Colin Nusbaum

참여 작품

투 갓즈
The story of a Muslim casket maker and ritual body washer in Newark, NJ who takes two young men under his wing to teach them how to live better lives.
The Unafraid
Follow the four-year odyssey of three young immigrants in Georgia in this powerful observational documentary portrait of what it means to grow up in the United States as an undocumented (but fully DACAmented) American.
불편한 진실 2
1000번이 넘는 강연을 바탕으로 기후변화 현상을 다룬 전작 불편한 진실이 주류 문화의 선두에 기후 변화 문제를 부각시킨 지 10년이 지난 지금, 이 작품은 그 어느 때보다도 이 문제가 우리 삶과 연관이 있음을 증명한다. 전편에서 예측하고 실제 발생한 사례를 중심으로 지구온난화에 대한 관심을 주장하며, 차세대 기후 전문가들을 교육하고 격려하기 위해 전 세계를 돌아다니는 앨 고어 전 부통령의 지칠 줄 모르는 노력이 소개된다. 놀랍고 충격적이며 흡입력 있는 이 후속편은 기후 변화 문제가 그 어느 때보다 심각하지만 해결책이 아직 우리 손안에 있음을 보여준다.
Tough Love
Fighting to reunite with their children, 'Tough Love' chronicles the lives of two parents with cases in the United States child welfare system as they attempt to prove to the courts and the system that they deserve a second chance to be a parent and have a family.
The Sheik and I
When an American filmmaker is commissioned to make a film for a Middle East Biennial on the theme of 'art as a subversive act,' his film is banned for blasphemy, he is asked to destroy every copy, and threatened with arrest.
Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber
Brooklyn-born Ruth Gruber became the youngest PhD in the world before going on to become an international foreign correspondent and photojournalist at age 24. She defied tradition in an extraordinary career that spanned several decades. The first journalist to enter the Soviet Arctic in 1935, Ruth also traveled to Alaska as a member of the Roosevelt administration in 1942, escorted Holocaust refugees to America in 1944, covered the Nuremberg trials in 1946, and documented the Haganah ship 'Exodus' in 1947. Her relationships with world leaders gave her unique access and insight. This documentary interweaves verite scenes with archival footage.