Martin Miller

Martin Miller

출생 : 1899-09-02,

사망 : 1969-08-26

프로필 사진

Martin Miller

참여 작품

Assignment to Kill
Police Chief (uncredited)
A private eye is hired by an insurance company to investigate a shipping magnate suspected of deliberately sinking his own ships for the insurance money. He finds himself involved in a web of deception, double-crossing and murder.
Up Jumped a Swagman
A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
노란 롤스로이스
Head Waiter
명차 노란 롤스로이스(The Yellow Rolls-Royce) 자동차가 여러 주인의 손을 거치면서 유럽을 전전하는 과정을 그린 영화.
Doctor Who: Marco Polo
Kublai Khan
The TARDIS crew lands in the Himalayas of Cathay in 1289, their ship badly damaged, and are picked up by Marco Polo's caravan on its way along the fabled Silk Road to see the Emperor Kublai Khan. The story concerns the Doctor and his companions' attempts to thwart the machinations of Tegana, who attempts to sabotage the caravan along its travels through the Pamir Plateau and across the treacherous Gobi Desert, and ultimately to assassinate Kublai Khan in Peking, at the height of his imperial power.
저주 받은 아이들
Prof. Gruber
과학자들은 각각 엄청난 지능을 가진 여섯 아이들이 있다는 것을 발견한다. 아이들은 연구를 위해 런던에 도착하지만 각각 그들의 대사관을 탈출하여 교회에 모여드는데...
핑크 팬더
Pierre Luigi - Photographer
기상천외한 「아이디어」가 가득 담긴 「코미디」물로서 핑크색의 괴상한 광채가 번쩍하는 순간, 국제연합 빌딩이 흔적도 없이 사라져 버리는가 하면, 미국 대통령이 무슨 까닭인지 TV 앞에서 협박을 받고 있다. 독단과 편견으로 추리수사를 벌이는 빠리경찰의 수수께끼 전담 수사관 「쟈크?크루소」와 괴기요절할 핑크의 표범이 엮어내는 괴작이다.
예기치 못한 일
Dr. Schwatzbacher
이륙 예정이던 비행기가 예기치 못한 안개로 인해 지연되면서 계획이 꼬인 사람들이 하룻밤 동안 여러 가지 일을 겪는 이야기
북경의 55일
1900년 여름 열강들의 북경 열강들의 자리 다툼이 한창인 가운데 가뭄으로 인한 민심은 더욱 흉흉해 진다. 중국인의 18명 중 13성이 외국인들에 의해 점령당하자 이를 저지하기 위한 의화단의 폭동이 기승을 부리는 가운데 외국인 거주지역 1천여 명의 거주자들은 긴급 대피를 서두른다. 북경에 도착한 미 해병대의 루이스 소령(Major Matt Lewis : 찰톤 헤스톤 분)은 호텔에서 묘한 매력을 풍기는 나타샤(Baroness Natalie Ivanoff : 에바 가드너 분)에게 호감을 느끼지만 주위의 시선이 따가움을 느낀다. 러시아 사령관의 부인이었던 그녀는 중국 장교인 영록과 염문을 뿌려 남편을 자살하게 만든 과거가 있었던 것. 열강 12개국 대표자들은 연합군이 4백명 뿐인 것을 우려, 떠날 것을 의결하지만 영국 대표는 시드니 장군이 도착할 때 까지 북경에 남을 것을 고집한다. 결국 이들은 북경 사수를 결정, 임전 태세를 갖춘다. 한편 서태후의 황실에서 의화단을 비호하는 단군왕과 정부군을 지휘하는 영 장군 사이에 묘한 갈등이 대두되는데. 의화단의 활동에 대해 공식적인 입장을 표명하지 않았던 서태후는 이를 공식화 하면서 영록에게 시드니의 상륙을 막을 것을 명령한다. 시드니는 정부군의 반격으로 천진으로 후퇴, 북경에 고립된 열강 대표들은 점점 위험에 빠진다. 결국 시드니가 북경에 도착, 의화단에 맞서 싸울 때까지 55일간의 서사적 로맨스가 펼쳐진다.
Incident at Midnight
In a late night chemist a shot bank robber has been taken for treatment, and to rendezvous with the gang leader.
The Fast Lady
Man with Microscope
A Scottish civil servant must learn how to drive a Bentley to impress his girlfriend's tycoon father.
오페라의 유령
A London opera house is haunted by tragic events on its opening night, but when its star is kidnapped, a producer tracks down the Phantom who is intent on seeking his revenge.
영광의 탈출
Dr. Odenheim
1947년. 제2차 대전 종전 후의 혼란이 온 세계를 흔들고 그런 사이에 억압받던 민족들이 오랜 질곡을 벗어나 새로운 나라를 세우기 시작하였다. 이 무렵 조국없는 민족이라 손가락질 받으며 박해를 받던 유태인에게도 그들의 오랜 꿈을 실현시킬 수 있는 기회가 오게 되었다. 그러나 이스라엘 건국을 정면에서 반대하는 아랍 여러 나라의 동향에 신경을 쓰는 영국은 키프러스 섬에 수용소를 설치하고 팔레스타인을 향해 몰려드는 유태인의 발을 일단 이곳에 묶어 놓는다. 어느날 키프러스 섬에 알리라는 한 사나이가 어둠을 타고 상륙해 유태인 수용소에 잠입한다. 그는 전 영국군 장교로 유태인 지하조직의 간부이다. 알리는 영국군 유태인 이동증명서를 위조하고 여객선 '엑소더스호'를 항구에 대기시킨 다음 백주에 당당히 2800여명의 동포를 탈출시키기 위해 이 배에 승선케 한다. 뒤늦게 이 사실을 안 영국군은 황급히 엑소더스호에 정선 명령을 내리고 그러자 액소더스의 모든 유태인들은 알리의 지도아래 전원 단식 투쟁을 한다. 이러기를 100시간, 마침내 영국군은 들끊는 세계 여론에 무릎을 꿇고 정선 명령을 취소한다. 전 유태인의 희망과 꿈을 싣고 조상의 땅 팔레스타인을 향해 힘차게 출발하는 '액소더스 호' 그리고...
Night School
Ambrose Solto
The plot focuses on a man returning home from prison to find his room being rented out to a tenant.
저주받은 카메라
Dr. Rosen
마크는 현재 영화 스튜디오에서 일하는 카메라맨이다. 그는 과외 시간을 이용해서 옐로우 잡지나 신문 등에 암거래하는 누드 사진을 찍는 부업도 하고 있다. 그러나 그는 어린 시절 아버지의 이상 실험에 영향을 받아 연속적으로 살인을 저지르는 살인자. 거리의 여인들을 촬영하고는 잔인하게 살인을 저지르고 피해자의 얼굴에 장난을 치는등 미친 짓을 계속한다. 드디어 경찰은 조사를 시작하고 마크의 방에서 엄청난 필름들을 발견하기에 이르는데...
Dr. Schrott
A California commercial pilot sees a telecast in London of an interview with Sir Mark Lodden at his home. The Canadian is convinced that the baronet is a fraud, and he is actually a look-alike actor named Frank Welney.
Violent Moment
Douglas Baines, a wartime army deserter, is lying low in a shabby flat with his girlfriend Daisy and the couple's small son, Jiffy. Returning home with a toy for Jiffy's second birthday, he learns that Daisy has had the boy adopted. When she refuses to tell him where the boy is, he strangles Daisy and goes on the run.
Mark of the Phoenix
A jewel thief finds himself a target when a smuggled cigarette case made from a stolen new metal falls into his hands.
Seven Thunders
Escaping British prisoners of war hide out in German occupied France.
The Gamma People
An American reporter smells a story when he is stranded in an Iron Curtain country where the local dictator is using gamma rays to transform children into mutated henchmen.
Child in the House
Professor Topolski
A lonely child must stay with her uncaring aunt and uncle after her mother is hospitalized. Her estranged father is a fugitive. For love and companionship, the eleven-year old girl becomes friends with the housemaid. When at long last, she meets her dad, she must vow to never reveal his location to the police.
An Alligator Named Daisy
Bandleader at Alligator Rally (uncredited)
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
Mad About Men
Dr. Fergus
Flirtatious mermaid Miranda swaps places with a schoolteacher who has gone on holiday. All is well until she falls in love with a human.
To Dorothy, a Son
Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, Myrtle stands to inherit $2,000,000 if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs on the way, else he gets the cash. She journies from New York to England, and finally tracks him down with his heavily pregnant new wife. Should she try and woo him back or challenge the legality of the new marriage?
You Know What Sailors Are
The best of British humor is on display in this satirical cold war romp! Donald Sinden plays Lieutenant Green, a radar expert in the Royal Navy. One night, whilst under the influence of alcohol, he welds an old pram to the deck of a foreign destroyer for a joke. The next morning, British Intelligence is desperate to know what the enemy’s new weapon is. To cover his tracks, Green calls it the ‘998’. When he is posted to the destroyer to explain about radar techniques, Green soon realizes that his prank has gone too far.
The Genie
A young woman discovers her grandfather owns the true Aladdin's lamp and discovers it's handsome Genie inside as well.
Carlo Penezzi
Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.
나는 전쟁 신부
Herr Schindler (uncredited)
프랑스군의 로샤르 대위는 미군인 게이츠 중위와 공동 임무를 수행한다. 두 사람은 성격 차이로 출발부터 티격태격하지만 결국 사랑에 빠져 결혼까지 한다. 하지만 전시의 이민법 때문에 함께 미국으로 갈 방법이 마땅치 않자 로샤르 대위는 ‘전쟁 신부' 자격으로 입국 허가를 받는다. 군대를 배경으로 성별을 역전시킨 하워드 혹스의 스크루볼 코미디. (2013년 8회 시네바캉스 서울)
Don't Ever Leave Me
Leon Stoltz
Elderly crook Harry Denton, when challenged to prove he is "not past it," decides to kidnap Sheila Farlane, the 16 year old daughter of a famous actor. When Harry loses his nerve, Sheila won't let him give up.
Man on the Run
Tony - Cafe Proprietor
An Army deserter, still a fugitive in Post-War Britain, wanders into a pawn-shop robbery and finds himself wanted for murder. He meets a war widow who helps him elude the police while he looks for the real criminals.
The Huggetts Abroad
Life is not going well for the Huggetts. Father has lost his job. Jimmy and his wife cannot get to South Africa where he has a new job. So the family decide that they should go to South Africa by truck. With their travelling companion they travel across the desert which includes a brush with the law.
Bonnie Prince Charlie
George II
The Pretender lands on Scottish shores and attempts to claim the crown.
The Blind Goddess
Mario - Waiter at the Savoy
Justice, the poets have it, is a blind goddess. Eric Portman stars as the lawyer defending a lord, Hugh Williams, accused by his secretary Michael Dennison of having diverted public funds for his own use.
Mine Own Executioner
Dr. Hans Tautz
Fearing her husband could become a killer, a woman seeks a psychiatrist's help.
The Ghosts of Berkeley Square
The ghosts of two stupid 18th-century officers are doomed to haunt a Berkeley Square mansion until the unlikely event of a reigning monarch paying the house a visit. It will take more than 200 years... Based on the novel "No Nightingales" by Caryl Brahms and S.J. Simon.
Night Boat to Dublin
Professor Hansen
British intelligence officers (Robert Newton, Guy Middleton) head off a Nazi plot to kidnap an atomic scientist.
Morgue Keeper
A seance is held to discover the whereabouts, and the killer, of a sculptor's wife.
English Without Tears
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
Hotel Reserve
Walter Vogel
A hunt for a spy, in a hotel in the South of France just before World War Two.
The Adventures of Tartu
Doctor Novotny
British Captain Terence Stevenson (Robert Donat) accepts an assignment even more dangerous than his everyday job of defusing unexploded bombs. Fluent in Romanian and German and having studied chemical engineering, he is parachuted into Romania to assume the identity of Captain Jan Tartu, a member of the fascist Iron Guard. He makes his way to Czechoslovakia to steal the formula of a new Nazi poison gas and sabotage the factory where it is being manufactured.
Squadron Leader X
Mr. Krohn
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?