Sergio Gobbi

Sergio Gobbi

출생 : 1938-05-13, Milan, Lombardy, Italy

프로필 사진

Sergio Gobbi

참여 작품

Vittorio Gassman, le flamboyant
She, The Stranger
A depressed publisher decides to get a break and leaves town for long weekend to his private home in a luxury resort. Along the way, he meets an attractive woman who turns his life upside down. Is this his opportunity for happiness or the beginning of a tragedy?
The Mole 2
Paris nowadays... when two corpses are found in a car boot, for Sandra Longo it is clear that those homicides have been ordered by the boss of the local Chinese mafia.
코드네임 더 몰
마약 전문 수사가 주업무인 보르도 세관에 전입 온 산드라 롱고는 전입 첫 날부터 동료들과 직장 상사에게 파리에서 보르도까지 온 이유를 추궁 받는다. 사실 마약 단속 경찰관인 롱고는 자신의 여동생이 마약 중독으로 죽게 되자 지켜주지 못한 죄책감에 경찰직도 그만두고 세관조사원으로 지내는 중이다. 세관원으로 위장 아닌 위장을 한 채 보르도로 파견 온 롱고는 세관 내부에 프락치가 있음을 알게 되고, 그 정체를 밝히고자 마음 먹는다. 한편, 보르도 마약 거래 최고 보스인 코미네티와 그의 사촌 파비오 테스타. 이들을 체포하기 위해 잠입한 로르 요원은 괴팍한 테스타의 애인(정부) 노릇을 하고 코미네티의 사업 회계를 담당하며 신임을 얻고 있다. 혼자 마약 거래 비밀 수사를 진행하던 롱고와 로르 요원은 서로의 목표가 같음을 확인하고 힘을 모으게 된다. 비밀 수사가 진행될수록 세관원들은 하나 둘 의문의 죽음을 당하게 되고, 마지막 접선 장소를 덮치려던 중 로르 요원은 코미네티 부하에게 발각되어 죽음의 위기에 처하게 되는데…
The Colors of the Devil
A young talented painter dreams of glory. A man promises it in exchange for his talent and his soul.
남미의 한 나라에서 군사 독재 정권이 무너지고 새 정부가 들어서게 된다. 그러나 과거 군사 정권 하에서 저질러진 갖가지 만행에 대해 제대로 진상 조사가 이루어지지 않은 채 새로 대통령에 취임한 로데로 대통령은 국민의 여론을 의식해, '인권 침해 진상 조사 위원회'를 발족시키고 인권 운동가이자 변호사인 헤라르도 에스코바(스튜어트 윌슨 분)를 위원장으로 임명한다. 여주인공인 파올리나(시고니 위버 분)는 독재 정권의 비호 아래 자행된 비인간적인 고문으로 고통받은 여인이다. 대학시절에 '해방'이라는 반체제 신문의 편집장을 하기도 했던 헤라르도는 과거에 자신을 도와 학생 운동을 하다가 비밀 경찰에 끌려가 잔악한 고문을 당하고 풀려난 파올리나와 결혼을 해서 살아가고 있다. 파올리나는 15년이 지난 지금도 과거에 당했던 고문의 기억을 떨쳐버리지 못하고 아픈 상처를 간직한 채 살아가고 있다. 아내 파올리나가 자신을 보호하기 위해 끔찍한 고문을 견뎌낸 사실을 마음의 짐처럼 안고 살아가던 헤라르도는 진상 조사위원회의 위원장직을 맡아, 형식뿐이 아닌 내실 있는 조사 활동을 마음 속으로 벼른다. 바로 그날, 대통령을 만나고 돌아오던 헤라르도는 차가 펑크나 이웃에 사는 의사 미란다(벤 킹슬리 분)의 도움으로 그의 차를 얻어타고 집으로 온다. 집 앞에서 남편과 대화를 나누고 있는 닥터 미란다의 목소리를 듣는 순간. 파올리나는 그가 15년 전에 눈을 가린 채, 슈베르트의 "죽음과 소녀"라는 현악곡을 틀어 놓은 채 자신에게 전기고문과 성폭행을 가하던 바로 그 의사라는 것을 알게 되는데..
A man who had everything taken away from him, including his family, by his brother teams up with a young card player in order to take revenge on the brother.
A man who had everything taken away from him, including his family, by his brother teams up with a young card player in order to take revenge on the brother.
Believed Violent
Scenario Writer
Having developed a revolutionary device that puts water in the mouth of all secret services in the world, professor Forrester is about to go on a conference in San Francisco under the protection of Tom Lepski, an insurer.
Want to Stay Alive
Four murders in forty-eight hours happen in Nice. The murderer calls himself "The Exterminator" and the police are unable to catch him. Tom Lepski is an insurance detective and he get involved in the investigation when Liza Mendoza, a famous violinist and a friend, is killed just a few minutes before Tom visit her. After another rich woman killing, Tom finds out that all the victims were members of the exclusive Fifty Club. All of them but Lisa.
Want to Stay Alive
Four murders in forty-eight hours happen in Nice. The murderer calls himself "The Exterminator" and the police are unable to catch him. Tom Lepski is an insurance detective and he get involved in the investigation when Liza Mendoza, a famous violinist and a friend, is killed just a few minutes before Tom visit her. After another rich woman killing, Tom finds out that all the victims were members of the exclusive Fifty Club. All of them but Lisa.
Have a Nice Night
The star Barbara Jenkins, after two years of absence, makes her return by honoring the presence of the auction of her costumes in Cannes, for the benefit of the fight against AIDS.
Try This One for Size
The story (based on a novel by James Hadley Chase) concerns the efforts of the genial and deceptively tentative Lepski (Michael Brandon), an insurance company detective, to track down a valuable medieval Russian icon, which was stolen by Bradley (David Carradine), a master thief.
The Sparrow's Fluttering
A woman, who has been the mistress of a man who has just died, thinks about leaving the little Italian village where they lived and moving to another place. An old and rich man offers her a place in his house, however, she will have to listen to him telling his past love stories.
La nuit du risque
After leaving boxing, Stéphane is employed as a bodyguard for a politician. One night, Stéphane and his friend Pierre-Marie confront some belligerent billposters. Pierre-Marie is murdered. For Stéphane, the anger is so strong that he pursues the murderer, who dies accidentally. Accused of the crime, Stéphane seeks help from a journalist, who will help him get his side of the story heard.
The Syringe
Good dope is becoming rare in the North of Paris. Drugstores are being raided by junkies and gangs are nervous, fighting each others: the 'Viets', the 'Blackies', the 'Arabs', the neo-nazis 'Justiciers' and some mean gays. Vincent (Daniel Auteuil) is the good cop coming from Marseilles where he was a gangster. He's a soft method guy but also kicks assses hard and throw lethal dialog lines when needed. With the precious help of 'l'Arbalète'* (Marisa Berenson**), a tox' prostitute ex-member of Vincent's former gang, he will try to put order in that mess. There's also a violent and racist cop (Marcel Bozzuffi), Algeria veteran with hard methods, whose role could be more than to protect and to serve.
The Syringe
Good dope is becoming rare in the North of Paris. Drugstores are being raided by junkies and gangs are nervous, fighting each others: the 'Viets', the 'Blackies', the 'Arabs', the neo-nazis 'Justiciers' and some mean gays. Vincent (Daniel Auteuil) is the good cop coming from Marseilles where he was a gangster. He's a soft method guy but also kicks assses hard and throw lethal dialog lines when needed. With the precious help of 'l'Arbalète'* (Marisa Berenson**), a tox' prostitute ex-member of Vincent's former gang, he will try to put order in that mess. There's also a violent and racist cop (Marcel Bozzuffi), Algeria veteran with hard methods, whose role could be more than to protect and to serve.
International Prostitution: Brigade criminelle
International Prostitution: Brigade criminelle
Ciao, You Guys
Ciao, You Guys
Child of the Night
Mystery thriller, based on a novel by G. J. Arnaud.
Child of the Night
Mystery thriller, based on a novel by G. J. Arnaud.
State Reasons
Professor Marrot obtains the secret documents containing evidence of the illegal weapon transactions between the French government, in the face of its high official Leroi, and two African countries. Before making the public statement, Marrot finds himself under surveillance. In the critical circumstances his Italian friend and partner Angela takes action and the game continues.
To Each His Hell
After her daughter is kidnapped, a mother discovers that there can be something even worse after "the worst."
Shattered Dreams
A young Viennese policeman can not free himself from his mistress and is also extorted over his illegal arms business.
Rod Taylor plays a United Nations bio-warfare disarmament expert whose lonely wife (Catherine Jourdan) has a steamy affair while she's away in France. But soon she finds out the hard way that her lover is not quite the charming and stable guy she thought he was, and starts to fear him and wonder about his true motives.
The Killer Must Kill Again
Giorgio Mainardi, a womanizer, plans to rid himself of his wealthy wife Norma. He happens to see a sinister figure disposing of a body and seizes the opportunity to make a deal in which the killer will murder Norma. The deed is done but a young couple, Luca and Laura, unwittingly steal the killer's car, complete with Norma's corpse in the boot. They head for the beach and break into an abandoned old house. The killer tracks them down and while Luca is out having sex with a blonde stranger, he terrorises and rapes Laura. When the young man and the blonde turn up for a threesome they are both quickly despatched. After a struggle, Laura manages to fatally wound her attacker. Back in the city, the police become increasingly suspicious of Giorgio Mainardi...
My Husband, His Mistress and I
Middle-aged lust: a man, in his thirteenth and therefore omen-filled marriage year, cheats on his wife.
My Husband, His Mistress and I
Middle-aged lust: a man, in his thirteenth and therefore omen-filled marriage year, cheats on his wife.
The Crazy Capo Affair
French gangster movie
The Voracious Ones
The Voracious Ones
Les galets d'Etretat
Following a car breakdown, Miss Annie, director of a weight loss center, meets a certain Mr. Kelvo, a car champion. But instead of helping her, he rapes her. She decides to take revenge and follows him.
Les galets d'Etretat
Following a car breakdown, Miss Annie, director of a weight loss center, meets a certain Mr. Kelvo, a car champion. But instead of helping her, he rapes her. She decides to take revenge and follows him.
An esteemed surgeon, Charles Bernard, and his family are victims of a violent home invasion. When his young child is held for ransom, Charles must decide whether to comply or fight back.
An esteemed surgeon, Charles Bernard, and his family are victims of a violent home invasion. When his young child is held for ransom, Charles must decide whether to comply or fight back.
Les jambes en l'air
Story of a marginal couple, César and Favouille, who set out to find their youngest daughter, who run away from home.
Love Me Strangely
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Love Me Strangely
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Love Me Strangely
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Vertigo For A Killer
Jean-Pierre Desagnat's Vertige pour un tueur involves Marc (Marcel Bozzuffi) as a hood hunted down by his boss when he fails to execute a man who happens to be his friend. He is hidden by a woman (Sylva Koscina) whose husband has murdered his business associate and wants Marc to take the rap for the crime. Michel Constantin is the friend targeted for murder. Jean Luciani and Daniel Moosmann also appear in this suspenseful action feature.
Time of the Wolves
Patterning himself after the American gangster John Dillinger, the criminal (Robert Hossein) is tracked by the inspector (Charles Aznavour), a former childhood friend. Plenty of gunplay and psychology is used to trap the killer. His only tender moments are spent with his girlfriend Stella (Virna Lisi). Dillinger is cornered by the police and kills several innocent victims in a crowd during the shootout. The mob decides to take things into their own hands as they approach the doomed man with a noose when he runs out of bullets.
Time of the Wolves
Patterning himself after the American gangster John Dillinger, the criminal (Robert Hossein) is tracked by the inspector (Charles Aznavour), a former childhood friend. Plenty of gunplay and psychology is used to trap the killer. His only tender moments are spent with his girlfriend Stella (Virna Lisi). Dillinger is cornered by the police and kills several innocent victims in a crowd during the shootout. The mob decides to take things into their own hands as they approach the doomed man with a noose when he runs out of bullets.
Time of the Wolves
Un journaliste (uncredited)
Patterning himself after the American gangster John Dillinger, the criminal (Robert Hossein) is tracked by the inspector (Charles Aznavour), a former childhood friend. Plenty of gunplay and psychology is used to trap the killer. His only tender moments are spent with his girlfriend Stella (Virna Lisi). Dillinger is cornered by the police and kills several innocent victims in a crowd during the shootout. The mob decides to take things into their own hands as they approach the doomed man with a noose when he runs out of bullets.
Time of the Wolves
Patterning himself after the American gangster John Dillinger, the criminal (Robert Hossein) is tracked by the inspector (Charles Aznavour), a former childhood friend. Plenty of gunplay and psychology is used to trap the killer. His only tender moments are spent with his girlfriend Stella (Virna Lisi). Dillinger is cornered by the police and kills several innocent victims in a crowd during the shootout. The mob decides to take things into their own hands as they approach the doomed man with a noose when he runs out of bullets.
A musician named Jacques Christens, is given a proposition by an old man. For ten million Francs he is asked to impersonate a certain Paul de Baer – a man who is supposedly exiled in the Amazone. Christens is told this scheme will save Mr. Baer from ruin. An adaptation of Boileau and Narcejac's "D'entre les Morts".
A musician named Jacques Christens, is given a proposition by an old man. For ten million Francs he is asked to impersonate a certain Paul de Baer – a man who is supposedly exiled in the Amazone. Christens is told this scheme will save Mr. Baer from ruin. An adaptation of Boileau and Narcejac's "D'entre les Morts".
Une fille nommée Amour
A pleasingly pump female gets behind the wheel of a car during a party game and has an accident. Now temporarily confined to a wheelchair, the girl is holed up in her apartment. Watching through binoculars, she sees a man in a Mardi Gras clownsuit fight with another man and flee. Somehow the clown ends up in the girl's apartment where the two make love. Later, he returns to her after the man he had fought with shoots him. Though his clownsuit is stained with blood, she allows him in once again and hopes that love has long last arrived.
Sin with a Stranger
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
Sin with a Stranger
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
Sin with a Stranger
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
Pas de panique
A robbery of 10 billion is successfully carried out by a Corsican gang led by a man called Toussaint. The heist is also the start of a war with a rival gang.
Le bluffeur
L’espace d’un matin
L’espace d’un matin
Night Dance Hall
Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.