Tubie #2
'로봇 족스'란 120피트의 거대한 로봇을 조종하는 국가 챔피언을 말하는 단어. 세계3차대전이었던 핵전쟁으로 지구는 황폐화되고 군사력으로 영토분쟁을 해결할 수 없게 되자 강대국 챔피언 간에 생사를 건 대결이 시작된다.
A shy co-ed and her classmates travel to Europe to see a ritual. With a satanist/professor with them, he lures them into deadly traps to become sacrifices to Satan. One co-ed is a virgin, the main key to bring Satan back to life. But can the co-ed lose her virginity before Satan controls the world?
Mutant Leader
Three technicians working in an underground laboratory discover that a nuclear war has destroyed most of the aboveground world. After a brief search for food, the trio find that gangs of murderous mutants want them for their next meal. Will the scientists be able to find other uncontaminated humans to rebuild civilization with, or will they all end up as mutant chow?
The sole survivor of a Vietnam mission is ordered by his commanding officer to photograph Soviets.
Conan il culturista
Funny, entertaining comedy with a few storylines. All of them have one thing in common - a resort town of Rimini in Italy.