of a gang in the hands. A young fellow which does not finish on his part the recollections and takes up unsuspectingly the help of the doctor. This recognizes immediately that the illustrated case is more own to her. Now the woman knows only one: Revenge. Under drugs her patient reveals details and names. As a result through various tricks and in varying disguising she approaches to the single members of a gang. It begins a hunt on life and death...
Intriga contra México
An international group is trying to destabilize Mexico by assassinating the President.
Memoriales perdidos
In the 16th century, an envoy from the pope and the king of Spain arrives in New Spain to deal with the case of Augustinian Alonso, in a state of autism by ingesting herbs given to him by the native Tlacuilo Camistli, who has been accused of sorcery. The envoy speaks with him and asks for the grass and ingesting it can communicate with Alonso, who contemplates in an internal vision a shining light that reflects the divine goodness. The envoy gets a dagger to Camistli and he takes his life. The envoy destroys the memorials he would send to Europe and decides to stay.
New World
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
Returning from a business trip, a man meets some peasants who arouse fears in him.
Paper Flowers
On the thinnest of pretexts, a horde of homeless people descend on the apartments of two members of the comfortable middle class and proceed to loot and vandalize both homes, leaving the next morning with many of the belongings they found there, as well as one of the residents who has opted to join them. This political allegory is based on two plays by the Chilean playwright Egon Wolff.