Kofi Adjorlolo

Kofi Adjorlolo

프로필 사진

Kofi Adjorlolo

참여 작품

평화로웠던 마을은 ‘닭이 먼저냐 달걀이 먼저냐’를 두고 격렬히 논쟁하다 분열되고, 영원한 경계선을 긋는다. ‘닭이 먼저’파는 파란마을을, ‘달걀이 먼저’파는 노란 마을을 만드는데, 어느 날 각 마을 수장의 자녀인 알로윈과 베랄린이 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 둘 사이를 갈라놓으려는 주변의 훼방에도 불구하고 그들은 마을을 다시금 하나의 공동체로 합치고자 노력한다. 화합과 공존의 주제를 아름다운 색채와 감각적 음악을 통해 표현한 가나 영화
Different Worlds
A Nigerian man travels to America for adventure and has a life changing encounter with a New Orleans artist.
HERO Inspired by the Extraordinary Life & Times of Mr. Ulric Cross
Inspired by the life and times of Caribbean war hero, judge and diplomat Ulric Cross whose amazing life spanned key moments of the 20th Century like WW2, African independence movements, Black Power, the rise of a new brand of Black leadership around the world, events that define our present reality.
Muna's love for her husband, Imoh, is put to the test when an accident lands him in a deep coma and a new man walks into her life.
A Northern Affair
An arrogant and bitter doctor lets down his defenses and falls madly in love with his colleague in a dry and impoverished village, only for the past to come and disrupt the present
In 1752, conflict breaks out when the beautiful Princess Adesuwa, betrothed to the king and ruler of the Benin Empire, is abducted.
Ties That Bind
Adobea, Buki and Theresa are three women from different walks of life bound together by a similar pain; the loss of a child. In a destined meeting in a small village in Kroboland, the women journey together to redemption, love, life and forgiveness as they renovate a dilapidated clinic for the villagers.
Somewhere in Africa
General Olemba
In a town where blood thirsty militant subject making life simply unbearable, it is difficult to know when you will wake up to a brilliant morning sunshine which promises a day of solemnity. In the wake of the seeming normalcy of a capricious life, a new regime is established in Kimbala town: a superlative regime of Yusuf Mombasa. Thirstier and fiercer than his predecessors, the people of Kimbala are dumb by his ruthlessness. The strongest of men are hit down to noting more than murmur. The influential are coiled in their shells in total stillness and the civilians hide behind hypocritical facet of patriotism. Who will dare stop Mombasa? ( Chris Twum )
Mummy's Daughter- Part 1 & 2
Mr. Bartels had an accident and his mistress dies instantly but her daughter survives. On his dying bed he made his wife promise to take care of Anita and their child (Princess) like her own.
My Mother's Heart
Nanayaa finds favor in the heart of the king but the king's brother will not allow her to be. Because of greed, Boakye puts himself in a compromising situation and soon he dances to the consequences.
Jack and Joe in Accra
Two Liberian refugees leave the Buduburam camp in search of greener pastures but the modernization of Accra makes it difficult for them to cope. They get stranded and a Ghanaian decides to take them in his home after recognizing their ascent.He had lived in Liberia and worked there. his reward was to torment his daughter. A comedy that will make you laugh till you faint.