Leonardo Ortizgris
Leonardo Ortizgris (México, 1977) is a Mexican actor. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is best known for his performance in Güeros and Museum for which he won the 2019 Ariel Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Vicente Rangel
In the late 1970s, a group of young cops lead by ex-musician turned detective Vicente Rangel will face the darkest minutes of their lives while attempting to catch a serial killer of young girls in a corrupt oil town in the Gulf of Mexico.
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
피노체트 군부 독재가 극에 달한 1980년대 산티아고에서 예기치 못한 로맨스가 싹튼다. 늙고 가난한 신세로 전락한 크로스드레서 “퀸”은 어느 밤 청년 게릴라요원 카를로스의 도움을 받아 위기를 모면한다. 카를로스는 퀸에게 물건을 맡아 달라고 부탁하고, 호의로 부탁을 들어준 퀸은 자신의 아파트에 보관된 상자 속에 피노체트 정권을 무너뜨릴 무기가 들어있다는 사실을 모르는데…
Laif fondly recalls an anecdote between him and his ex-girlfriend Clara at the beginning of their relationship when they bought birth control pills. Thanks to her, Laif took a female contraceptive for the first and only time in order to show her that together they can overthrow the patriarchy.
A fateful day reunites an estranged family in Mexico City, where a chain of events shifts their romantic relationships and uncovers a monumental secret.
Leo and his band decide to bring Thomas to play in a wedding. They have no idea how complex it is to spend a day with someone with autism.
Verónica, a middle-aged highschool history teacher, leads a non eventful life: she has grownup children, grandchildren and a less than perfect marriage. This dynamic seems to be the only thing she can hold on to, as she battles a terminal illness. As she reluctantly accepts her fate, she meets Eva, an irreverent and misunderstood new student who unknowingly injects some life and enthusiasm back into her and provides her with the tools to deal with her destiny.
Benjamín Wilson
1985년 멕시코에서 실제로 발생했던 국립 인류학박물관의 도난 사건에서 영감을 얻었다. 의사 아버지를 둔 부유층 자제 후안은 차일피일 졸업을 미루며 부모 집에 얹혀산다. 후안은 친구인 윌슨과 함께 박물관의 고대유물을 훔치기로 작정하고 치밀한 계획을 세운다. 어설프기 짝이 없는 두 사람이지만 절도 계획만큼은 치밀하기 그지없고 계획은 성공으로 이어진다. 가엘 가르시아 베르날이 주연과 제작총괄로 참여한 "박물관 도적단"은 루이즈팔라시오스의 모든 장기를 유감없이 보여준다. 소위 ‘루저’라 불리는 두 젊은이의 절도는 재기 넘치는 코미디와 하이스트 영화의 장르적 재미를 따라가는 듯하다가도 이내 가족 드라마와 블랙코미디, 80년대 레트로풍의 이미지를 경유한 멜랑콜리와 절묘하게 결합한다. 자칫 산만한 나열로 그칠 수 있는 다양한 관심과 스타일을 묶어내는 세련된 프로덕션과 연출은 감독의 차기작을 기대하게끔 한다. 2018년 베를린영화제 각본상 수상작. (박진형/2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
Three people with insomnia get together at a supermarket where they share their experiences.
Paul, an American composer, arrives in the desert town of Real de Catorce where his father recently died. For the past ten years, Paul has been consumed with the task of composing an ending for the masterpiece of an early twentieth century musician. Being isolated from the world, he sees an opportunity to finish the symphony. However, Paul is caught up in a new mystery, the disappearance thirty years ago of a woman named Marianne.
Set amidst the 1999 student strikes in Mexico City, this coming-of-age tale finds two brothers venturing through the city in a sentimental search for an aging legendary musician. Shot in black-and-white, Güeros brims with youthful exuberance.
Amanda is 33 years old. Her dull life is suddenly altered when she is forced to take care of her old alcoholic grandmother, Dolores, a retired actress who lives on her past glories. Up until now, Amanda has never had much of a relationship with her grandmother.
A young man with a backpack walks all on his own into the endless Mexican cactus desert. He takes some peyote. How does he get out again? Pure cinema in the long-take tradition of Lisandro Alonso or Gus Van Sant
A group of friends meet one summer day to celebrate the arrival of one of them who comes from Mexico and who will bring them together again.
At the close of a special day, family ties are shown to be fragile before the shared feeling concerning an important abscence when the sensation of absence. Uncle Manuel, a very peculiar man is determined to help his sibling's adolescent children and his brother-in-law, an unemployed union leader. Mom's house has now become a place where the family could vanish due to a world of broken dreams.