Filmed in part in front of a live audience at The New Amsterdam Theater in New York City, this Stan Lee tribute takes viewers on an action-packed journey throughout the life of Lee and across the Marvel Universe, sharing never-before-seen interviews and archive footage with Lee himself from deep within the Marvel and ABC News archives.
A full-length documentary that follows the history of Captain America from 1941 to present and explores how “Cap” has been a reflection of the changing times and the world he has existed in throughout the years. Fans will hear from various Marvel luminaries including Stan Lee, Joe Quesada, Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Jeph Loeb, Louis D’Esposito, Chris Evans and Hayley Attwell, as well as family members of Cap’s creators.
열여섯 살 생일이 되면, 선과 악 중 한가지 힘을 선택해야만 하는 저주받은 소녀, ‘리나’! 누구보다 강력한 힘을 지닌 그녀는 세상을 끝낼 수도, 새롭게 시작할 수도 있기에 세상의 모든 능력자들이 그녀의 주변으로 모여들기 시작한다. 가혹한 운명의 시간이 다가올수록 ‘리나’는 점점 혼돈에 빠져들고, 그녀를 둘러싼 빛과 어둠의 대결은 점점 강력해지기 시작하는데…