Genjiro Arato
출생 : 1946-10-10, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
사망 : 2016-11-07
술, 약물, 자살시도, 여자와 바람에도 아내 미치코는 다자이에게 잔소리조차 하지 않는다. 다자이는 셋째를 임신한 미치코를 두고 다음 소설 집필에 영감을 받는다는 핑계로 오타 시즈코와 연애를 즐기며 소설 사양을 출간한다. 하지만 사양이 유행하자 다자이는 더 큰 걸작을 써야 한다는 압박에 시달린다. 설상가상으로 시즈코가 임신을 하자 야마자키 토미에와 도피하듯 사랑을 나누며 자유롭게 살아간다. 방탕한 생활로 건강을 잃고 원하는 글을 쓸 수 없는 상황에서 다자이는 결국 자신의 모든 것을 파괴하고 피를 토하듯 마지막 소설 인간실격의 집필에 들어가는데...
Head of Kadowaki
A story about a hitman named Hayamada who carries a distinctive red gun. As the film progresses we discover the reason for his work, and how he came to be alone. His aim right now is to reach a desitination, but he’s late.
A man is trying to flee from his past, and he ends up in an underworld filled with strange characters. He finds a job skewering meat in a dirty old room in a shabby old house filled with prostitutes, gangsters and a weird old tattoo master. He clearly doesn't fit in to this new world, and the inhabitants of it immediately despise him.
Biology Teacher
A teenage girl gains supernatural power after an accident and comes to understand her place in the universe.
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
A low-key private detective agency in Paris is run by Rie and her lover and partner Kishin, two ex-pats who tick along between cases by giving guided tours of the city to busloads of Japanese tourists. After the wealthy Okuyama hires them to trail his French mistress Lorraine whom he believes to be having an affair, feeble-willed Kishin finds himself seduced by this femme fatale and way out of his depth in a seamy underworld of rich Japanese businessmen, S&M games and huge piles of money.
Executive Producer
Melodrama about a woman refusing surgery.
Executive Producer
다이쇼 시대의 유명 화가 다케히사 유메지를 다룬 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 마지막 작품. 고삐 풀린 삶을 이어온 화가의 욕망과 불안이 현실과 환상을 오가며 펼쳐진다. 1991년 칸 영화제 주목할만한 시선에서 처음 소개되었다.
Executive Producer
A directionless young man, recently released from prison, tries to make a new start in life as a boxer...
A Japanese boxer stages a dramatic and dangerous comeback after suffering brain damage in the ring.
Executive Producer
In the far-off future of 2001, a young boy from outer space lands on earth inside a flying peach. The boy (named Apple) is adopted by a Catholic priest, but soon disappears. Three schoolgirls decide to search for him, and soon find evidence that he is being held captive in a trendy dance club. What is the club owner doing with him, and will his adopted father ever see him again?
Hiroshi Kobayashi is on the run from police who would arrest him for the murder of his girlfriend Naomi. At the same time, he wants revenge on the yakuza member Kimura who got her stuck in drugs. The entire film consists of a long hunting-scene.
Executive Producer
1920년대 다이쇼 시대의 일본. 극작가인 마쓰사키는 우연히 신비로운 미녀 시나코를 만난다. 그녀와의 만남이 몇 차례 반복될수록 꿈과 현실 사이의 구분이 점점 모호해진다. 이즈미 교카의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 두 번째 작품이다.
A member of the jieitai ("Self-Defense Force"; i.e. Japanese military) is on leave and finds a woman giving birth in a graveyard in the former Yoshiwara district. He takes her to an inn to gove birth, and stays on a few days as she recovers, but becomes fascinated with the strange people he meets there, particularly the owner, who visits a house in his courtyard every day to talk and give food to his mother. He says she is very sick and can't leave bed, but no one else has ever been inside or seen her.
Executive Producer
‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작의 첫 번째 작품으로 우치다 핫켄의 소설을 원작으로 했다. 영화는 독일어 교수인 아오치의 여정을 따라가며 현실과 환상의 경계를 허문다. 내러티브보다는 스타일 자체에 집중하는 세이준 특유의 미학이 극명하게 드러나는 작품이다.
A delirious roman porno re-imagining of Seijun Suzuki's 'Branded to Kill'. Directed by Atsushi Yamatoya and scripted by Yôzô Tanaka, both 'Branded to Kill's' screenwriters and Suzuki's regular collaborators.
A delirious roman porno re-imagining of Seijun Suzuki's 'Branded to Kill'. Directed by Atsushi Yamatoya and scripted by Yôzô Tanaka, both 'Branded to Kill's' screenwriters and Suzuki's regular collaborators.
Scantily clad female warriors battle thieves to save a small village. Director Yasuharu Hasebe crossed the Seven Samurai legends of Shichinin No Samurai with his own popular Naraneko Rokku series and dressed it up with some of the most popular softcore pinup queens of the day.