Julian Vergov
출생 : 1970-07-17, Sofia, Bulgaria
Signor Diconcini
Emmа trаvels to Itаly to teаch аnd reseаrch а wedding veil sаid to bring its owner love. She meets Pаolo, the son of а lаce-mаking fаmily in the аreа, while she is there.
Captain Vekilsky
Heat, iron, dust and the smell of oil. A typical workday of maximum security inmates will prove to be fateful for all of them. They find something extraordinary inside one of the machines, and an unexpected wave of compassion makes the prisoners take hostages and block the entrance to the workshop and risk their lives, because sometimes the desire to be human is stronger than the survival instinct.
The film was named after the short story “Petya of My Petya” written by the exceptional young poet Petya Dubarova. The director Alexander Kossev and the writers Valentina Angelova and Nelly Dimitrova lift the vail of the past to present Petya Dubarova and her talent to today’s young generations.
Nikola is a middle-aged man struggling to make sense of his life in his native Bulgaria and to say goodbye to his loved ones before leaving for Germany in search of a better life. This is a story about the last days of the past and the hope of a new beginning.
Dr. Stefanov
Dr. Stefanov is in the middle of a huge media scandal due to a patient's death. Antonia is a young journalist who bravely embarks on a journey to uncover what truly happened.
임무를 수행하던 중 팀원을 잃은 존 커터. 마음에 상처를 안고 전역한 그에게 상사였던 앤더슨 소장이 나타나 다시 한 번 원수를 만날 기회가 있다고 한다. 새로운 임무에 투입되어 새로운 팀원들과 함께하면서 그 팀원들만큼은 무사귀환을 시켜주겠다는 생각으로 희생한다. 결국 만나게 된 그의 원수 이고르 로딘으로부터 커터는 앤더슨 소장의 비밀을 듣게 되는데...
A road movie set in present day Bulgaria, a country remains optimistic, mainly because all the realists and pessimists have left. At a meeting with his banker, a small business owner, who drives a cab to make ends meet, discovers the bribe he will have to pay to get a loan has doubled. The ethics board that reviewed his complaint about extortion now wants its share of the action. At his wit's end, he shoots the banker and then himself. The incident sparks national debate on talk radio about how despair has taken over civil society. Meanwhile, six taxi drivers and their passengers move through the night, each in hope of finding a brighter way forward.
The seven year old Aya spends a lot of time in the theater because her farther, Asen, is an actor. One night Aya falls asleep in the control room. After the end of the show, intrigue, betrayal and tension in the theater group gradually escalate. Asen's illusions collapse, when he finds out that the television star, Boyan, will replace him in an upcoming premiere. Aya's father provokes a scandal, which turns into a drunken brawl. Will Asen succeed to rediscover himself with the unreserved support of his wife and the selfless love of his daughter?
Some time between childhood and adulthood, when life is a string of easy decisions, the world of half-sisters Iva and Maya is about to change drastically. They would have to find answers to questions grown-ups don’t even dare to ask. Can the two teenagers make decisions of life and death?
‘유리 보이카’는 챔피언 벨트만을 노리는 세계 최고의 파이터. 그는 부다페스트에서 열리는 유럽지부 챔피언십에 나가기 위해 경기를 하던 중 사고로 상대 선수를 죽인다. 이에 죄책감을 느끼며 괴로워하던 보이카는 죽은 선수의 아내를 돕기 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고 러시아로 떠난다. 그러던 중 그녀는 범죄조직에게 팔려가게 되고 보이카는 그녀를 구하기 위해 링에서 위험한 적들과 끊임없이 싸워야만 하는데...
Hristo is a homeless boy. He would do anything to get a normal living. But still there's something he wouldn't do. The price of 'normal' life, for him is too high.
Capitano Franz
Giovanni Bertone a former colonel, is a fraudster who extorts money from the families of the Nazi-Fascist prisoners. He promises them their freedom. Discovered by Colonel Muller he is offered a pact: to save his life, he must go to Milan with a false identity to discover the members belonging to the Resistance.
Varadin Dimitrov
A concert to celebrate Bulgaria joining the EU is being planned at the Embassy in London and it is the job of VARADIN, the new ambassador, to ensure the Queen attends. But with corrupt staff, criminal gangs operating out of the kitchen, falling in love with a stripper and a little misunderstanding with a PR firm that provides look-alike royalties - his simple task turns into a chaotic nightmare.
In Chechnya, an American doctor takes a detour in life when he helps a mysterious woman escape from her would-be assailant.
Will Tyler
40년 동안 흔적도 없이 사라진1200명의 주민, 그때마다 FBI가 동원되지만 뚜렷한 이유를 찾지 못한다. 한편 환자들에게서 미스터리한 공통점을 발견하고 실체에 접근하기 위해 최면치료를 감행하던 타일러 박사(밀라 요보비치)는 자신의 환자가 경찰과 대치극을 벌이다 가족도 죽이고 자살해버리는 최악의 사건을 겪에 된다. 경찰은 사고의 원인을 최면치료 때문이라 단정짓고 실험을 멈추길 강요하지만 그녀는 실험을 계속한다. 결국 딸마저 실종 당하자 그녀는 위험한 실체와의 접촉을 시도하는데…
Margarita leaves the famous reporter Marco Matanich, joining her brother and his friends from different Balkan countries, windsurfing on an island. But the wind stops and a beach war-game begins. To prove his skills to Margarita, Marco shoots them in reportage. Quoted by leading media it fires a Balkan conflict, the friends start building national borders between their tents, while Margarita disappears in the open sea.
During World War 2 a group of brave US Airmen are downed in Nazi controlled Europe, after their aircraft is attacked by Nazi-controlled mythological Gargoyles.
Italian Soldier
A group of European explorers returning from China battle a pair of dragons sent by an evil wizard intent on keeping his land a secret.
Radio Operator
When a volcano expert becomes convinced that a cataclysmic natural disaster is about to unfold, a volcanologist Professor John Shepherd and his graduate students believes that recent unexplainable volcanic activity as all of the volcanoes in the world are going to erupt and kill every living thing on the planet! They try to convince the government that their theory is true not a joke while also trying to figure out how to stop it before time runs out!
ER Doctor
A group of scientists try to stop a swarm of flesh-eating locusts that escape from a top secret government lab in the USA Midwest.
Lab Worker #2
알래스카 앞 바다 유전 기지에서 폭발사고가 발생되고, 글로벌 기업인 스타크에서 극비리에 개발한 나노 입자 ‘셀레나’가 유출되는 사건이 일어나고 만다. 셀레나는 끝없이 자기 복제를 반복하며, 접촉한 물질을 먹어치우는 파괴의 마신 그 자체. 셀레나의 맹위는 사상 최대의 거대한 폭풍이 되고, 온갖 천재지변이 인류를 덮치게 된다. 한편, 글로벌 기업 스타크의 움직임이 심상치 않음을 눈치 챈 전직 리포터 캐서린은 유전회사의 사원으로 일하면서 진실을 폭로하려고 하지만, 사고를 은폐하려는 스타크의 음모로 환경 테러리스트로 몰려 쫓기는 몸이 되고, 스타크의 극비문서 중에 이름이 있었던 기후학자 나단 박사를 찾아간다. 그리고 두 사람은 천재지변과 스타크의 음모를 폭로하고자 군대의 협조를 얻어 맞서게 되나 군의 총력을 기울인 공격에도 불구하고 종말의 시각은 시시각각 다가온다. 유일한 희망은 전자 펄스 폭탄을 이용한 폭파작전 뿐이다.
Jim Jacobs and Nick Carlton, childhood friends, are CIA operatives on a sting operation in Chechnya. The raid of a rebel militia group goes bad and the entire teams gets wiped out except for Jim and Nick, who manages to save them both. Five years later, they are out of the CIA game.
Von Berg
A young Jewish girl, Sarah, is looking to escape the clutches of the Third Reich after seeing her parents and sister brutally slain by a smuggler who betrayed them while attempting to escape to England. Terrified, she is sheltered by her childhood friend Jean, a homosexual in a clandestine relationship with his lover Philippe.
A young Jewish girl, Sarah, is looking to escape the clutches of the Third Reich after seeing her parents and sister brutally slain by a smuggler who betrayed them while attempting to escape to England. Terrified, she is sheltered by her childhood friend Jean, a homosexual in a clandestine relationship with his lover Philippe.
SWAT Member
Police lieutenant detective Thomas 'Thom' Randall's steady girl-friend, Dr. Jennifer 'Jen' Allen, is Dr. Aaron Michaels's main assistant on his pharmaceutical firm Bellion's research program to cure the highly contagious, fatal infection Guinin. A convicted murderer, whom Thom arrested, is one of their special drug test subjects, but escapes. The convict and Jen are affected by radioactively altered DNA from an experimental reactor used on mosquitoes which transfer quinine. The convict soon mutates into a mosquito-like monster, which sucks its victims dry. By the time Thom and his junior murder brigade partner Charlie Morrison figure out what happens, Jen starts mutating herself.
Roosevelt First Officer
An oceanic observation station is in desperate trouble after a sudden shark attack wrecked the oxygen supply. The accompanying ship, a coast guard cruiser, and other ships in and around the Bermuda triangle are attacked as well. The US Navy sends a submarine to investigate, but soon they too are under attack.
A scientist fights to save his daughter when she is chosen as one of the eight million human beings who are kept hostage by an alien species in order to save their planet.
Solitary Guard
러시아로 출장와 철강업체에서 근무하는 카일은 오랜만에 자신의 아내 그레이와 함께 휴가를 떠나기로 약속한다. 그러나 바로 그날, 아내는 누군가에게 잔인하게 살해 당하고, 아내의 죽음을 목격한 카일은 현장에서 범인의 뒷모습을 목격하고 그를 뒤쫓는다. 그러나 추격 중이던 카일은 경찰로부터 범인으로 오해 받아 체포되고, 진범과 함께 경찰서로 연행되지만 부유층 집안의 아들인 범인은 뇌물을 써서 무죄로 석방된다. 이에 분노한 카일은 법정에서 총으로 범인을 살해하고, 그 자리에서 체포되어 악명 높은 ‘크라바비’ 교도소로 이송된다. 죄수들의 기본적인 인권마저 무시하는 교도관들과 각종 흉악범들로 가득한 지옥과 다름없는 ‘크라바비’ 교도소. 이곳에서는 비밀리에 맨주먹으로 상대방이 쓰러질 때까지 싸워야 하는 ‘스파르카’라는 잔인한 경기가 벌어지고 있다. 미국인이라는 이유로 동료 죄수들과 잦은 충돌을 일으키던 카일은 교도소장으로부터 ‘스파르카’에 출전하라는 압력을 받기에 이르는데...
A secret fortune in diamonds lies at the bottom of the ocean but the treasure is also home to a school of deadly Great White sharks. Only one man knows the truth when a group of divers is attacked while searching for the loot. Now, the sharks are hunting swimmers on a nearby beach. The slaughter will continue until someone believes him.
After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.
Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built - an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between the miners and the corporation, and fights to stay alive and uncover the truth.
In order to win $25 million, Daredevil pilots enter the worlds fastest jet race.
Dirt Worker #1
The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.
A military satire inspired by wild real-life events from the 1990s when, in the chaotic aftermath of the fall of communism, a task force comprised of high-ranking Bulgarian army officers and psychics embarked on a top-secret military operation in the small village of Tsarichina to dig up an elusive alien artifact that would change the course of history and make Bulgaria great again.