This outrageous comedy stages a soap opera of epic proportions, as one corrupt property developer faces trial for Mexico's violent history. The fourth feature from Santiago Mohar Volkow, Una historia de amor y guerra centres on real estate baron Pepe Sánchez-Campo, whose mega-mall development brings him into conflict with local guerrillas. For once, bribery and a call to Daddy might not be enough to save Pepe – a character more grotesque than the telenovela unfolding around him. Trying to sabotage Pepe's marriage to Constanza, her cousin and lover Teo records Pepe cheating. The resulting chaos precipitates in a burlesque bloodbath involving treachery, talking animals, colonial history and bartering in the afterlife.
Expelled from school, Alonso flees to Paris to meet his brother Pablo, who has cut all ties with his family and lives carelessly with his girlfriend Valeria. The sudden appearance of Alonso stirs Pablo's life exposing the brothers distant relationship and the lies in which he has built his new persona.
현재 멕시코 전역에서는 심각한 수준의 폭력 사태가 벌어지고 있는 중이다. 반면 어느 고급 저택에서는 한껏 멋을 낸 상류층들이 수행원들의 경호 속에 호화로운 결혼 파티를 즐기고 있다. 그러나 불안한 기운은 저택 안에도 조금씩 전해지고, 신부 마리안을 포함한 가족들은 곧 충격적인 사건을 겪는다.