David Riker

참여 작품

더 위트니스
An action drama about an enthusiastic junior officer from the Hague War Tribunal in pursuit of justice.
더티 워즈
Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.
The Girl
A young Texan mother who loses her child to foster care begins smuggling Mexicans across the border.
The Girl
A young Texan mother who loses her child to foster care begins smuggling Mexicans across the border.
슬립 딜러
가까운 미래, 세상은 군인들에 의해 통제되고 있고 국경은 막혀있다. 사람들은 전 지구적인 디지털 네트워크를 통해 원격 노동을 하고, 이 네트워크는 사람들의 생활과 마음까지도 통제하고 있다. 이제, 과학기술이 구축해 놓은 사람들 사이의 장벽을 허물기 위한 주인공들의 목숨을 건 분투가 시작된다.
The City
The stories of four Hispanic immigrants living in New York City.
The City
The stories of four Hispanic immigrants living in New York City.
The City
The stories of four Hispanic immigrants living in New York City.
The City
The stories of four Hispanic immigrants living in New York City.