Yugo Saso

Yugo Saso

프로필 사진

Yugo Saso

참여 작품

Years after she related to him the story of her parents’ death in a fire, for which – rightly or wrongly – she feels responsible, Japanese psychiatrist Dr. Sanada meets his former patient Azusa once again. Back then, she lambasted him for being wrong for the job. Back then, he let slip that she isn’t actually crazy. Now she’s a prostitute living in precarious circumstances in Los Angeles and is accused of murder, with her memories once again moving inexorably towards a fire. Sanada assesses her in the presence of an investigator who appears not to understand Japanese. Is Azusa now mentally ill for real? Was she back then? And why does the description of her tormentors upset him so?
Jumpei Taneda
Cicada is the story of Jumpei-- a man who loses sight of his progeny when he finds out he is infertile, but then is given the gift of clairvoyance and begins to see glimpses of the future. These glimpses lead him to a series of cicada shells, which become symbolic of his desire to shed his old self. Though his lineage ends with himself, Jumpei starts anew as a father-figure to his sister's young son.
Tamotsu is expecting a persimmon to dry and yet he cannot accept that it is time for a man on his deathbed to die. As the persimmon mysteriously, or supernaturally, holds out from drying, so Tamotsu tries his hardest to keep the man alive. Only when Tamotsu has let go can the persimmon take its natural course.
Mamoru Amagaya
A co-worker confronts Mamoru on his apparent apathy toward life, and this results in Mamoru leaving his job out of humiliation. Now alone and without work, just as it seems that things could not possibly get worse, parts of Mamoru's bicycle begin to disappear, one by one. In frustration, Mamoru leaves a note for the thief, begging him to just take the whole thing. The note left in response is signed God, leaving Mamoru only more confused. At last, when the only remaining piece of the bicycle is a lonely bell, Mamoru receives an envelope, containing addresses at which each piece of the bicycle might be retrieved.
실록 연합적군
일본의 학생운동이 막을 내린 계기가 된 나가노의 ‘ 아사마 산장’사건을 소재로 혁명을 좇던 젊은이들이 파국에 내몰려야 했던 과정을 상세히 기록한 영화. 1972년 다섯 명의 젊은이들이 눈 덮인 산장에서 경찰과 10여일간 대치하며 농성을 벌이다 체포된다. 이들은 당시 학생운동의 상징적 단체이던 연합적군으로 이 사건 이후 일본 학생운동은 막을 내리게 된다. 혁명전사를 꿈꾸던 젊은이들이 동료간에 린치, 살인, 이후 인질극을 벌이게 되는 과정을 치밀하게 담아냈다.
투 엔드 올 워즈
Takashi Nagase
어네스트 고든의 자전적인 이야기를 담은 동명의 책을 영화화한 작품으로 세계2차대전 당시 일본군에게 잡혀 포로수용소에 갇혔지만, 희망을 버리지 않은 이들의 이야기를 그린 영화.