Nikolina Vučetić Zečević

참여 작품

The Family Portrait
Delegated Producer
A quiet Sunday afternoon in the aristocratic, family home, just before the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Andras and his daughter Zsofia are caught by surprise when Andras’ brother Zoltan intrudes in the intimacy of their home, along with his big family. A poetic, dark, and somewhat humorous social observation, in which family ties and relationships are broken down and dissected to pieces.
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys’ friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
황혼 속에서
1948년 2차 대전 이후 리투아니아의 현실을 그리고 있다. 소련군이 진주하면서 공산화에 반대하는 세력은 빨치산 활동을 벌이고 세상은 선악을 판단할 수 없는 안개 속에 휩싸인다. 영화는 일반적인 상식이나 선입견으로 재단하기 어려운 상황들로 인물들을 끌어들인다. 공산주의는 지주를 몰아내고 땅의 소유권을 박탈하지만 이런 조치에 모두가 환호할 수는 없다. 더군다나 그들이 외국인이고 소련군이라면 더 그렇다. 일군의 사람들은 산에 들어가 소련군에 저항하기위해 총을 든다. 하층 계급 출신이기에 아내의 멸시를 감내했던 남자는 소련군의 편도, 빨치산의 편도 될 수 없는 상황에 처한다. 한 청년이 목격하는 사건들을 통해 역사의 아이러니를 그린 작품이다.
Executive Producer
Girl is going to a seaside with her boyfriend, but ends up locked and prepared for sex trafficking.
The Fourth Man
A man awakens from a two-month-long coma. Total amnesia. A bullet fired point blank. He doesn't remember anything. He's told that he had a wife and a son. They've been killed. He's revealed his past identity by the Colonel, who insists they are best friends. He's a Major of the Military Security Agency. An inspector from the State Security Agency appears affirming that he has information on people responsible for the massacre of his family. The Major is discharged from the hospital. He tries to patch together a normal life but is confronted with emptiness and despair. His only chance of discovering his identity and the assassin of his family is to accept the game that the Inspector has set up for him with the Businessman, the Mafioso and the Politician. He agrees... Discovers that he was a war criminal... Realizes who took a shot at him... Finds out who killed his family... Discovers the Fourth Man!