A response to Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" re-created into a new fairytale encompassing the ideas of the novel mixed with personal experience, traditional folk stories, and snippets from art and literature.
Jules Maigret, a meticulous Parisian police detective, is a famous literary character. In this film adaptation of his stories, he's trying to solve a murder of a friend, a P.I. who was looking into an industrialist and his family.
Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.
Larry Abbot, speaker in the radio horror shows of Manhattan Mystery Theater wants to marry. For the marriage he takes his fiancée home to the castle where he grew up among his eccentric relatives. His uncle decides that he needs to be cured from a neurotic speech defect and exaggerated bursts of fear: he gives him a shock therapy with palace ghosts.
런던의 한 사진 작가인 콜린은 패션 디자이너를 꿈꾸는 수렛과 사랑하는 사이. 콜린은 돈보다는 순수사진 작가를 고수하려고 하지만 수렛은 그런 콜린을 못마땅해한다. 그래서 그에게 돈이 되는 일자리를 구해주려고 애쓴다. 그러던중 그녀는 어느날 패션쇼에서 뜻하지 않게 재주를 인정받아 돈많은 유명인들과 접촉할 기회를 갖게된다. 이를 기회로 그녀는 콜린과의 결별을 선언하고, 이에 충격을 받은 콜린은 돈을 버는 일에 적극적으로 나서기 시작한다. 훌륭한 사진 기술을 인정받은 그는 파트너즈라는 사람의 제의로 그 밑에서 일하기 시작한다. 그리하여 급기야는 TV에 출연까지 하게 되는데 그 프로의 사회자가 같은 또래의 젊은이들 모두를 모독하는 발언을 서슴지 않자 이에 격분하여 그동안의 울분을 토로하고 지금까지의 생활에 환멸을 느끼게 된다.
Cocky cockney snooker player Billy Kid accepts the challenge of a grudge match from Maxwell Randall (the Green Baize Vampire), six times world champion; the loser will never play professional snooker again.
Jazzin' for Blue Jean is a 20-minute short film featuring David Bowie and directed by Julien Temple. It was created to promote Bowie's single "Blue Jean" in 1984 and released as a video single. The film depicts the adventures of the socially incompetent Vic (played by Bowie) as he tries to win the affections of a beautiful girl by claiming to personally know her favorite rock star, Screaming Lord Byron (also played by Bowie).