In hopes that they can help each other, a psychiatrist arranges for a suicidal young man and a terminally ill woman to meet.
At the end of the 18th century in Bulgaria under Ottoman slavery, a young woman leaves home and family to become leader of a guerrilla gang.
Lamp Man
옥스퍼드 의과대학 졸업생인 에드워드 뉴게이트는 견습의 과정으로 스톤 허스트 정신병원으로 향한다. 이곳에서 뉴게이트는 병원장 램 박사와 치명적인 매력을 지닌 일라이저 그레이브스 부인을 만난다. 그는 자신의 환자인 그레이브스 부인을 향한 금지된 열망을 점차 키워간다. 그러던 중 램 박사 뒤에 숨겨졌던 끔직한 병원의 비밀들이 하나 둘씩 드러나는데…
Garbage Eater #1
1940년, 역사상 최악의 시베리아 강제 노동수용소라 불리는 '캠프 105'! 7명의 수감자들이 목숨을 건 탈출을 감행한다. 살을 파고드는 시베리아의 살인적인 추위와 지옥보다 더 고통스러운 고비사막의 폭염을 이겨내며 오직 자유를 찾아 6,500KM라는 믿을 수 없는 거리를 탈주한 이들의 리얼 감동 실화가 시작된다!
Chovechniyat agent
Two trains uncontrollably move towards each other within temporal boundaries of a human life. One of them is taking a genial young man to his unforeseen future; he would marry his beloved; have a son; become a brilliant doctor; do his duty and save the live of enemies of the communist regime; get a 20-years sentence for that. Prison would turn out to be an unbearable nightmare; his wife would eventually give in to the tortures of the authorities and seek divorce; this would mean no one to visit him in prison. 15 years without any news about his child, only a snapshot of his family on which the tree of them are smiling and happy.
Fleeing an abusive relationship, Mila, a teen prostitute, finds herself in a border town, pregnant, alone, and, to her surprise, welcome. The remote village is on a marijuana plantation run by a group of elderly men and women. Not having known much kindness, she goes into emotional hiding, but by the time the baby is born she has a new life and love. Her past, however, is not far behind
Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail the world, and Martha, the button obsessed cashier, to maintain the illusion for Anton's blind father that business is thriving. Working to sabotage their efforts is Gregor - Anton's brother - an amoral developer who is determined to raze the entire town and construct a sprawling condominium complex. Gregor engineers an accident that seems certain to doom the business and in the process steals away Eva, the beautiful woman of Anton's dreams. Will Gregor's dastardly plan succeed?