Beatrice Babin

참여 작품

Die Verteidigerin - Der Gesang des Raben
스테이 스틸
These young women are an odd couple. Julie is quick-witted and stubborn. She celebrates idleness and even voluntarily checks into a psychiatric clinic. Nurse Agnes, on the other hand, is always eager to do the right thing and to meet everyone's expectations of her, which is not always easy. When the two of them accidentally meet one day, odds are they won't get along. But they quickly feel attracted to one another, despite their enormous differences.
Wirecard: The Billion Euro Lie
Wirecard: a beacon of hope for Germany's future industries. A FinTech with a dark mucky past and a grandiose future. A company that was set to take over Deutsche Bank in 2019. Until the marvel collapses as a tissue of lies in June 2020, leaving a black hole of 3.2 billion euros in debt.
Police officer Harry Österreich is a first responder at a traffic accident. Despite his best efforts, an entire family dies at the scene. Harry is shaken by the experience and increasingly obsessed by the fate of the extinguished family.
Drawing inspiration from his personal encounter with the Italian refugee child Giovanna during World War II, Markus Imhoof tells how refugees and migrants are treated today: on the Mediterranean Sea, in Lebanon, in Italy, in Germany and in Switzerland.
The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez
A man and a woman share their musings on love and freedom one summer night. The couple’s conversation meanders through memories, unspoken desires and passion through poetic dialogue.
루 살로메
독일의 작가이자 정신분석학자인 루 살로메가 독일의 젊은 학자 에른스트 파이퍼 뿐 아니라 니체, 릴케, 프로이트 등 당시의 지성인들과 사랑에 빠지며 창조적 영감을 나누는 과정을 담은 일대기이자 평생 동안 신앙을 고민한 이야기이다. 올해 베를린영화제에 진출했고 한국에서는 사랑영화제를 통해서 처음 소개되는 작품이다. (2017년 제14회 서울국제사랑영화제)
Adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's play.
In Sarmatien
Volker Koepp revisits locations and people from his earlier documentaries in the wide Eastern European region of Sarmatia.
킬 미
탈옥한 40대 남자가 자신에게 도움을 준 십대 소녀와 함께 독일 국경을 넘어 남프랑스의 마르세이유까지 여행하는 로드무비. 시골을 벗어나고 싶어 했던 소녀와, 살인범이라는 누명을 풀고 싶었던 사내는 서로를 점차 이해하고 배워가며 함께 지중해를 바라보게 된다.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder's World on a Wire: Looking Ahead to Today
A retrospective look at the making of "World on a Wire".
Berlin - Stettin
In his film "Berlin-Stettin", well-known documentary film director Volker Koepp embarks on a journey to the places of his own past: Born in 1944 in Stettin (now the Polish city of Szczecin) and grown up in Berlin-Karlshorst, Koepp has again and again met people and found places located between the two cities that he turned into the protagonists of his films – in Brandenburg, in Mecklenburg, and in Pomerania. Now, he once again returns to these places and finds out that his own biography overlaps with the biographies of his found again protagonists as well as with the history of this region. During his search for traces, Koepp at the same time finds new people, new regions, and new themes that are also worth becoming a part of Koepp′s narration.
Documentary about the region next to the river Memel.
Roots Germania
Her search for identity began with an extremely brutal hate song by the neo-Nazi band "White Aryan Rebels", which called for murder against the black German Mo Asumang: "The bullet is for you, Mo Asumang". Fortunately, the Nazi poison works like a motor for Mo, which in her debut film takes her across Germany and into Africa, and in which Mo talks to her mother and father about belonging for the first time. Roots Germania is a search for the roots, a search for her own identity. The film is also a spiritual journey to African and Germanic ancestors and cult places.
Elder Blossom
The film tells the story of the East Prussian landscape and its inhabitants. At one time Germans, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews lived here alongside and with one another. After World War II and the expulsion of Germans by Stalin, the Prussian province turned into a Russian enclave. Volker Koepp’s fourth film about the Kaliningrad region is dedicated to the generation, born in the '90s, and familiar with the Soviet Union and East Prussia only from school books. Parents and grandparents who were forcefully resettled to where they are now have never really felt at home. In the meantime they have hopelessly succumbed to unemployment and alcohol. Their children can only rely on themselves. Older siblings look after the younger ones, they play with what lies around, and the girl Ljuda can’t wait to finally turn eighteen, to be able to take her brothers home from the orphanage. The film has much confidence in the children. But what will become of them?
Sieh zu, dass du Land gewinnst
Nike, 19 years old, is a civil servant trainee at the immigration department in Hanover, but still lives with her father on his farm, where he tries to cultivate strawberries for the first time to overcome financial problems. However, while bringing in the crops, he suffers a heart attack. Suddenly, Nike has to take over business, but soon realizes that most of her father's employees are illegal immigrants.
Documentary by Volker Koepp.
Balkan Champion
Documentary in which Réka Kincses explores the life of her father, the politician Elod Kincses who served as the second chairman of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
Molly's Way
Though she only knows his first name and that he ‘works in coal’, Molly, a young Irish woman, travels to a small Polish town to find the man with whom she had a memorable one-night stand several months before. Armed with nothing more than a postcard and her own tenacity, she sets about finding her past lover, despite her landlord’s admonishments that all the coal mines closed years ago.