Sabine Krayenbühl

참여 작품

The Hunt For Planet B
Taking us behind the scenes with NASA's high-stakes Webb Space Telescope, The Hunt for Planet B follows a pioneering group of scientists - many of them women - on their quest to find another Earth among the stars.
The Price of Everything
Featuring collectors, dealers, auctioneers and a rich range of artists, including market darlings George Condo, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Richter and Njideka Akunyili Crosby, this documentary examines the role of art and artistic passion in today’s money-driven, consumer-based society.
Letters from Baghdad
Gertrude Bell, the most powerful woman in the British Empire in her day, shaped the destiny of Iraq after WWI in ways that still reverberate today.
Technical Advisor
세기의 걸작 『호밀밭의 파수꾼』의 성공 이후 작가 J.D. 샐린저는 1965년부터 미국 코니시 산 속 작은 마을에서 은둔 생활을 시작한다. 수많은 기자들과 팬들이 그를 만나길 원했지만 모든 시도는 실패로 돌아가고 그로부터 50여년이 지난 지금, 세상이 알지 못했던 샐린저의 숨겨진 모습들과 그가 사후에 남긴 새로운 작품에 대한 비밀이 공개된다.
Kiss the Water
Travel to Scotland’s far northern highlands and explore the life and remarkable influence of Megan Boyd, fishing fly-maker extraordinaire. Self-taught in this enigmatic, artful craft, Boyd became an internationally renowned artisan and supplier to, among others, Prince Charles. Interviews, animations and images of the stunning Scottish countryside define Eric Steel’s lyrical tale of solitary celebrity and the joy of making your mark, even when it was the last thing you planned to do.
My Reincarnation
Filmed over twenty years, Tibetan Buddhist Master Choogyal Namkhai Norbu watches as his western-born son, Yeshi, who was recognized at birth as the reincarnation of a famous spiritual master, considers departing from tradition to embrace the modern world.
Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber
Brooklyn-born Ruth Gruber became the youngest PhD in the world before going on to become an international foreign correspondent and photojournalist at age 24. She defied tradition in an extraordinary career that spanned several decades. The first journalist to enter the Soviet Arctic in 1935, Ruth also traveled to Alaska as a member of the Roosevelt administration in 1942, escorted Holocaust refugees to America in 1944, covered the Nuremberg trials in 1946, and documented the Haganah ship 'Exodus' in 1947. Her relationships with world leaders gave her unique access and insight. This documentary interweaves verite scenes with archival footage.
Picasso and Braque Go to the Movies
The influence that artists Pablo Picasso and George Braque had on the world of cinema is the subject of this documentary from filmmaker Arne Glimcher. A lifelong lover of film, Picasso was intrigued by the machines used to create moving pictures, as well as the images they produced. In this film, artists such as Martin Scorsese, Julian Schnabel, Chuck Close, and the late Robert Rauschenberg reveal how Picasso and Braque's shared love of film helped to create some of the greatest art of the 20th Century. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
샌프란시스코 금문교의 투신 자살자들을 촬영한 다큐멘터리로 2004년 1월1일부터 12월31일까지 하루도 빠짐없이 새벽부터 해질녘까지 각각 광각렌즈와 망원렌즈 한 세트가 딸린 네대의 카메라를 금문교 주변에 설치하고 23명의 투신 현장을 필름에 담았으며 자살 기도자의 가족과 친구 인터뷰를 덧붙여 영화를 완성했다. 올해 초 뉴욕 트라이베카영화제와 샌프란시스코영화제에서 공개된 바 있다.
매드 핫 볼룸
초등학교 볼룸댄스 경연대회를 둘러싼 다큐멘터리. 다민족이 섞여있는 초등학교 3개의 아이들이 댄스를 배워가는 과정을 그리고 있다. 눈 내리는 겨울, 처음으로 어색하게 탱고스탭을 배우고 메렝게의 리듬에 쑥스럽게 몸을 흔들던 ‘동네 꼬마녀석들’ 은 봄이 지나고 더운 여름으로 바뀌는 동안 어느덧 ‘작은 신사숙녀들’로 변모해 간다. 파트너의 눈을 똑바로 바라보라는 선생님의 주문에 바닥만 쳐다보던 아이들의 눈에는 어느덧 서로를 그윽하게 바라보는 사랑스러운 기운이 자리잡는다. 그렇게 작은 디테일 하나하나를 놓치지 않고 충실하게 따르는 카메라는, 단순히 경쟁을 위한 춤 연습과정만을 담지는 않는다. 아이들과 함께 하교를 하며 소년, 소녀들의 솔직한 대화 사이로 파고든다.
My Architect: A Son's Journey
World-famous architect Louis Kahn (Exeter Library, Salk Institute, Bangladeshi Capitol Building) had two illegitimate children with two different women outside of his marriage. Son Nathaniel always hoped that someday his father would come and live with him and his mother, but Kahn never left his wife. Instead, Kahn was found dead in a men's room in Penn Station when Nathaniel was only 11.
Heartbreak Hospital
Neely, an aspiring actress, gets a role on the popular soap opera "Heartbreak Hospital." Her neighbor, Lottie, a huge fan of the show, can't differentiate between fiction and reality, and her obsession and jealousy endanger Neely and the rest of the cast.
Five New York divas close up. The thing that in addition to their friendship links these gifted, confident and beautiful women; a painter, an actress and three musicians, is their shared homeland, former Yugoslavia.
ID Swiss
Documentary in 7 segments whose theme is "Multicultural Switzerland". The segments are: "Raclette Curry", "Was Wie Wann Wohin Gehört", "Home Alone?", "Hopp Schwyz", "Mixed Up", "Making of a Jew" and "Train Fantôme".
Directed by Goetz Grossmann
Burning Bridges
Plot outline unknown.
A state employee tasked with photographing road conditions tracks a mysterious man (played by Steve Buscemi) who leaves suspiciously large garbage bags along a snowy country road.