Principal scenes from this kids' film, minus all shots featuring Sabu, were also used in the semi-adult film "Untamed Mistress", made and released by the same people in the same year.
Two men search the jungle for a woman who has been captured by a tribe of murderous gorillas. When they finally find her, they must fight off attacks by the gorillas, who are determined to keep her.
Having sent Deuce Rago to prison in Frontier Revenge (1948), Lash finds he's out and his outlaw gang are at it again. This time he has the Lawyer Leonard and Joan to help him out and Lash and Fuzzy must bring him in once more.
John Burrows, an ordained minister from a small village in the East, envisions himself with a larger congregation. He is mortified when his wife drunkenly interrupts a sermon, then despondent after her suicide. Burrows travels to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but takes to the bottle himself and ends up arrested for public intoxication. A skid-row con man, Gandy, finds him a bed at a flop house, while a street preacher, Doc Thorssen, and daughter Christine take him to a local mission. Christine is blind. She falls in love with Burrows, enjoying his discussions of the spirit and the soul but knowing little of his past. One day she is struck by a streetcar and knocked unconscious, causing Burrows to once again question his faith. He ultimately accepts the Lord's will and is offered a better place to live and preach. Burrows decides he is better suited to the mission, with Christine by his side.
Adapted from the TV and radio series of the same name, the producer of said show reads letters from three woman providing the framing story for this melodrama anthology film. The tales focus on parenting and family struggles.
프랑스 실존주의 작가 알베르 까뮈의 '이방인'과는 전혀 다른 별개의 작품이다. 프린츠 킨들러는 2차대전 당시 유태인 포로 수용소를 만들었던 악명높은 독일군이다. 전범 재판 위원회는 전쟁이 끝난 후 전범들을 속속 찾아 내지만 워낙 신분이 노출되지 않은 프린츠 키들러의 행방은 묘연하기만 하다. 전범 재판 위원회는 킨들러 밑에서 일하던 마네키라는 전범을 풀어줌으로써 킨들러의 행방을 쫓는다. 그러나 마네키는 미국의 하퍼라는 마을에서 실종된다. 마네키를 추적하던 수사관 윌슨은 이 마을의 이방인으로서 시계 고치는 일을 하는 랭컨 교수를 의심한다. 랭컨은 마네키를 살해하고 판사의 딸 메리와 결혼한다. 윌슨은 메리에게 랭컨의 신분을 가르쳐 주지만 메리는 믿지 않는다. 그러나 윌슨이 자신을 의심하고 있음을 눈치챈 랭컨은 마네키와의 만남을 유일하게 알고 있는 메리를 살해하기 위해 머리를 짠다.