Drama set in the 1950s, based on a true story, about a young girl, Sung Neng Yee, who is brought as part of a wealthy Chinese family. She is eager to become part of Mao Tze Tung's "new society", but soon becomes disenchanted by the economic misery the changes bring to her family. Before long, the authorities become aware of Neng Yee's feelings and she is taken to a labour camp, overseen by the sadistic Colonel Cheng.
Drama set in the 1950s, based on a true story, about a young girl, Sung Neng Yee, who is brought as part of a wealthy Chinese family. She is eager to become part of Mao Tze Tung's "new society", but soon becomes disenchanted by the economic misery the changes bring to her family. Before long, the authorities become aware of Neng Yee's feelings and she is taken to a labour camp, overseen by the sadistic Colonel Cheng.
Tim Devon was born out of wedlock and that his mother never told his father about him. Overwhelmed, Tim leaves Los Angeles in search of his father-armed with only a name and the city of Amsterdam as clues. When funds run out, Tim begins the downward spiral into a life of crime and drug use. He is encountered by a single caring person.
Tim Devon was born out of wedlock and that his mother never told his father about him. Overwhelmed, Tim leaves Los Angeles in search of his father-armed with only a name and the city of Amsterdam as clues. When funds run out, Tim begins the downward spiral into a life of crime and drug use. He is encountered by a single caring person.
The film centers on an emotional kayaking trip between a father and a son. The father has taken his boy into the deep Alaskan wilderness to tell him that he is divorcing the boy's mother, who is pregnant and waiting for them back home. While on the trip, the father and son get involved in a potentially fatal accident. Fortunately, an enigmatic mountain man appears to save them. Later he helps the troubled twosome find hope and salvation through God. Meanwhile, the wife, also finds a new life through old-time religion and happiness ensues all around.
They were a family torn apart by redemption...kept apart by pride...but brought together by a miracle.
They were a family torn apart by redemption...kept apart by pride...but brought together by a miracle.
Based on Joni Eareckson's autobiography. She becomes paralyzed after breaking her neck in a swimming accident at age 17. Trying to cope with her new life, she learns to paint using her mouth.
Based on Joni Eareckson's autobiography. She becomes paralyzed after breaking her neck in a swimming accident at age 17. Trying to cope with her new life, she learns to paint using her mouth.
이 이야기는 실화이다. 코리 템 붐 여사(Corrie ten Boom: 쟈넷 해리스 분)와 그녀의 가족 및 이들과 함께 암흑을 견디어낸 사람들이 쓴 기록과 그들 각자의 기억을 바탕으로 만든 영화이다. 이야기는 텐 붐 가족 3대, 6명이 항독 레지스탕스을 벌이게 되는 1940년 봄, 네덜란드의 하알렘시(Haarlem)로부터 시작되어 가족 가운데 유일하게 살아남은 코리 텐 붐 여사가 80살이되어 회상하는 것으로 끝이 난다. 하알렘 시에는 자그맣게 시계 제조-수리업을 해온 텐 붐 가족은 유태인이 아니었는데도 불구하고 온 집안이 깊은 신앙과 인도주의적차원에서 유태인들을 돕다가 화를 입게 된다. 먼저 가장인 카스파 노인(Casper ten Boom: 아더 오코넬 분)이 유태인에게만 착용토록 한 노란별(다윗의 별)을 가슴에 달음으로서 나치의 비인간적인 유태인 말살 정책에 항거했고, 그의 아들 빌렘(Willem ten Boom : 로버트 리티 분)과 손자 킥(Kik ten Boom: 리차드 렌 분)은 유태인의 해외탈출을 적극도와줌으로써 그의 집은 처음엔 유태인의 임시 피난처로 되었다가뒤에는 그의 두 딸들(Corrie / Betsie ten Boom: 줄리 해리스 분) 마저 가담함으로써, 미처 탈출못한 유태인들의 은신처로 화한다. 이들은 유아를 임시 피신시켰다가 탈출을 시켰고, 뒤이어 유태인 대학교수, 신학자 등을 차례로 보호하던 중, 체포된 유태인 아내를 뇌물로 빼내려 한다며 급전을 구하러 왔다는 게쉬타포의 끄나플 얀포글이라는 자의 편리를 봐주려다가 어느날 가족 전원이 체포되고만다. 그리하여 이들은 각처의 수용소로 분산 수용되었다가 코리를 제외한 가족 전원이 수용소에서 죽는다. 코리는 함께 고생하던 동생 벳시를 먼저 보내고, 점령군 측의 사무 착오로 2차대전이 끝난 해인 1945년 12월 28일 풀려나는 것이다.
A ten-year-old Israeli boy whose father died years earlier during the Six-Day-War is determined to find out more about his father's death. He skips school and, with the help of a friendly cab driver, heads to Jerusalem to find the men who fought with his father's unit and learn the exact circumstances. During the drive from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the cabbie provides a history of the establishment of the Jewish state
A conflicted teen lashes out by vandalizing equipment at the nuclear plant where his father works, then hits the road and finds a spiritual path.
Cliff Richard and Cliff Barrows, a member of Billy Graham's team, travel through Israel discussing passages from the Scriptures.
An American stewardess escaping from a bad relationship flees to Israel. She gets involved with an Israeli who takes her to the kibbutz where he grew up to meet his family. He's sort of a charming longhair, but it turns out the stewardess is pregnant by her old boyfriend, who then shows up.
Set in London's Swiinging Sixties, Cliff Richard plays Jamie Hopkins, an art student whose desperate need for money leads him to dabble in the underworld of drug dealing. Cliff has stated that Two A Penny, his most dramatically challenging movie role ever, is the film he is proudest of. He has stated, "if I did want to send a fiolm as a CV, I would send that one". It is certainly his most demanding and controversial role; cynical, self centered and highly manipulative, Jamie Hopkins lies, steals and double-crosses his mother (Dora Bryan), forces himself on his girlfriend (Ann Holloway) and gets involved in fist fights with criminals. Through the influence of his girlfriend, a born again Christian, is the possibility that he may reform, yet in the mystery of the film's by-line "He promised to love her forever….today" lies the possibility that he may well not.
"For Pete's Sake" is the heartfelt and inspiring story of a man (Robert Sampson) struggling to come to terms with his wife's (Pippa Scott) untimely death, while raising their young son (Johnny Jenson). Sam Groom portrays the family's pastor and Terri Garr debuts as a wayward young woman in this entertaining and thought-provoking comedy-drama.
"For Pete's Sake" is the heartfelt and inspiring story of a man (Robert Sampson) struggling to come to terms with his wife's (Pippa Scott) untimely death, while raising their young son (Johnny Jenson). Sam Groom portrays the family's pastor and Terri Garr debuts as a wayward young woman in this entertaining and thought-provoking comedy-drama.