Arthur Choisnet

Arthur Choisnet

프로필 사진

Arthur Choisnet

참여 작품

How to Survive Without Mum
After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…
Brasse coulée
The Other
Delivery man
An intimate portrait of a woman's mental confrontation and drifting between dream and reality after experiencing loss.
Le Travail du castor
Eric has just been employed. He works in a hypermarket belonging to a rich and mysterious man. He must stock the shelves. But in the massive space he discovers that logic and usefulness don't exist. Perhaps he should have read the 400 pages of his contract.
울프 콜
Torpedo operator SNLE
대통령 명령으로 적진에 핵 미사일 발사를 준비하는 ‘무적함’(SSBN)과 이를 호위하는 핵 추진 공격 잠수함 ‘티탄함’(SSN) 하지만 음파 탐지(SONAR)를 통해 적의 충격적인 비밀을 알아차린 해군은 핵 미사일 발사 10초를 남기고 사상 최악의 핵 전쟁을 막기 위해 사투를 벌이는데…
Cock, Crap, Fuck
Max, 20 years old, is a boy scout leader dealing with Tourette's syndrome. His symptoms disappear when he is in front of a camera. That's how he manages to seduce Giulia. But when they decide to make love, is the camera still welcome?
La Caverne
Wicked Game
Thibault de Lassay
1997 - An old notable French provincial family falls under the spell of a manipulator with no scruples able to make a whole family become paranoid.
Le Frère
Mona is fifteen years old and she still wets the bed. Alone, she is trying to find a solution to this increasingly embarrassing problem.
Arthur II
Arthur goes to school, arrives too late and on his way back witness a girl in trouble, he is going to try to something about it...
Clémenceau et Marguerite
Le Bon vivant
Te story of a gang of friends who love life. Until the day when the limits are exceeded and one of them, Lucas, takes the road after a party a little too watered ...